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Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex

Last updated on June 23, 2023

Amazon Lex Cheat Sheet

  • A service that can help you build conversational interfaces using voice and text.
  • Uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text.
  • Uses natural language understanding (NLU) for recognizing the intent of the text.
  • Provides highly-engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions.
  • Gets more intelligent over time by using deep learning.
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Common Use Cases

  • AI Chatbots
  • Informational bots
  • Enterprise Productivity bots
  • Voice Assistants


  • Bots
    • Performs automated tasks such as ordering food or booking flights.
    • Supports multiple intents – for example, a bot can book a reservation or may choose to cancel it.
  • Intent
    • A set of actions given to a bot by a user.
    • Intent name
      • A description for the intent (e.g. ‘BookFlights’, ‘OrderFood’)
    • Sample utterances
      • Describes the tone of the intent.
    • How to fulfill the intent
      • Describes the method of fulfilling an intent.
      • Deeply integrates with AWS Lambda to fulfill the intent.
  • Slot
    • An optional parameter is used as a part of the intent configuration.
    • Slot type
      • You can create a custom or built-in slot type.
      • Each slot type should have a unique name within an AWS account.

Amazon Lex Pricing

  • Pay-as-you-go payment model
  • $0.004 per voice request
  • $0.00075 per text request

Note: If you are studying for the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exam, we highly recommend that you take our AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty Practice Exams and read our Machine Learning Specialty exam study guide.

AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Exams

Amazon Lex Cheat Sheet References:


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Written by: Carlo Acebedo

Carlo is a cloud engineer and a content creator at Tutorials Dojo. He's also a member of the AWS Community builder and holds 5 AWS Certifications. Carlo specializes in building and automating solutions in the Amazon Web Services Cloud.

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