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Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio


Introduction Welcome to the dynamic world of AWS Data Engineering! This beginner-friendly guide introduces you to the essentials of data staging and transformation within the AWS ecosystem without needing to code. By exploring the foundational use of Amazon S3 and AWS Glue, this guide provides a practical starting point for understanding how AWS data is handled and processed. Whether you're aiming for certification or looking to apply these skills in practical scenarios, this guide sets the groundwork for your future in data engineering. Preparation: Navigating Through Sample Datasets In this article, we'll work with 3 main datasets for a fictional [...]

Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio2024-04-03T00:33:32+00:00

Amazon EBS Multi-Attach


Amazon Elastic Block Store or EBS is a durable block-based storage device that can be attached to your EC2 instance. AWS released a feature called Multi-Attach, which allows EC2 instances to share a single EBS volume for up to 16 instances and provide higher availability of your applications for Linux workloads. Each instance to which the volume is attached has full read and write permissions to the volume. The following are several considerations and limitations in using the Multi-Attach feature: Multi-Attach enabled volumes do not support I/O fencing. I/O fencing protocols control write access in a shared storage environment to [...]

Amazon EBS Multi-Attach2023-02-22T14:28:05+00:00

Amazon S3 Access Points


Managing access to your S3 buckets should be pretty easy using Amazon S3’s bucket policy. But as the number of your users and data grows, this easily becomes a complicated task. Provisioning access policies (who and where to access these objects) to these users could be a messy thing to do. AWS added this feature called Access Points on S3 to resolve this current problem. Access Points can simplify things in terms of provisioning access to different users. With this feature, each user can have a dedicated access point on a bucket and each of these access points has its [...]

Amazon S3 Access Points2023-06-03T05:09:17+00:00

Amazon S3 Event Notifications


With Amazon S3 being virtually unlimited in size, it's quite a challenge to keep everything monitored, especially when you are dealing with a large number of objects that scales up from time to time. With Amazon S3 Event Notifications, you’ll be able to immediately know when an object in your bucket was created, removed, or restored. This feature lets you get notifications whenever an event happens on your S3 bucket. These notifications can then be forwarded to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue, and AWS Lambda function. The S3 Event Notification [...]

Amazon S3 Event Notifications2023-02-22T14:35:34+00:00

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