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Amazon MQ

Amazon MQ

Last updated on July 25, 2023

Amazon MQ Cheat Sheet

  • AWS offering for a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ. Message brokers allow different software systems–often using different programming languages, and on different platforms–to communicate and exchange information.
  • Amazon MQ also supports RabbitMQ, a popular open-source message broker. Migrate your existing RabbitMQ message brokers to AWS without having to rewrite code.
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    • Amazon MQ uses industry-standard APIs and protocols for messaging, including Java Message Service (JMS), .NET Message Service (NMS), AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, OpenWire, and WebSocket.
    • Amazon MQ manages administrative tasks such as hardware provisioning, broker setup, software upgrades, and failure detection and recovery.
    • Amazon MQ stores your messages redundantly across multiple Availability Zones (AZs).
    • Amazon MQ supports both single-instance brokers, suitable for evaluation and testing, and active/standby brokers for high availability in production. In the event of a failure of the broker, or even a full AZ outage, Amazon MQ automatically fails over to the standby broker.
  • ActiveMQ messaging features
    • ActiveMQ provides all the standard JMS features including:
      • point-to-point (message queues),
      • publish-subscribe (topics),
      • request/reply,
      • persistent and non-persistent modes,
      • JMS transactions,
      • and distributed (XA) transactions.
    • ActiveMQ also supports more complex patterns such as:
      • composite destinations (producers can send the same message to multiple destinations)
      • virtual destinations (publishers broadcast messages via a topic to a pool of receivers subscribing through queues)
    • ActiveMQ preserves the order of messages sent by a single producer to all consumers on a topic.
    • ActiveMQ supports message groups, which enable multiple consumers on a queue to process messages within a group in first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.
    • ActiveMQ also supports message redelivery and dead letter queues when a message cannot be delivered to its destination.

Amazon MQ Brokers

    • A message broker environment running on Amazon MQ. It is the basic building block of Amazon MQ.
    • Brokers created without public accessibility can’t be accessed from outside of your VPC.
    • Broker Types
      • A Single-instance broker is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone. The broker communicates with your application and with an AWS storage location.

        Amazon MQ 2

      • An Active/standby broker for high availability is comprised of two brokers in two different Availability Zones, configured in a redundant pair. These brokers communicate synchronously with your application, and with a shared storage location.

Amazon MQ 3

    • Broker instance types
      • Mq.t2.micro
        • mq.t2.micro instances are designed for initial product evaluation
      • Mq.m4.large
      • Mq.m5.large
        • mq.m5.large instance for default production usage
      • Mq.m5.xlarge
      • Mq.m5.2xlarge
      • Mq.m5.4xlarge
    • A network of brokers is comprised of multiple simultaneously active single-instance brokers or active/standby brokers. You can configure networks of brokers in a variety of topologies (for example, concentrator, hub-and-spokes, tree, or mesh).


    • A configuration contains all of the settings for your ActiveMQ broker, in XML format.
    • Making changes to a configuration does NOT apply the changes to the broker immediately. To apply your changes, you must wait for the next maintenance window or reboot the broker.

Security and Monitoring

    • Amazon MQ provides encryption of your messages at rest and in transit.
    • Connections to the broker use SSL, and access can be restricted to a private endpoint within your Amazon VPC.
    • Authentication from applications to the ActiveMQ broker itself is provided using username and password-based authentication.
    • Amazon MQ supports LDAP authentication and authorization with directory services like Microsoft Active Directory.
    • Amazon MQ is HIPAA eligible and meets standards for PCI, SOC, and ISO compliance.
    • You can configure Amazon MQ to publish general and audit logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Amazon MQ Pricing

    • You pay for the time your message broker instance runs (price varies depending on the size of the instance used), the storage you use monthly, and standard data transfer fees.
  • IBM MQ

    • IBM MQ is messaging middleware that simplifies and accelerates the integration of diverse applications and business data across multiple platforms.
    • It uses message queues to facilitate the exchange of information.
  • Features
      • It offers a single messaging solution for cloud, mobile, IoT, and on-premises environments.
      • The IBM MQ service on AWS supports client messaging applications from
        • within your virtual private cloud (VPC),
        • from trusted addresses on the internet,
        • and via a VPN from your on-premises environment.
      • Secure message delivery with end-to-end encryption.
      • Dynamic scaling via auto scaling groups since IBM MQ runs on an EC2 instance running on a pre-built AMI.
    • The IBM MQ server is typically placed in a private subnet, spanning across two availability zones for high availability. The only ways to access it are through two ports exposed by a public facing elastic load balancer (ELB) or, if you need to SSH to the host, via a Bastion server from the public subnet.
    • All the queue manager data is stored on Amazon EFS.

Amazon MQ Cheat Sheet References:


Written by: Jon Bonso

Jon Bonso is the co-founder of Tutorials Dojo, an EdTech startup and an AWS Digital Training Partner that provides high-quality educational materials in the cloud computing space. He graduated from Mapúa Institute of Technology in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in Information Technology. Jon holds 10 AWS Certifications and is also an active AWS Community Builder since 2020.

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