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AWS Billing Conductor

Last updated on April 12, 2024

AWS Billing Conductor Cheat Sheet

  • Facilitates showback and chargeback workflows for AWS Solution Providers and Enterprise customers.
  • Enables customization of an alternative monthly billing data version.
  • Models your billing relationship with customers or business units.
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  • Maintains your existing AWS billing method.
  • Allows configuration, generation, and display of rates to specific customers over a billing period.
  • Supports analysis of rate differences between your groupings and actual AWS rates.

Key Features

  • Group Accounts: You can group your accounts into a set of mutually exclusive set of accounts (billing groups). These groups are used to provide an aggregated view across a set of accounts. In addition, the cost and usage of each billing group are computed like it is a stand-alone customer. This lets you model the sharing of reserved instance and Savings Plans benefits, volume tiering discounts, and AWS Free Tier for each billing group.
  • Custom Pricing Plans: You can apply custom pricing plans: global, service, billing entity, and SKU-specific markups or discounts relative to On-Demand rates. You can also turn off Free Tier with the global or service-scoped pricing rule tiering option.
  • Custom Line Items: You can create and apply one-time or recurring charges or credits to your billing groups. These custom line items can be created as flat or percentage-based.
  • Pro Forma Cost Analysis: Analyze pro forma costs based on your pricing configuration for each billing group in the AWS Billing console bills page.
  • Accounts within your billing groups have the ability to visualize, forecast, and generate personalized reports of their projected costs using AWS Cost Explorer.
  • Cost and Usage Report per Billing Group: You can generate a Cost & Usage Report (CUR) for each of your billing groups, available at the payer account and the primary account of a billing group. Non-primary accounts within a billing group can only generate a CUR for their own account.
  • Margin Analysis: You can analyze month-to-date and historical differences between the rates that you apply to your billing groups relative to your actual AWS rates.


  • AWS Billing Conductor supports managing your billing and reporting processes by allowing you to customize the billing rates, allocate credits and charges, and distribute overhead expenses as per your requirements.

  • It offers you a system to set up, produce, and present specific rates to selected customers during a specified billing cycle.
  • It doesn’t change the way that you’re billed by Amazon Web Services each month.


  • AWS Billing Conductor is free for the first 62 days.
  • The first 500 accounts you assign to any ABC billing groups are billed monthly at $8.25 per account.
  • The next 1,500 accounts are billed at $6.75 per account.
  • All accounts beyond 2,000 are billed at $5.25 per account.

AWS Billing Conductor Cheat Sheet Reference:


Written by: Nestor Mayagma Jr.

Nestor is a cloud engineer and member of the AWS Community Builder. He continuously strives to expand his knowledge and expertise in AWS to foster personal and professional growth. He also shares his insights with the community through numerous AWS blogs, highlighting his commitment to Cloud Computing technology. In his leisure time, he indulges in playing FPS and other online games.

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