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Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime


AWS Lambda is a great service for running code without worrying about server management. While it traditionally supports languages like Python, Node.js, and Java, AWS now allows you to run code in any language using custom runtimes. In this blog post, I'll walk you through setting up a C++ Lambda function that calculates the Fibonacci series. We'll leverage the performance and efficiency of C++ to build a function that runs smoothly and showcases the versatility of AWS Lambda's custom runtime. The aim of this blog is to guide you through creating and deploying a C++ Lambda function using AWS custom [...]

Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime2024-06-24T12:24:15+00:00

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 1: Computing


At the core of every application is computing power which is mostly in the form of a server but, do you know about Serverless computing and Microservices architecture? When it comes to building your cloud applications, it's certainly an advantage to know about servers and architecture. Welcome to part 1 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it down into smaller digestible concepts related to software development. In this article, I will be talking about AWS Computing Services. Before we proceed with the services, we’ll be talking about [...]

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 1: Computing2024-05-29T01:08:35+00:00

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