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Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security


The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and made shareable. While RDS takes daily snapshots automatically, these are not shareable by default. To address this, we copy the snapshots and share the copies with a designated backup account. This process uses AWS Lambda Functions and Amazon EventBridge to automate the task. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles copying and sharing the snapshots. This automation ensures that shareable snapshots are created every day without manual intervention, enhancing the reliability and accessibility of database backups. The Automated Daily RDS Export has several [...]

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security2024-07-17T06:42:57+00:00

Amazon EventBridge


Bookmarks Overview Concepts Features Additional Information Use Cases Best Practices Pricing References Amazon EventBridge Cheat Sheet Amazon EventBridge is a service that allows applications to communicate with each other using data from different sources in real time. It is a serverless event bus that acts as a centralized hub for ingesting events from various sources and directing them to the appropriate applications and services. This makes connecting applications easier and enables them to respond to data in real time. Concepts Events: An event in Amazon EventBridge represents a state [...]

Amazon EventBridge2024-07-16T06:37:20+00:00

Automating Amazon GuardDuty Notifications through Email Alerts


Amazon GuardDuty is a powerful security tool that helps to detect suspicious activities and threats in your AWS environment. It uses intelligent threat detection and provides you with a detailed view of potential security issues across your AWS account. Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors your AWS resources and generates findings based on various threat intelligence sources. This allows you to identify security vulnerabilities and take necessary actions to secure your environment. One of the key features of Amazon GuardDuty is its ability to send notifications about potential security threats. These notifications can be sent to various destinations such as Amazon SNS, [...]

Automating Amazon GuardDuty Notifications through Email Alerts2023-05-26T04:25:10+00:00

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