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Batch Data Ingestion Simplified in AWS

Today’s tech industry is dominated by Big Data and Cloud Computing. It is crucial for companies and organizations to efficiently manage large volumes of data. To address this important need, AWS offers robust solutions for handling these chunks of large data, particularly through batch data ingestion. This process involves collecting and importing bulk or big data into storage or other processing systems at regular intervals or specific events. Batch data ingestion is crucial for scenarios where immediate or real-time processing is not necessary, allowing for efficient resource utilization.

Batch data ingestion in AWS is not only efficient and cost-effective but also provides scalability and flexibility, built for the diverse needs of companies and organizations today. As data grows exponentially, the ability to ingest, store, and process data in batches becomes a very important part of data management. AWS, with its suite of tools and services, allows companies and organizations in the tech industry today to be able to harness the power of their own data. Whether this big data is used for analytics, reporting, or machine learning, batch data ingestion is to be considered as a foundation for turning raw data into valuable insights. This approach not only simplifies the handling of big data but also aligns with the evolving trends in data processing, where agility and adaptability are key to staying competitive in this data-driven world.

Understanding Batch Data Ingestion

Batch data ingestion refers to the process of collecting and importing large or small sets of data at regular intervals. Unlike real-time ingestion, which processes data instantly or immediately, batch ingestion deals with data that can tolerate delay before processing. This type of data ingestion is ideal for scenarios where data is not time-sensitive, such as daily sales reports, processing of logs, or monthly inventory updates.

Scheduled Batch Data Ingestion

Scheduled batch data ingestion is an automated process that operates at predefined times. Using AWS services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Eventbridge, data ingestion can be programmed to run at specific intervals, such as daily or weekly. This approach is efficient for data that accumulates over time and does not require to be processed instantly.

Event-Driven Batch Data Ingestion

Event-driven batch data ingestion in AWS is initiated when a certain event occurs. One example of this scenario is when a new file or object is uploaded to an S3 bucket. This method uses AWS services such as AWS Lambda to trigger ingestion workflows in response to specific events. This then allows for dynamic data handling based on real-time occurrences. 

Key AWS Services for Batch Data Ingestion

The following are some of the services in AWS that facilitate batch data ingestion:

  • AWS S3 — A scalable storage service that serves as a common destination for ingested data.
  • AWS Glue — A fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that prepares and transforms data for analysis.
  • AWS Data Pipeline — A web service for processing and moving data between different AWS compute and storage services.
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose — A service for capturing, transforming, and loading streaming data into AWS services like S3 and Redshift in close to real-time.

Best Practices for Batch Data Ingestion in AWS

1. Validate Data

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  • Accuracy and Integrity — Before ingesting data into AWS, it is important to validate the accuracy and integrity of the data before anything else. We need first to check its completeness, correctness, and consistency. Pre-process the data first to clean and standardize it to ensure that it meets the quality standard required for future processing and analysis.
  • Automation Tools — Utilize AWS services like AWS Glue and Lambda functions to automate the validation process of the data. These tools can help in identifying and rectifying common data issues such as missing values and duplicate records.

2. Optimize Storage Formats

  • Efficient Formats — Choosing the right data format is crucial for optimizing storage and as well as query performance. Parquet and ORC are the ideal formats for handling large datasets because of their columnar storage capabilities.
  • Compression and Partitioning — Compression can save costs and improve I/O efficiency. Additionally, partitioning data based on certain keys, like the date or region, etc., can significantly speed up queries by reducing the amount of data being scanned.

3. Secure Data Access

  • IAM Policies and Roles — It is a rule of thumb to crucially use AWS IAM properly to control access to AWS resources. Just like any other operation in AWS, the principle of least privilege needs to be followed at all times.
  • Encryption — Encrypt data at rest and in transit. In handling data in general, we need to ensure that the data is protected from unauthorized access at all times. In AWS, AWS KMS is used to manage encryption keys, and services like Amazon S3, Glue, and Data Pipeline support encryption natively.

4. Monitor Data Ingestion Pipelines

  • CloudWatch and CloudTrail — Implement monitoring and logging using AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail all throughout the ingestion pipeline. This will monitor the health and audit changes or access to your AWS resources.
  • Alerts and Notifications — Set up alerts for any operational anomalies and failures. This enables quick response to mitigating issues, potential data loss, and downtime.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Implementing a Simple Batch Data Ingestion in AWS


  1. Set up a development environment or development account in AWS
  2. Basic understanding of AWS Services like S3, Glue, and Data Pipeline
  3. Download this sample CSV.

Setting Up an S3 Bucket

In your AWS console, navigate to Amazon S3 and create a new bucket. Click Create bucket, then provide a globally unique name for your bucket and select a region. Leave the remaining settings as default and click Create bucket. Create another S3 bucket for the target of your ETL job.

Uploading Data to S3

Open your newly created S3 bucket, then click Upload. Click Add files and select the sample CSV to upload that CSV file to your S3 bucket. Then click Upload.

Setting Up AWS Glue 

In your AWS Console, navigate to AWS Glue. Create a new crawler to catalog your data. Click Add crawler and then name your crawler. Then, proceed to Add a data store. Choose S3 and the path to your bucket. Follow the prompts to finish setting up the crawler. For the IAM role, choose an existing role or create a new one. For the database, create and name a new database. 

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Then select your crawler and click Run crawler. Once completed, it will create a metadata table in Glue’s Data Catalog.

Then, create an ETL job to transform your data. Navigate to the Jobs tab in Glue and create a Job. Name your job and assign the role you used or created for the crawler. Edit this role to grant the ETL job read and write access to your target S3 bucket. Choose a source target and target. The source will be the table created by your crawler, and the target will be the S3 bucket you created earlier. Design your transformation using the provided script editor or the visual editor.

Optionally, you can deploy any kind of transformation you want, but for the sake of the simplicity of this tutorial, no transformations will be made since our data is already structured. This job would simply convert the CSV formatted file from the source S3 bucket to a Parquet file to the target S3 bucket.

Automating Data Ingestion with AWS Data Pipeline

In your AWS Console, navigate to AWS Data Pipeline. Create a new pipeline. Name the new pipeline you created and define the source as your Glue job. Set the schedule for the pipeline, for example, daily. Then, specify the output location in your S3 bucket. Once the pipeline is activated, it will run based on your defined schedule, executing the Glue job every time.

You’ve set up a basic batch data ingestion pipeline using AWS services. This pipeline takes your sample CSV file from S3, optionally processes it using AWS Glue, and outputs the results back into S3, all managed and scheduled via AWS Data Pipeline.

This setup is a foundation, and you can expand or modify it based on your specific requirements, such as adding more complex data transformations in Glue or integrating other AWS services.

Final Remarks

Many businesses leverage AWS for batch data ingestion. For example, a retail company may use scheduled ingestion for daily sales data, while a media company might rely on event-driven ingestion for processing user-generated content as it arrives. 

Challenges in batch data ingestion include ensuring data consistency, scalability, and managing costs. Choosing between scheduled and event-driven ingestion strategies depends on the specific data and business requirements.

Batch data ingestion in AWS is a critical component for companies and organizations managing large datasets. By understanding and utilizing AWS services effectively, organizations can efficiently handle their data ingestion needs, whether through scheduled or event-driven approaches.





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Written by: Iggy Yuson

Iggy is a DevOps engineer in the Philippines with a niche in cloud-native applications in AWS. He possesses extensive skills in developing full-stack solutions for both web and mobile platforms. His area of expertise lies in implementing serverless architectures in AWS. Outside of work, he enjoys playing basketball and competitive gaming.

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