This page contains the collection of related articles, reviewers, and content for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam DOP-C01 / DOP-C02 exam. The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional (or AWS DevOps Pro for short) is the advanced certification of both AWS SysOps Administrator Associate and AWS Developer Associate. This is similar to how the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional role is a more advanced version of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 exam. Generally, AWS recommends that you first take (and pass) both AWS SysOps Administrator Associate and AWS Developer Associate certification exams before taking this certification test.
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 Sample Exam Questions
Jon Bonso2025-02-15T07:04:13+00:00Here are 10 AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 An application is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of Amazon EC2 instances with public IP addresses in a public subnet. The instances are configured with a user data script which fetch and install the required system dependencies of the application from the Internet upon launch. A change was recently introduced to prohibit any Internet access from these instances to improve the security but after its implementation, the instances could not get the external dependencies anymore. [...]