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Amazon S3 Bucket Policies for VPC Endpoints


Amazon S3 and Amazon VPC Relationship Amazon S3 is a versatile object storage solution that boasts virtually unlimited storage capacity. You can expect that your files will be durably stored in S3 given that AWS provides an SLA for this service. When creating your S3 bucket, AWS provides you with a unique bucket URL that you can use to access your S3 bucket directly from the public internet, if you have public access enabled.  Amazon S3 is a service that is not used within a VPC. This means that traffic does not pass through VPC resources such as internet gateways [...]

Amazon S3 Bucket Policies for VPC Endpoints2023-06-05T03:11:03+00:00

Which AWS Certification Exam Is Right For Me? – Part 1


Bookmarks Which AWS Certification Exam is Right for Me? AWS FOUNDATIONS LEARNING PATH AWS SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT LEARNING PATH AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional Certification AWS CERTIFIED DEVELOPER LEARNING PATH AWS Certified Developer – Associate Certification OPERATIONS LEARNING PATHS AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate Certification AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate Certification AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional Certification RECERTIFICATION Want to boost your career by becoming AWS certified but not sure which AWS certification exam to [...]

Which AWS Certification Exam Is Right For Me? – Part 12024-04-05T03:24:21+00:00

AWS KMS Key Policy Management in AWS KMS


What is an AWS KMS key? In security, a KMS key is what you use to encrypt all other encryption keys in your system. KMS key is a logical representation of a cryptographic key. They are the primary resources in AWS KMS. The AWS KMS Key contains the key material used to encrypt and decrypt data. It also contains metadata such as the key ID, creation date, description, and key state. You can start using AWS KMS through the web console or via API. There are two types of AWS KMS keys that you can create in AWS KMS: symmetric [...]

AWS KMS Key Policy Management in AWS KMS2024-07-11T12:32:27+00:00

Working with AWS KMS key using the AWS KMS API


What is AWS Key Management Service? AWS Key Management Service (or KMS for short) is the service you use to securely store your encryption keys in AWS. If you need data encryption on your AWS resources, such as EBS volumes or RDS databases, you can use AWS KMS to simplify the process for you. You start using the service by requesting the creation of a KMS key. By default, AWS KMS creates the key material for your KMS key. You also have the option of importing your own keys to AWS if you wish to. Note that during key rotation, [...]

Working with AWS KMS key using the AWS KMS API2024-07-11T09:28:47+00:00

How to Book and Take Your AWS Certification Exam Online


Bookmarks Part 1 - How to Book Your AWS Online Exam Schedule with Pearson Vue Part 2 - How to Take Your Exam Online Important Notes Amazon now allows you to take your AWS Certification exams via online proctoring using its third-party test delivery provider: Pearson VUE. However, this option is not yet available with its other delivery provider (PSI). This means that you can now take all AWS Certification exams at home or office anytime! Before, you can only take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) exam online. Today, you can also [...]

How to Book and Take Your AWS Certification Exam Online2023-06-29T08:31:35+00:00

Using the Secure String Parameter in Systems Manager Parameter Store


What is AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store helps you securely store and share key-value pairs across your AWS environment. It is one of the packages under AWS Systems Manager that helps you design a more robust and abstract infrastructure. With Parameter Store, you don’t have to hard code parameters nor save them in config files for application use. You can easily reference them in your applications and AWS resources using the unique parameter store key of those items.  Parameter Store supports a lot of use cases, from saving unencrypted plaintext to more sensitive information such [...]

Using the Secure String Parameter in Systems Manager Parameter Store2024-07-10T08:42:49+00:00

SAA-C02 New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam Materials 


SAA-C02 New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam Materials  Are you planning to take your SAA-C02 (AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate) exam soon? In this article, we have compiled a list of helpful SAA-C02 exam prep materials that you can use to help you pass and even ace the exam. What’s this new SAA-C02 exam all about? The popular AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam SAA-C02 is intended for IT Professionals who perform a solutions architect or DevOps role and have substantial years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS) [...]

SAA-C02 New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam Materials 2023-06-12T02:30:30+00:00

BREAKING NEWS: You can now take ALL AWS Certification Exams At Home!


BREAKING NEWS: You can now take ALL AWS Certification Exams At Home! The AWS Certification team is now offering extended support to IT Professionals who need additional time to reschedule their AWS exams. This is in response to recent wave of temporary testing center closures around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everyone can now take all AWS Certification exams at the comfort of their home or office with Pearson Vue via online proctoring. Previously, you can only take the actual AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) exam online but now, you can take all of the available AWS certifications [...]

BREAKING NEWS: You can now take ALL AWS Certification Exams At Home!2023-12-15T02:14:54+00:00

SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 Plus Developing Story: Expiry Date for SAA-C01 Extended to June 30, 2020


SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 Plus Expiry Date for SAA-C01 Extended to June 30, 2020 I took the BETA exam of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 last November and got the results 3 months after. Here’s my experience and I hope this may help you when you take the actual SAA-C02 exam soon. I would say that the new exam version SAA-C02 is at par with the SAA-C01 in terms of exam difficulty and format. It still has two types of questions: Multiple choice (one correct response and three incorrect responses or distractors) and Multiple response (two or more correct responses out of five or [...]

SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 Plus Developing Story: Expiry Date for SAA-C01 Extended to June 30, 20202023-12-15T02:12:43+00:00

The New Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is now LIVE!


The New Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is now LIVE! For the past two years of offering practice test courses on Udemy, we have gathered tons of feedback on how to improve our students’ learning experience. One of the most commonly requested feature is the ability to view the answers as you go through each question. A lot of you are able to learn better with this mode vs. having to wait to finish the entire set before being able to see the answer key. It is therefore with absolute delight that we announce the availability of this feature plus [...]

The New Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is now LIVE!2023-06-07T07:01:16+00:00

AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Upskill and earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!

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