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Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes

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Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes

Automating a Slack notification system for Route 53 with a 60-second TTL is intended to provide real-time alerts about DNS records with short TTLs. This setup ensures administrators receive quick notifications via Slack, enabling them to promptly identify and resolve potential issues. Through this proactive measure, the optimal performance and reliability of the AWS infrastructure are maintained. Moreover, this approach allows administrators to avoid potential problems by taking corrective actions promptly and minimizing any potential disruptions to services. Additionally, real-time alerts enable administrators to keep a close watch on DNS configurations, ensuring smooth operation and consistent performance of the AWS infrastructure for end-users.

Implementing this solution brings multiple advantages. First, it improves proactive monitoring of Route 53 hosted zones, allowing administrators to quickly identify and address changes in DNS record TTL. This leads to faster troubleshooting and resolution of potential issues, reducing downtime and enhancing service availability. Additionally, utilizing Slack notifications promotes effective communication and collaboration among team members, creating a more unified and responsive operational environment.

Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 1

Implementation Steps

  1. Create Lambda Functions:
    – Develop Python scripts for Lambda functions.
    – Configure Lambda function settings, including runtime and execution role.
    – Paste these codes to the Lambda Function > click Deploy

    import boto3
    import json
    import urllib3
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Initialize Route 53 and Slack clients
    route53 = boto3.client('route53')
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    # slack_webhook_url = "YOUR SLACK WEBHOOK URL"
    slack_webhook_url = "YOUR SLACK WEBHOOK URL"
    # Fetch hosted zone information
    hosted_zone_id = "12345QWERTY"
    response = route53.list_resource_record_sets(HostedZoneId=hosted_zone_id)
    # Initialize messages
    messages = []
    # Check TTL for each record
    for record in response['ResourceRecordSets']:
    if 'TTL' in record and record['TTL'] == 60:
    messages.append(f":loudspeaker: *DNS Record: {record['Name']} has a TTL of 60 seconds!*")
    if messages:
    message_block = {
    "type": "section",
    "text": {
    "type": "mrkdwn",
    "text": "\n".join(messages)
    payload = {
    "blocks": [message_block]
    encoded_payload = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') # Encode the payload as bytes
    headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
    response = http.request('POST', slack_webhook_url, body=encoded_payload, headers=headers)
    print(response.data.decode('utf-8')) # Print Slack API response for debugging
    return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': json.dumps('Function executed successfully')
  2. Configure EventBridge Trigger:
     – Set up EventBridge rules to monitor Route 53 hosted zones for TTL changes.
    – Under Configuration → Triggers → Create EventBridge to check and monitor if there’s a TTL of 60 seconds in tutorialsdojo Hosted zone daily.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 2

  3. Tutorials dojo strip
  4. Add Permissions for Route 53 Access:
    – Next is to add permission to list all the resource record sets in route 53. To do this, go to the Permissions under the Trigger tab. Click the execution role name, and you’ll be redirected to IAM Roles.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 3

    – In IAM Roles, click add permission → create inline policy.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 4
    – In the policy editor, switch to JSON and paste this code. After pasting the code, click next, provide the role name, and click the Create Policy button.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/12345QWERTY"


To verify the functionality of the Slack notification system:

  1. Go to Route 53 and select the tutorialsdojo.com Hosted Zones.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 5
  2. Select a record name (e.g., test2.tutorialsdojo.com) and change the TTL from 300 to 60.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 6
  3. Manually trigger the Lambda function by clicking the Test button.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 7
  4. Check the #td-portal-notification for notification that detects the TTL equals 60.
    Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes Image 8


Implementing a Slack notification system for Route 53 TTL of 60 enhances AWS monitoring capabilities, enabling administrators to promptly identify and respond to DNS record changes. By leveraging proactive alerts and efficient communication channels, this solution contributes to maintaining the stability, reliability, and performance of AWS infrastructure, ultimately ensuring seamless service delivery and user satisfaction. This proactive approach empowers administrators to stay informed about DNS record changes in real-time, allowing them to address any anomalies swiftly and prevent potential service disruptions. Moreover, by utilizing Slack as a communication platform, administrators can collaborate effectively, facilitating quicker resolution of issues and minimizing downtime. Overall, the implementation of this notification system enhances the overall operational efficiency and effectiveness of AWS infrastructure management, resulting in improved service reliability and heightened user satisfaction.

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Written by: Joshua Emmanuel Santiago

Joshua, a college student at Mapúa University pursuing BS IT course, serves as an intern at Tutorials Dojo.

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