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Reduce The Cost Of Your Lambda Functions With Event Filters (Part 1 of 2)


Problem statement You are primarily billed based on how long your Lambda functions run and how often it is invoked. This is why AWS Lambda is great for scheduled jobs, short-duration tasks, and event-based processes. But does this mean you shouldn’t use them for high-volume traffic applications? Well, the short answer is... it depends. Whether or not to use AWS Lambda for high-volume traffic workloads ultimately depends on the requirements of your application and the cost trade-off you're willing to make. Regardless, if you ever find yourself wanting to use Lambda in a high-activity application like stream processing, it’s good [...]

Reduce The Cost Of Your Lambda Functions With Event Filters (Part 1 of 2)2023-04-27T03:17:39+00:00

SFTP On Your Ubuntu EC2 Instance – Quick and Simple Setup


SFTP, which stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a method of transferring files between computers. It operates over SSH (Secure Shell) and uses public-key cryptography for authentication. This means that your login credentials and file transfers are encrypted, making them much more secure than the traditional FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Why SFTP over SCP? SFTP and Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) are both network protocols that you can use for transferring files. They also both run on the same default port (22) for  SSH. However, when it comes to transferring large files securely, SFTP stands out as the better option. [...]

SFTP On Your Ubuntu EC2 Instance – Quick and Simple Setup2023-04-27T03:22:05+00:00

Automate Resources In Azure Using ARM Templates


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method of running IT infrastructure that automates, configures, and manages systems and networks using scripts or code. It can work with a variety of file formats, including JSON and YAML. YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data serialization format that is commonly used in Ansible, Kubernetes, and other tools. While JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data interchange format that is frequently used in AWS CloudFormation, Terraform, and other tools. Both YAML and JSON are simple to understand and can be used in a variety of IaC tools. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) [...]

Automate Resources In Azure Using ARM Templates2023-04-27T03:29:48+00:00

AWS Shared Responsibility Model


Cloud computing is changing the way businesses operate by providing scalable, pay-as-you-go infrastructure and services. The shared pool of configurable computing resources is made up of thousands of powerful physical servers located in data centers around the world and equipped with enterprise-grade processors capable of creating hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines for multiple customers. However, one of the primary concerns when migrating a private infrastructure to a public cloud service provider is how the customer will manage their resources and ensure the integrity of the system and data. In AWS, security and compliance are shared responsibilities between the [...]

AWS Shared Responsibility Model2023-04-10T04:05:05+00:00

Azure Storage Redundancy Options


What are the Azure Storage Redundancy Options? Azure storage redundancy options provide different levels of protection for data stored in Azure. These options ensure that data is available and retrievable in case of failure or data loss. There are several different types of consistency options available in Azure, each with its own features and benefits. Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) has the lowest level of consistency in Azure storage redundancies. The LRS option stores three copies of the data within a single data center. So even if there is one failure within the data center, your data will still be available. [...]

Azure Storage Redundancy Options2023-04-27T03:30:02+00:00

Cloud Computing Service Types: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS


What is IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS? IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are three types of cloud computing services provided by Microsoft Azure. Each model has its advantages that help customers meet their specific needs. Each type of cloud computing service, and deployment method, provides you with different levels of control, flexibility, and management. With traditional on-premises data centers, customers have complete control over the hardware, server, virtualization, and software deployed. Historically, this has led to hardware procurement decisions focusing on scaling up. An example is purchasing a server with more cores to meet peak performance needs. Unfortunately, this infrastructure might be [...]

Cloud Computing Service Types: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS2023-04-12T02:11:44+00:00

Estimating Your Azure Monthly Usage


Estimating your monthly Azure usage can be a daunting task and may deter interested customers of Azure from ever using it, especially if you are new to cloud computing. Fortunately, Microsoft Azure provides a tool that allows us to estimate the monthly consumption of our potential workloads in Azure. With the Microsoft Azure Calculator, it's easy to figure out how much to spend on Azure each month. This article will discuss how to use the Azure Calculator to estimate your costs and help you plan your Azure usage. Open your preferred browser and head to the Azure pricing page (Pricing [...]

Estimating Your Azure Monthly Usage2023-01-25T21:21:39+00:00

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL


What are Lambda Function URLs? In the past, calling a Lambda function over HTTP required a lot of setup and configuration with API Gateway. The process of setting up API resources and methods, and linking them to the appropriate Lambda function, can be overwhelming, especially for developers who are new to it. With the function URL feature of the AWS Lambda service, you can create a secure HTTPS endpoint dedicated to a Lambda function. This means that instead of using an intermediary service (like Amazon API Gateway), you can directly invoke your function by simply sending an HTTP request to [...]

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL2023-04-27T03:33:47+00:00

Working With AWS CLI (AWS Command Line Interface)


What is AWS CLI? AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool used to manage and interact with AWS Services using the command line. Users more comfortable in the command line can leverage the AWS CLI as it offers the exact scope of functionality as the AWS Console.  AWS CLI requires minimal configuration before you can use it. Installed it on your local machine running on Linux, Windows, and macOS.   What is the Difference Between AWS CLI and AWS CloudShell? Likewise, AWS CloudShell is another tool you can use to manage AWS resources using the command line interface. But [...]

Working With AWS CLI (AWS Command Line Interface)2023-04-27T03:39:09+00:00

Event-driven Transfer on Storage Transfer Service for Google Cloud Storage


Last January 7, 2023, Google Cloud announced a new capability for Storage Transfer Service (STS). Now, users can do an event-driven transfer quickly to a Cloud storage whenever there are changes to a source bucket. The event-driven transfer is an execution mode on Storage Transfer Service that allows transfer to a destination using the events from the source as triggers. Google Cloud claims that the transfer rate is near-real-time between the source and its destination. Here are some of the use cases of event-driven transfer: Event-driven Analytics Cloud Storage Replication/Data Aggregation Disaster Recovery/High Availability Cross-cloud Backup (AWS S3 backup to [...]

Event-driven Transfer on Storage Transfer Service for Google Cloud Storage2023-04-27T03:46:02+00:00

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