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Amazon Mechanical Turk

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Amazon Mechanical Turk

Last updated on February 28, 2023

Amazon Mechanical Turk Cheat Sheet

  • A forum where Requesters post work as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs). Workers complete HITs in exchange for a reward. Essentially crowdsourcing.
  • You write, test, and publish your HIT using the Mechanical Turk developer sandbox, Amazon Mechanical Turk APIs, and AWS SDKs.
  • Benefits
    • Optimize efficiency since MTurk is well-suited to take on simple and repetitive tasks in your workflows which need to be handled manually.
    • Increase flexibility since MTurk lets you gain access to a global, on-demand, 24×7 workforce without the difficulty associated with dynamically scaling.
    • Reduce cost by hiring and managing a temporary workforce. MTurk provides a pay-per-task model.
  • Tutorials dojo strip
  • Concepts
    • A Requester is a company, organization, or person that creates and submits tasks (HITs) to Amazon Mechanical Turk for Workers to perform.
    • A Human Intelligence Task (HIT) represents a single, self-contained task that a Requester submits to Amazon Mechanical Turk for Workers to perform.
      • Each HIT has a lifetime, specified by the Requester, that determines how long the HIT is available to Workers.
      • A HIT also has an assignment duration, which is the amount of time a Worker has to complete a HIT after accepting it.
    • A Worker is a person who performs the tasks specified by a Requester in a HIT.
      • The Requester specifies how many Workers can work on a task.
      • Amazon Mechanical Turk guarantees that a Worker can work on each task only one time.
    • Developers create the Mechanical Turk applications that Requesters and Workers use.
      • Requesters can create and advertise work using the Mechanical Turk command line interface or the Requester User Interface and thereby not need developers
    • An Assignment specifies how many people can submit completed work for your HIT. When a Worker accepts a HIT, MTurk creates an assignment to track the work to completion. The assignment belongs exclusively to the Worker and guarantees that the Worker can submit results and be eligible for a reward until the time the HIT or assignment expires.
    • A reward is the money a Requester pays to Workers for the satisfactory work they do on HITs.
    • A Qualification is an attribute assigned by you to a Worker. It includes a name and a number value. A HIT can include Qualification requirements that a Worker must meet before they are allowed to accept the HIT.
      • A Qualification type may include a Qualification test. A Qualification test is a set of questions, similar to a HIT, that the Worker must answer to request the Qualification.

Amazon Mechanical Turk Cheat Sheet References:


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Written by: Jon Bonso

Jon Bonso is the co-founder of Tutorials Dojo, an EdTech startup and an AWS Digital Training Partner that provides high-quality educational materials in the cloud computing space. He graduated from Mapúa Institute of Technology in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in Information Technology. Jon holds 10 AWS Certifications and is also an active AWS Community Builder since 2020.

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