Building slack commands with lambda function URL

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Unified Slack Automation for Purging the Cache


Cached data can sometimes be corrupted, which can lead to performance problems. It can also prevent applications and websites from loading the latest version of their content. That’s why clearing cache is a must, not only does it resolve these issues, it also clears up space. Clearing cache is also a way to protect privacy since cache can hold sensitive information. About the task Currently, when purging the cache for both TD Portal and TD Main Site, 4 slack commands have to be used: For TD Portal: /clear-w3 portal /clear-fastcgi portal For TD Main Site: /clear-wprocket main /clear-fastcgi main Using [...]

Unified Slack Automation for Purging the Cache2024-05-15T11:29:22+00:00

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL


What are Lambda Function URLs? In the past, calling a Lambda function over HTTP required a lot of setup and configuration with API Gateway. The process of setting up API resources and methods, and linking them to the appropriate Lambda function, can be overwhelming, especially for developers who are new to it. With the function URL feature of the AWS Lambda service, you can create a secure HTTPS endpoint dedicated to a Lambda function. This means that instead of using an intermediary service (like Amazon API Gateway), you can directly invoke your function by simply sending an HTTP request to [...]

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL2023-04-27T03:33:47+00:00

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