AWS Cheat Sheets

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Amazon SageMaker AI


Bookmarks Concepts Common Training Data Formats For Built-in Algorithms Input modes for transferring training data Two methods of deploying a model for inference SageMaker features Optimization Amazon SageMaker Monitoring Amazon SageMaker Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon SageMaker AI Cheat Sheet A fully managed service that allows data scientists and developers to easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale. Provides built-in algorithms that you can immediately use for model training. Also supports custom algorithms through docker containers. One-click model deployment. Concepts Hyperparameters It refers to a [...]

Amazon SageMaker AI2024-12-11T01:54:50+00:00

Amazon Lex


Amazon Lex Cheat Sheet A service that can help you build conversational interfaces using voice and text. Uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text. Uses natural language understanding (NLU) for recognizing the intent of the text. Provides highly-engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions. Gets more intelligent over time by using deep learning. Common Use Cases AI Chatbots Informational bots Enterprise Productivity bots Voice Assistants Concepts Bots Performs automated tasks such as ordering food or booking flights. Supports multiple intents - for example, a bot can book a reservation or may choose to cancel it. Intent A [...]

Amazon Lex2024-11-14T05:31:45+00:00

Amazon Elastic Inference


Amazon Elastic Inference Cheat Sheet Allows attaching low-cost GPU-powered inference acceleration to EC2 instances, SageMaker instances, or ECS tasks. Reduce machine learning inference costs by up to 75%. Common Use Cases Computer vision Natural language processing Speech recognition Concepts Accelerator A GPU-powered hardware device provisioned.  It is not a part of the hardware where your instance is hosted. Uses AWS PrivateLink endpoint service to attach to the instance over the network. Only a single endpoint service is required in every Availability Zone to connect Elastic Inference accelerator to instances. Features Supports TensorFlow, Apache MXNet, PyTorch, and ONNX models. Can provide [...]

Amazon Elastic Inference2024-11-14T05:29:14+00:00

Amazon Polly


Bookmarks Common use cases Concepts Features Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Polly Cheat Sheet A text-to-speech (TTS) service Uses advanced deep learning technologies to convert text into natural, lifelike speech It supports saving text into MP3, OGG, and PCM file formats. Offers Standard and Neural TTS (NTTS) Common Use Cases Increase customer engagement Language learning applications Helps visually impaired individuals to consume digital content Testing in-game dialogs Voice response Concepts Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Uses XML-based tags to modify different aspects of the text-to-speech output. Can control pitch, speaking style, speech [...]

Amazon Polly2024-11-14T05:50:57+00:00

Amazon Transcribe


Amazon Transcribe Cheat Sheet A fully managed automatic speech recognition (ASR) service. Converts speech into text. It supports a wide variety of audio coding formats such as WAV, MP3, MP4, FLAC, AMR, AMR-WB, Ogg, and WebM. It can process batch and streaming transcriptions. Common Use Cases Transcribing customer calls Meeting transcription Closed captioning Generating metadata to create a searchable archive Concepts A confidence score is between 0 and 100, indicating the probability that a given prediction is correct. Low-fidelity (lo-fi) is a term used to describe audio recordings that exhibit poor sound quality. The term high-fidelity refers to high-quality audio [...]

Amazon Transcribe2024-11-14T06:02:04+00:00

Amazon Translate


Amazon Translate Cheat Sheet A Neural Machine Translation service that provides fluent translation with higher accuracy than traditional statistical and rule-based translation models. Powered by deep learning models that deliver fast, accurate, and affordable translation between supported languages. Supports batch translation, real-time, and on-demand translations. Common Use Cases Language localization Translating content for text analytics Cross-lingual communication Concepts Amazon Translate uses a Translation Model that consists of two (2) components: Encoder Read a source text one word at a time. Creates a semantic representation of each word. Decoder Uses the constructed semantic representation of the encoded text and translates it [...]

Amazon Translate2024-11-14T06:10:34+00:00

Logging Using awslogs Log Driver in Amazon ECS


Monitoring and logging can be as important as developing and deploying applications. Imagine managing an enterprise-level distributed application that runs on hundreds of containers. You must place your containers cleverly on instances to achieve a certain level of resilience and performance. On top of that, you would want to have visibility into CPU and memory usage so you’ll have an idea which task/tasks are resource-hungry at a given time. You may also want to check the disk space of your instance and see if you still have enough storage for your application. Fortunately, monitoring distributed applications hosted in AWS has [...]

Logging Using awslogs Log Driver in Amazon ECS2023-05-02T05:18:52+00:00

AWS Savings Plan


AWS Savings Plan Cheat Sheet Savings Plan is a flexible pricing model that helps you save up cost on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda usage. You can purchase Savings Plans from any account, payer or linked.  By default, the benefit provided by Savings Plans is applicable to usage across all accounts within an AWS Organization/consolidated billing family. You can also choose to restrict the benefit of Savings Plans to only the account that purchased them. Similar to Reserved Instances, you have All Upfront, Partial upfront, or No upfront payment options. Plan Types Compute Savings Plans - provide the [...]

AWS Savings Plan2023-05-02T05:22:55+00:00

AWS Glue


Bookmarks Use Cases Concepts Populating the AWS Glue Data Catalog Authoring Jobs Glue DataBrew Monitoring Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Glue Cheat Sheet A fully managed service to extract, transform, and load (ETL) your data for analytics. Discover and search across different AWS data sets without moving your data. AWS Glue consists of: Central metadata repository ETL engine Flexible scheduler Use Cases Run queries against an Amazon S3 data lake You can use AWS Glue to make your data available for analytics without moving your data. Analyze [...]

AWS Glue2024-11-14T07:21:38+00:00

Managing Amazon GuardDuty Security Findings Across Multiple Accounts


In our previous article, we discussed how GuardDuty can help organizations monitor their workloads and  AWS accounts from malicious activities and how to monitor findings with Amazon CloudWatch Events. Imagine that your organization has multiple AWS accounts for different workloads, teams, and projects. With every account, you need to monitor GuardDuty findings individually. It will be quite difficult for your security team to monitor these findings with their constant switching between AWS accounts.  Amazon GuardDuty supports the consolidation of these findings to one AWS account. For example, your organization has 10 AWS accounts. All you have to do is to [...]

Managing Amazon GuardDuty Security Findings Across Multiple Accounts2023-05-02T05:23:52+00:00

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