AWS CloudShell Cheat Sheet
- A terminal that you can access from the AWS Management Console to interact with your AWS resources without installing any software on your local computer.
- To run AWS CLI commands, you can use any command-line interpreter:
- Bash (bash)
- PowerShell (pwsh)
- Z shell (zsh)
- The compute environment is built on Amazon Linux 2.
- 1 vCPU
- 2 GiB RAM
- 1 GB persistent storage
- The shell environment is pre-configured with tools, utilities, runtimes, and AWS SDKs.
- You can use up to 1 GB of persistent storage (home directory) in each AWS Region to save frequently used scripts and configuration files between sessions.
- While temporary storage (outside the home directory) is recycled at the end of a session.
- Inactive and long-running sessions are automatically terminated and recycled.
- Uses tmux to restore the sessions across single or multiple browser tabs.
- Supports the following web browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
- To upload or download a single file between your local machine and the AWS CloudShell environment, you can use the following options:
- Amazon S3 buckets
- Zip Files
- You can use environment variables to specify configuration options and credentials required to access AWS services using AWS CLI.
- You can also customize the following aspects in CloudShell:
- Tabs layout – divide the command line interface into multiple columns and rows.
- Font size – change the size of the command line text.
- Color theme – switch between the light and dark themes.
- Safe Paste – turn on or off a feature that requires you to confirm multiline text before it is pasted.
- Tmux session restore – use tmux to restore your session until it is no longer in use.
- Uses the same credentials as the user signed in to the AWS Management Console, simplifying authentication and reducing operational burden.
- Using IAM policies, you can grant and deny permissions to AWS CloudShell users.
- Safe Paste is enabled by default to verify multiline text doesn’t contain malicious scripts.
- You are only charged for the AWS resources that you create or run on CloudShell.
AWS CloudShell Cheat Sheet References: