Our AWS exam study guides were created based on our actual exam experience as well as thorough and intense research on the topics that are relevant for each AWS certification exam. They also contain a lot of handy tips and plenty of resources and reading materials that you can use to prepare for the exam. If you are new to AWS and unsure which AWS certification is suitable for you, check out this article – Which AWS Certification is Right for Me?
Lastly, we also recommend that you answer as many AWS practice test questions as you can and read our very handy AWS cheat sheets to further increase your chances of passing the exam. And if you want to access only the relevant cheat sheets for the specific AWS exams that you are preparing for then check out the Tutorials Dojo Study Guide and Cheat Sheets eBooks.
All the best!
AWS Exam Study Guides
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C03
- AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate SOA-C02
- AWS Certified Developer Associate – Associate DVA-C02
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C02
- AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02
- AWS Certified Security – Specialty SCS-C02
- AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty ANS-C01
- AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty MLS-C01
- AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01
- AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer – Associate MLA-C01
Other Guides:
AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!
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