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Amazon DocumentDB


Bookmarks How it Works Performance Scaling Reliability Backup and Restore Security Pricing Limitations Amazon DocumentDB Cheat Sheet Fully managed document database service designed to be fast, scalable, and highly available. Data is stored in JSON-like documents. Compatible with MongoDb. Flexible schema and indexing. Commonly used for content management, user profiles, and real-time big data. How it Works   An Amazon DocumentDB cluster decouples storage and compute. A cluster consists of Cluster volume and Instances Cluster volume refers to the storage layer that spans multiple Availability Zones. Each Availability Zone [...]

Amazon DocumentDB2023-06-23T06:21:29+00:00

Working with Customer Master Keys (CMKs) using the AWS KMS API


What is AWS Key Management Service? AWS Key Management Service (or KMS for short) is the service you use to securely store your encryption keys in AWS. If you need data encryption on your AWS resources, such as EBS volumes or RDS databases, you can use AWS KMS to simplify the process for you. You start using the service by requesting the creation of a customer master key or CMK. By default, AWS KMS creates the key material for your CMK. You also have the option of importing your own keys to AWS if you wish to. Note that during [...]

Working with Customer Master Keys (CMKs) using the AWS KMS API2023-06-07T03:39:53+00:00

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