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AWS Migration Services

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Migration Evaluator Cheat Sheet


Migration Evaluator Cheat Sheet Migration Evaluator is a service that helps organizations assess their on-premises infrastructure and plan a migration to AWS. It provides insights into the costs of running current workloads on AWS and recommends optimized AWS resources based on usage patterns. Migration Evaluator Use Cases Use the Agentless Collector for broad discovery of your infrastructure or securely upload existing inventory data for analysis and insights. Capture a snapshot of your current on-premises environment to optimize software licensing, map server dependencies, and explore various migration strategies. Assess your current state, define a target AWS state, and create a migration [...]

Migration Evaluator Cheat Sheet2024-09-13T07:55:06+00:00

Azure 101: Azure Migrate


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, migrating to the cloud has become crucial for organizations seeking to remain competitive and agile. While the cloud offers numerous benefits, such as scalability, cost optimization, and flexibility, the migration process presents a unique challenge. These challenges include the need for technical expertise to navigate complex cloud environments, potential security risks that come with transferring sensitive data and ensuring a seamless transition with minimal downtime. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, organizations can successfully embark on their cloud journey and fully harness the power of cloud computing to drive innovation and growth. Introduction Microsoft [...]

Azure 101: Azure Migrate2023-08-14T03:12:09+00:00

AWS DataSync


Bookmarks How It Works Concepts Features Use Cases Pricing Limits AWS DataSync Cheat Sheet An online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates copying large amounts of data to and from AWS storage services over the internet or AWS Direct Connect.  DataSync can copy data between: Network File System (NFS) or Server Message Block (SMB) file servers,  Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets,  Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file systems,  Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file systems How It Works Deploy an agent - Deploy a DataSync [...]

AWS DataSync2024-01-18T07:23:36+00:00

AWS Migration Strategies – The 7 R’s


The Seven Common Migration Strategies (7 R’s) Rehost (“lift and shift”) Move applications to AWS without changes. In large-scale, legacy migrations, organizations are looking to move quickly to meet business objectives. Applications may become easier to re-architect once they are already running in the cloud. This happens because the hard part, which is migrating the application, data, and traffic, has already been accomplished. Replatform (“lift, tinker and shift”) You are making a few cloud optimizations in order to achieve some tangible benefit without changing the core architecture of the application. Replatforming Tools Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for relational databases [...]

AWS Migration Strategies – The 7 R’s2024-01-18T07:24:30+00:00

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS)


Please note that AWS has discontinued the AWS Server Migration Service (AWS SMS). AWS now recommends the AWS Application Migration Service as the primary migration service. Check out this AWS Application Migration Service Cheat Sheet. AWS Server Migration Service Cheat Sheet An agentless service for migrating thousands of on-premises workloads to AWS. This is the enhanced replacement of Amazon EC2 VM Import service. SMS orchestrates server migrations by: automating incremental replication of live server volumes to the AWS cloud allowing customers to schedule replications track the replication progress of a group of servers via Management Console Each server volume replicated [...]

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS)2024-04-29T06:42:58+00:00

AWS Database Migration Service


Bookmarks AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) Basic Schema Copy Pricing AWS Database Migration Service Cheat Sheet AWS Database Migration Service supports homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, as well as heterogeneous migrations between different database platforms, such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora. You can use Database Migration Service for one-time data migration into RDS and EC2-based databases. You can also continuously replicate your data with high availability (enable multi-AZ) and consolidate databases into a petabyte-scale data warehouse by streaming data to Amazon Redshift and Amazon S3. Continuous replication can [...]

AWS Database Migration Service2024-11-14T09:21:41+00:00

AWS Snowmobile


AWS Snowmobile Cheat Sheet An exabyte-scale data transfer service used to move extremely large amounts of data to AWS. You can transfer up to 100PB per Snowmobile. Snowmobile will be returned to your designated AWS region where your data will be uploaded into the AWS storage services you have selected, such as S3 or Glacier. Snowmobile uses multiple layers of security to help protect your data including dedicated security personnel: GPS tracking, alarm monitoring 24/7 video surveillance an optional escort security vehicle while in transit All data is encrypted with 256-bit encryption keys you manage through the AWS Key Management [...]

AWS Snowmobile2023-05-30T03:32:50+00:00

AWS Snowball Edge


Bookmarks Features Snowball vs Snowball Edge Job Types Recommendations Security Pricing Limits AWS Snowball Edge Cheat Sheet A type of Snowball device with on-board storage and compute power for select AWS capabilities. It can undertake local processing and edge-computing workloads in addition to transferring data between your local environment and the AWS Cloud. Has on-board S3-compatible storage and compute to support running Lambda functions and EC2 instances. Options for device configurations Storage optimized - this option has the most storage capacity at up to 80 TB of useable storage space, [...]

AWS Snowball Edge2024-01-18T07:16:11+00:00

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