DOP-C02 exam topics

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AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 Sample Exam Questions


Here are 10 AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 An application is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of Amazon EC2 instances with public IP addresses in a public subnet. The instances are configured with a user data script which fetch and install the required system dependencies of the application from the Internet upon launch. A change was recently introduced to prohibit any Internet access from these instances to improve the security but after its implementation, the instances could not get the external dependencies anymore. [...]

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 Sample Exam Questions2025-02-15T07:04:13+00:00

What’s New with the DOP-C02 AWS Certified DevOps Professional Exam in 2023?


Heads Up! The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Training and Certification team recently announced the third iteration of the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) exam. Mark your calendar – March 7, 2023 is the first day that you will be able to take the latest version of the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional - Professional exam which has an updated exam code of DOP-C02. Remember that the current exam version (DOP-C01) will only be available until March 6, 2023 so if you're planning to take this old version or want to recertify, you have to take the exam on [...]

What’s New with the DOP-C02 AWS Certified DevOps Professional Exam in 2023?2023-04-27T03:51:50+00:00

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