Last updated on May 5, 2019
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE AWS Practice Test Anniversary Sale!
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Our AWS practice test courses simulate the latest versions of the exam and we regularly update the question bank based on first-hand experience as well as on feedback we have gathered, to make them as close as possible to the real exam.
Cloud computing has grown a lot the past couple of years and we highly recommend getting more than one certification, to keep yourself as versatile as possible in this highly competitive industry. In fact, after I got my AWS CSA-Associate certification, I prepared for and took the CSA-Professional exam two months later. The salary I’m getting as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional here in Sydney is truly rewarding, and I’d like to help you get that as well.
Important Promo Mechanics:
Promo period runs from March 1, 2019 (10 PM AEDT) until March 15, 2019 (10 PM AEDT).
Coupon code ANNIV-CSAA-FB must be used to purchase any of the three practice test courses mentioned above. Using any other coupon code will make you ineligible for the promotion.
We will contact you (via direct message on Udemy) 30 days after purchasing any of our practice test courses asking you to choose which of our two other AWS practice test courses you’d like to get for FREE. We will then send you the free coupon link to the course of your choice within 48 hours of letting us know your preference.
Note: If you refund the practice test course that you bought for this promotion, you will be ineligible to get the free course.
We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam.
All the best!
AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Upskill and earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or join our Slack study group. More importantly, answer as many practice exams as you can to help increase your chances of passing your certification exams on your first try!