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Amazon Kendra


Bookmarks Features Benefits Use Cases Document Types and Formats Supported Data Sources Querying Data Use of Tags Pricing Amazon Kendra Cheat Sheet Amazon Kendra is a highly scalable, intelligent enterprise search service. It utilizes machine learning to search unstructured data and improve accuracy in search results. It’s tightly integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Lex. It offers enterprise-grade security. Features Natural Language Processing (NLP): Amazon Kendra uses NLP to get highly accurate answers without the need for machine learning (ML) expertise. Fine-tuning Search Results: [...]

Amazon Kendra2024-03-23T06:15:27+00:00

Amazon EFS vs Amazon FSx for Windows vs Amazon FSx for Lustre


Amazon EFS Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Amazon FSx for Lustre • Amazon EFS is a serverless, scalable, high-performance, POSIX-compliant file system in the cloud. • EFS file systems can be accessed by Amazon EC2 Linux instances, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda functions via a file system interface such as NFS protocol. • Amazon EFS supports file system access semantics such as strong consistency and file locking. • EFS file systems can automatically scale in storage to handle petabytes of data. With Bursting mode, the throughput available to a file system scales as a file [...]

Amazon EFS vs Amazon FSx for Windows vs Amazon FSx for Lustre2023-04-07T02:31:03+00:00

Amazon FSx


Bookmarks Common Use Cases Storage Migration Limits Security Pricing Amazon FSx Cheat Sheet Amazon FSx is a fully managed third-party file system solution. It uses SSD storage to provide fast performance with low latency. There are four available FSx solutions available in AWS: Amazon FSx for Windows File Server A fully managed native Microsoft Windows file system with full support for the SMB protocol, Windows NTFS, and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) integration. How It Works Common Use Cases  File systems that is accessible by multiple users, and can establish permissions at [...]

Amazon FSx2023-06-23T05:59:41+00:00

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