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How to Set Up Alerts Rules and Action Groups in Azure Monitor


In this article, we’ll learn how to create action groups and alert rules to automatically monitor our infrastructure and take automated actions based on certain conditions. The service that we’ll use for this tutorial is Azure Monitor. Alerts in Azure Monitor act as a watchdog, constantly monitoring your infrastructure and application for potential problems. It alerts you before users experience any problems by sending you alerts when something is wrong with your system. This way, you can address the problem quickly and avoid affecting users. How to Setup Action Groups Action Groups are a set of actions that you specify [...]

How to Set Up Alerts Rules and Action Groups in Azure Monitor2023-04-10T04:23:35+00:00

Azure 101: Subscriptions And Management Groups


In Microsoft Azure, a subscription is an agreement between a customer and Microsoft on how to pay for and access Azure services. It is paid based on the consumption of services within the subscription. For example, if you provisioned Azure Virtual Machines, App Service, Azure SQL Database, and other services, your subscription will be billed based on using these services. There are many types of subscriptions. Each type of subscription may have various characteristics and limitations, such as the maximum number of a specific virtual machine size that can be provisioned or the number of tags in a resource group. However, you [...]

Azure 101: Subscriptions And Management Groups2023-03-20T01:55:37+00:00

Azure 101: Regions And Availability Zones


Natural disasters are no laughing matter that we can take for granted; they can seriously mess up a business and its operations, especially when using traditional on-premises IT infrastructure. Luckily, with Azure regions and availability zones, companies can have a backup plan to ensure data redundancy, disaster recovery, scalability, and remote access. With Microsoft Azure, companies can continue to operate even in the face of natural disasters. This means that businesses can stay operational regardless of what Mother Nature throws their way. Azure Regions are geographically discrete data centers located in different locations around the world. It provides locations across [...]

Azure 101: Regions And Availability Zones2023-03-20T01:52:44+00:00

Deploying Docker Images To Azure Container Apps


Containers, cloud-native, and microservices are all used in modern software development and deployment. A container is a standalone executable package that contains everything needed to run a piece of software, creating an isolated environment for the application. While microservices are an architectural paradigm for developing applications composed of small, independent services. This enables teams to autonomously build, deploy, and grow their services, increasing the speed and agility of the development process. In Microsoft Azure, there is a fully managed service called Azure Container Apps, where you can deploy, manage, and scale multi-container applications and microservices. You can run your containers [...]

Deploying Docker Images To Azure Container Apps2023-04-26T07:59:52+00:00

Azure Storage Redundancy Options


What are the Azure Storage Redundancy Options? Azure storage redundancy options provide different levels of protection for data stored in Azure. These options ensure that data is available and retrievable in case of failure or data loss. There are several different types of consistency options available in Azure, each with its own features and benefits. Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) has the lowest level of consistency in Azure storage redundancies. The LRS option stores three copies of the data within a single data center. So even if there is one failure within the data center, your data will still be available. [...]

Azure Storage Redundancy Options2023-04-27T03:30:02+00:00

Cloud Computing Service Types: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS


What is IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS? IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are three types of cloud computing services provided by Microsoft Azure. Each model has its advantages that help customers meet their specific needs. Each type of cloud computing service, and deployment method, provides you with different levels of control, flexibility, and management. With traditional on-premises data centers, customers have complete control over the hardware, server, virtualization, and software deployed. Historically, this has led to hardware procurement decisions focusing on scaling up. An example is purchasing a server with more cores to meet peak performance needs. Unfortunately, this infrastructure might be [...]

Cloud Computing Service Types: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS2023-04-12T02:11:44+00:00

Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL


Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet PaaS relational database services Mitigate database downtime with high availability, redundancy, and resiliency capabilities. Enables you to scale vertically when needed. Receive alerts based on the metrics of your servers. Protect sensitive data at rest and in transit. Automated backups, up to 35 days. PostgreSQL deployment options: Single Server and Hyperscale (Citus) Single server pricing tiers: Basic, General Purpose, and Memory Optimized. Basic - light compute and I/O performance workloads. General Purpose - a balanced compute and memory with scalable I/O throughput workloads. Memory Optimized - for high performance database workloads requiring [...]

Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL2023-04-11T13:16:54+00:00

Azure Virtual Machine vs Web App


  Azure Virtual Machine Azure Web App Description Infrastructure as a service, if you need to have full control over your computing environment. Platform as a service, it allows you to integrate the app without managing the underlying infrastructure. Deploy Uses an OS image. Uses a runtime stack. State Management Stateful or stateless Stateless Autoscaling You need to use VM scale sets to support autoscaling in virtual machines. Autoscaling is a built-in service in App Service. Scale Limit 1000 nodes per scale set for platform image and 600 nodes per scale set for custom image 20 instances and 100 with [...]

Azure Virtual Machine vs Web App2023-04-18T03:46:31+00:00

Azure Load Balancer vs Application Gateway vs Traffic Manager vs Front Door


  Load Balancer Application Gateway Traffic Manager Front Door Service Network load balancer. Web traffic load balancer. DNS-based traffic load balancer. Global application delivery Network Protocols Layer 4 (TCP or UDP) Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS) Layer 7 (DNS) Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS)  Type Internal and Public Standard and WAF - Standard and Premium Routing Hash-based, Source IP affinity Path-based Performance, Weighted, Priority, Geographic, MultiValue, Subnet Latency, Priority, Weighted, Session Affinity Global/Regional Service Global Regional Global Global Recommended Traffic Non-HTTP(S) HTTP(S) Non-HTTP(S) HTTP(S) Endpoints NIC (VM/VMSS), IP address IP address/FQDN, Virtual machine/VMSS, App services Cloud service, App service/slot, Public IP address App service, [...]

Azure Load Balancer vs Application Gateway vs Traffic Manager vs Front Door2023-03-20T03:21:26+00:00

AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Upskill and earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!

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