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Amazon Route53

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Transferring an Amazon Route 53 Domain to Another AWS Account: Troubleshooting DNS Propagation


I recently transferred my domain to a different AWS account. However, despite waiting for the standard 24-48-hour DNS propagation period, I noticed the changes were not propagating as expected. In this article, we’ll delve into the steps I followed, potential pitfalls, and solutions to ensure a smooth domain transfer process. DNS propagation is the process of updating and reflecting changes made to your domain's DNS records across all DNS servers worldwide. When you make changes to DNS records, for example, updating your domain's IP address or name servers, these changes need to be communicated to all DNS servers on the [...]

Transferring an Amazon Route 53 Domain to Another AWS Account: Troubleshooting DNS Propagation2024-08-28T06:02:20+00:00

Customize Your Invite Links with Amazon S3 Website Redirect


If you use Discord, Slack, or Telegram, you're probably familiar with those long and complicated invite links used to join servers or channels. These links can be difficult to remember and may even discourage some people from joining. With URL redirection, you can create a custom and easy-to-remember domain name for your invite links. For example, you might use a domain like "discord.mycoolsite.com" that redirects to the invitation page of your Discord server, which might look something like this: "discord.com/invite/aabbCCDD". Inviting people thru a custom domain can reinforce your brand and make it easier for others to share and join [...]

Customize Your Invite Links with Amazon S3 Website Redirect2023-04-26T07:40:26+00:00

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