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RI Utilization vs RI Coverage: Difference Between these Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Metrics


The Amazon EC2 enables developers up to businesses to deploy their own applications with flexibility, high availability, and cost-efficiency as it removes the need to invest in physical hardwares or servers. From running applications, hosting websites, and managing databases, EC2 serves as the foundation for anything that is cloud-based. Talking about its cost-efficiency, there are different "Instance Purchasing Options" that you can choose from depending on your server requirements and also your financial capabilities. And these are: On-Demand Instances, Spot Instances, Reserved Instances, Dedicated Host, Savings Plans, and Capacity Reservation. As I would like to discuss the difference between those [...]

RI Utilization vs RI Coverage: Difference Between these Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Metrics2024-09-24T09:51:54+00:00

Understanding and Managing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Invocations


Introduction AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. It automatically scales applications by running code in response to events and only charges for the compute time used. This makes AWS Lambda an ideal choice for building scalable and cost-effective applications. However, one challenge that developers might encounter is recursive loop invocations. This occurs when a Lambda function inadvertently triggers itself, leading to a potentially endless loop of invocations. This can result in high costs and system instability if not properly managed. In this blog post, we will explore the [...]

Understanding and Managing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Invocations2024-06-11T01:05:06+00:00

Managing AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits


Cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) have become widely recognized and necessary for businesses of all sizes. However, with the convenience and flexibility of AWS come the potential challenges of managing costs effectively. It can be daunting to manage AWS costs, particularly when you have a lot of resources running in your account. Nonetheless, there is a way to help with this concern by working your AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits. This provides a powerful solution for keeping cloud spending in check. In this article, we will discuss about setting up AWS Budgets to allow you to [...]

Managing AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits2023-08-10T01:50:59+00:00

How to View your Actual AWS Bill if you have AWS Credits


Having AWS Credits can significantly reduce the cost of your cloud resources in your AWS account. However, there are some changes in your AWS Billing and Cost Management console that you must be aware of, to ensure that you still understand the running cost of your cloud services. You can easily view the actual bill of your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account on the Bills page by default, which you can access via the Billing Dashboard. This screen will show you your total AWS bill, payment summary, AWS service charges, tax invoices, and many other info. It's a straight-forward process, [...]

How to View your Actual AWS Bill if you have AWS Credits2022-11-25T18:22:15+00:00

AWS Billing and Cost Management


Bookmarks AWS Free Tier AWS Cost Anomaly Detection AWS Billing Conductor AWS Cost and Usage Reports AWS Cost Explorer AWS Budgets AWS Billing and Cost Management Cheat Sheet Cost Explorer tracks and analyzes your AWS usage. It is free for all accounts. Use Budgets to manage budgets for your account. Use Bills to see details about your current charges. Use Payment History to see your past payment transactions. AWS Billing and Cost Management closes the billing period at midnight on the last day of each month and then calculates your bill. [...]

AWS Billing and Cost Management2023-12-19T00:54:50+00:00

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