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AWS Glue DataBrew


Bookmarks Features Components Pricing References AWS Glue DataBrew Cheat Sheet AWS Glue DataBrew is a tool designed to streamline your data analysis process. It allows you to interact with your data directly, eliminating the need for complex coding. With its extensive library of over 250 pre-built transformations, you can easily clean, normalize, and format your data, preparing it for insightful analysis. AWS Glue DataBrew is commonly used for: Reducing the time required to prepare data for analytics and machine learning. Automating data preparation tasks with a wide range of ready-made transformations. Facilitating collaboration [...]

AWS Glue DataBrew2024-04-12T14:30:21+00:00

Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio


Introduction Welcome to the dynamic world of AWS Data Engineering! This beginner-friendly guide introduces you to the essentials of data staging and transformation within the AWS ecosystem without needing to code. By exploring the foundational use of Amazon S3 and AWS Glue, this guide provides a practical starting point for understanding how AWS data is handled and processed. Whether you're aiming for certification or looking to apply these skills in practical scenarios, this guide sets the groundwork for your future in data engineering. Preparation: Navigating Through Sample Datasets In this article, we'll work with 3 main datasets for a fictional [...]

Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio2024-04-03T00:33:32+00:00

VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS


What is a VPC Endpoint? With a VPC endpoint, you can establish a private connection to specific AWS services and VPC endpoint services through AWS PrivateLink. It eliminates the need for public IP addresses for communication between these services and your Amazon VPC instances. Furthermore, a secure connection is maintained since no information leaves the Amazon network while traveling between your Amazon VPC and the service. VPC endpoints are virtual devices that enable communication between instances in an Amazon VPC and various services. These endpoints enhance network traffic without compromising availability or restricting bandwidth. They are designed to scale horizontally, [...]

VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS2024-02-16T03:44:21+00:00

Release with a Pipeline: Continuous Delivery to AWS with GitHub Actions


This is the final part of a three-part article about a Web Application Project from building a private infrastructure to building a deployment pipeline using AWS’ cloud-native continuous delivery service AWS CodePipeline, and now finalizing the infrastructure to be accessible in a public domain and building a pipeline for continuous deployment using a third-party CD tool – GitHub Actions. From the private infrastructure previously built, we will update the S3 policy to add a statement for an allowed action for the CloudFront resource. As best practice, this statement will be added to the Terraform script of the infrastructure to make it [...]

Release with a Pipeline: Continuous Delivery to AWS with GitHub Actions2024-01-24T01:07:44+00:00

Building a Deployment Pipeline for a React Application with AWS CodePipeline


This is the second part of a series of blogs about the platform management of a React Application infrastructure by adding a continuous deployment component to the earlier infrastructure. In an earlier article, I wrote about how a private react application infrastructure can be deployed with Terraform code. Now, we will explore this further by building a deployment pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. Let's assume that the source code of the React web application is hosted on GitHub. Using the GitHub connections feature of AWS CodePipeline, we can authorize the third-party provider to work with AWS resources to establish integration between [...]

Building a Deployment Pipeline for a React Application with AWS CodePipeline2024-01-07T02:48:10+00:00

Amazon Kendra


Bookmarks Features Benefits Use Cases Document Types and Formats Supported Data Sources Querying Data Use of Tags Pricing Amazon Kendra Cheat Sheet Amazon Kendra is a highly scalable, intelligent enterprise search service. It utilizes machine learning to search unstructured data and improve accuracy in search results. It’s tightly integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Lex. It offers enterprise-grade security. Features Natural Language Processing (NLP): Amazon Kendra uses NLP to get highly accurate answers without the need for machine learning (ML) expertise. Fine-tuning Search Results: [...]

Amazon Kendra2024-03-23T06:15:27+00:00

AWS AppConfig


Bookmarks Key Features Benefits Use Cases Pricing Reference AWS AppConfig Cheat Sheet AWS AppConfig allows software developers to quickly and securely adjust application behavior in production environments without needing to deploy code. It enhances the frequency of software releases, improves application resilience, and enables rapid response to emergent issues. Key Features Feature Flags: Allows gradual release of new capabilities to users and measures the impact of those changes before full deployment. Dynamic Configurations: Enables updates to block lists, allow lists, throttling limits, logging verbosity, and other operational tuning to quickly respond to [...]

AWS AppConfig2024-04-12T13:51:35+00:00

In-Place Querying in AWS


When you look at the Gartner magic quadrant of cloud service providers, AWS is still the leader and the leading visionary of the cloud computing space. It offers an array of services that empower companies and organizations to manage and analyze massive sets of data with unprecedented agility. At the core of this revolution, “In-place querying” is a technique pioneered by AWS that is reshaping how data is processed in the cloud. In this article, we will be delving into the essence of in-place querying in AWS, exploring its mechanisms, applications, and the impact it has on data management. In [...]

In-Place Querying in AWS2023-12-13T20:20:17+00:00

Data Ingestion in AWS: Handling Homogenous and Heterogenous Data


The phrase "data is the new oil" or "data is the new gold" may sound like a cliche, but it captures the fact that data is a critical asset for modern businesses. Companies have long used data to inform strategic decisions, especially in today's tech industry. Many organizations now build dedicated data analytics teams to harness information gathered from various sources. Yet, for an average Joe, the process of transforming data into actionable insights can seem like a black box. This is where data ingestion comes into play, serving as a crucial step in distilling structured and unstructured data into [...]

Data Ingestion in AWS: Handling Homogenous and Heterogenous Data2023-12-10T19:26:56+00:00

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