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Why Should I Learn Cloud Computing?

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Why Should I Learn Cloud Computing?

Last updated on May 3, 2023

In the previous article, we talked about the fundamentals of cloud computing. In this section, we will give you three reasons why you should learn cloud computing.

We have a long history of how technological advancements have influenced the way society thinks and strives. Needless to say, technology has created and destroyed livelihoods. One good example is the rise and fall of switchboard operators. A switchboard operator is a person whose job is to be the intermediary between callers by manually connecting phone plugs to the appropriate jacks in the old telephone switchboard. The emergence of transistors back in the day led to the invention of automatic switches that replaced the role of switchboard operators. 

I like to believe that Cloud Computing is the “transistor” of our generation. Did you know that the size of a computer was once as big as a room? Thanks to the advent of transistors, portable handheld computers with insane processing power are now possible. Just like how transistors transformed our lives, the Cloud is also undertaking the same path. Cloud computing is the next frontier of digital transformation. 

The Cloud has changed the way we view and interpret data. AI-based predictions powered by cloud resources are now the prevalent solutions in dealing with critical business decisions and goals by reducing operating costs and human error. It has also revolutionized the entertainment industry by accelerating the distribution of media content around the globe. Most of the traditional IT operations are now being migrated into the Cloud. In the future, our grandchildren might even make fun of the idea of how we used to rent physical spaces and buy dedicated computers to host servers and databases.

There are three reasons why we think you need to learn Cloud Computing.

Future-Proof Your Career

Cloud Computing has become the backbone of many IT solutions and operations for the past decade. And according to research, it will continue to do so for the coming years. It appears that the demand for skills in Cloud computing has been on the rise with no signs of slowing down. Today, even non-technical job roles are required and expected to have some basic knowledge on at least one Cloud Platform. 

Here is a fun fact, according to the World Economic Forum – it is estimated that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t exist yet. At this point, we can only make assumptions. But if you closely observe and follow the job trends in the market today, it is becoming hardly a surprise that tech skills will dominate the job market in the future. Cloud computing is in front of the movement in digital transformation and if you’d ask me, there’s a high probability that jobs in the future will emerge from the advancement and maturation of Cloud technologies. 

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With that being said, there has never been a better time to learn Cloud Computing than now. Whether you are an IT professional, a student, or even an average Joe who’s interested in tech, investing your time and resources in learning cloud computing skills is going to be worth your while. This is a decision that you’ll not regret and will make a big impact in securing yourself a bright future and career. 

Raise Your Value as an IT Professional

The good news is that if you already have experience and a position in the IT field then it would be easier for you to adapt and learn cloud computing. You could transfer your current skill sets in automation, development, or networking in the Cloud. If you’re looking for a way to raise your professional status by updating your skills for a chance of increasing your salary then you can start by earning a Cloud Certification. Cloud Certifications are a great way of projecting yourself as a high caliber IT Professional. It will show your hunger and willingness to stay relevant which will ultimately open up opportunities for you to get role promotions.

Personal Growth and Interest

The purpose of learning the intricacies of Cloud computing doesn’t always mean wanting to secure job positions. If you are a hobbyist who finds joy in creating modern solutions to existing problems, then that is also a valid reason to acquire cloud computing skills. Cloud Providers have an arsenal of technologies that will introduce you to new ways of quickly building solutions that will solve real-world problems.

In the next part of our Introduction to Cloud Computing blog tutorial, we’ll share with you the 10 most common use cases of cloud computing.

This article is part of our free Journey to Cloud: A Beginner’s Guide eBook. Click here to get a free copy.

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Written by: Carlo Acebedo

Carlo is a cloud engineer and a content creator at Tutorials Dojo. He's also a member of the AWS Community builder and holds 5 AWS Certifications. Carlo specializes in building and automating solutions in the Amazon Web Services Cloud.

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