AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Practice Test Questions in Five Training Modes: (1) Timed Mode, (2) Review Mode, (3) Section-Based Tests, (4) Final Test, and (5) Bonus Flashcards, w/ Complete Explanations, and References
The AWS Certified Developer Associate ( DVA-C02 ) is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share.
The AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of those in a DevOps role who must demonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Developer Associate certification!
These AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and updated regularly based on the feedback of our students on what appeared in the actual exam.
This AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for study material that provides the following:
- TIMED MODE – mimics the actual AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 exam environment under time pressure
- REVIEW MODE – where you can view the answer and explanations after every question
- SECTION-BASED TESTS – where you can focus and answer questions on specific topics/domains only.
- FINAL TEST – where we randomly generate 65 questions from our entire question bank to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam
- DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS – our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.
- NEW FEATURE! FLASHCARDS – unique visual tools found at the end of the course which will help reinforce the core concepts needed to pass the exam.
- COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE – based on our own exam experience and intense research on the most important topics and most helpful resources to help you pass the exam.
- UPDATED REAL-TIME AS WE RECEIVE FEEDBACK – we have a dedicated team updating our question bank on a regular basis, based on the feedback of students on what appeared on the actual exam, as well as through external benchmarking.
- ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD – with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test.
- VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS – our friendly team of AWS experts is able to address all your issues and questions within 72 hours.
- CONTAINS A TEST REPORT – to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement.
- MOBILE-COMPATIBLE – so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!
- CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS – Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues.
- Prepared by AWS Certified Professionals who actually passed the AWS exam! (Please see our LinkedIn profile to view our AWS Certificates)
Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS CDA exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you from attaining in-depth AWS knowledge, but these can also result in you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.
Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 1000++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the AWS certification exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice tests are meant to do.
These AWS Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice exams are designed to focus on important exam domains such as Development, Deployment, and Security, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS CDA exam guide.
There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam.
We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CDA exam. All the best!
What will you achieve after taking this AWS practice test course?
- Increase your chances of passing the AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Exam
- Get access to our Q&A section containing information and feedback about the actual AWS CDA exam
- Answer and solve tricky scenario-based AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 questions under time pressure
- Take the practice exams again and again, unlike the AWS-provided practice exam which you can only do once
- Validate your answers and do further readings with the provided reference links from the official AWS documentation
- Learn the AWS concepts in-depth with the comprehensive explanations included in each answer plus bonus cheat sheets!
- Gain a better understanding of AWS technologies such as Lambda, AWS SAM, ECS, X-Ray, Step Functions and many more!
- Become an AWS Certified Developer Associate
These AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam.
Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these CDA practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment of which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!
What Our Students Say About Our Course
I love this course! The explanations of the answers (even when you get them right) are by far the best explanations I have seen. I am learning more from these alone, than some of the paid course content from other providers! Highly recommend this!
These practice tests were CRUCIAL in helping me pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam with an 892 with very little time to study. I won’t purchase any practice tests unless they are produced by Jon and Tutorials Dojo. The answer explanations were critical in helping me understand WHY I got an answer wrong. They are so good, I ended up just reading every explanation even if I got the answer right. You will learn TONS about AWS this way. Use the Tutorials Dojo cheatsheets too! Thanks Jon! You rock!!!
I passed AWS solutions architect exam last year and the Developer exam today. This course is the only resource I have used to prepare for the Developer exam. The questions have good similarity with the real exam. Highly recommended!
By far the best practice exam set out there for the Developer – Associate. The explanations were stellar, and the practice exams were actually harder than the real exam. I passed with a 93%.
This set of questions allowed me to prepare for the exam in greater detail. This is quality set worth going through. I can tell that a major effort was put into preparation of questions and extensive explanations. It helped me a lot with clearing the certification. I cleared the certification achieving 968/1000 points.
The detailed explanations for each possible answer of a given question, and why they are correct or not, make these exams a must have. Also, the instructor is amazing in promptly answering questions in the Q&A! UPDATE: I passed on my first attempt (886/1000)! I could not have passed without these practice exams.
Passed the test with a 955! So relieved to have passed after all the scary stories about what a bear this test was. I used several sources to help prepare, but the Bonso practice test suite was one of the most helpful. The questions are very similar in pattern to the ones on the real test and the explanations are very clear and thorough.
I found the questions were very comprehensive and were very much aligned to the actual exam questions. The explanations are also very exhaustive. I passed the test today and these practice exam questions and explanation of the answers greatly helped. Thanks Jon Bonso and Tutorial Dojo for providing this course.