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Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime


AWS Lambda is a great service for running code without worrying about server management. While it traditionally supports languages like Python, Node.js, and Java, AWS now allows you to run code in any language using custom runtimes. In this blog post, I'll walk you through setting up a C++ Lambda function that calculates the Fibonacci series. We'll leverage the performance and efficiency of C++ to build a function that runs smoothly and showcases the versatility of AWS Lambda's custom runtime. The aim of this blog is to guide you through creating and deploying a C++ Lambda function using AWS custom [...]

Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime2024-06-24T12:24:15+00:00

HTTP Flood Attack Notification using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge and CloudWatch Logs Insights


We can almost do everything now on the website. Selling clothes, ordering food, video posting, doing business meetings, online classes, and others, you name it. Running a website is very awesome and at the same time hard, especially when bad actors want to mess with it. One sneaky way is an "HTTP Flood Attack," where your website gets bombarded with too many requests. This can slow down or even break your site. Detecting and responding to such attacks promptly is crucial for maintaining the availability and performance of your applications. In this blog post, we'll explore how to implement a simple [...]

HTTP Flood Attack Notification using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge and CloudWatch Logs Insights2024-01-25T05:04:59+00:00

AWS AppConfig


Bookmarks Key Features Benefits Use Cases Pricing Reference AWS AppConfig Cheat Sheet AWS AppConfig allows software developers to quickly and securely adjust application behavior in production environments without needing to deploy code. It enhances the frequency of software releases, improves application resilience, and enables rapid response to emergent issues. Key Features Feature Flags: Allows gradual release of new capabilities to users and measures the impact of those changes before full deployment. Dynamic Configurations: Enables updates to block lists, allow lists, throttling limits, logging verbosity, and other operational tuning to quickly respond to [...]

AWS AppConfig2024-04-12T13:51:35+00:00

Serverless Model Deployment in AWS: Streamlining with Lambda, Docker, and S3


Welcome back to our series on model deployment in AWS! In the fast-paced world of machine learning and data science, the ability to deploy models efficiently and reliably is crucial. This is where AWS services, with their vast array of tools and capabilities, come into play. In this second installment, we will delve into the potent combination of AWS Lambda and Docker, coupled with the convenience of storing models in S3. This trio offers a scalable, cost-effective, and streamlined solution for deploying machine learning models in a production environment. If you recall, in the first part of our series, we [...]

Serverless Model Deployment in AWS: Streamlining with Lambda, Docker, and S32023-11-30T06:08:01+00:00

Redacting PIIs Using S3 Object Lambda


The Challenge Data privacy is a top priority for businesses, especially amid the rising global data regulations. One common challenge is ensuring sensitive data, like personally identifiable information (PII), remains protected when data is accessed or transferred. Imagine you have a bunch of employee profiles stored as CSV files in an S3 bucket. These profiles include sensitive information such as real names, social security numbers, and email addresses, along with non-sensitive data like job titles and office locations. Various teams within your company often need to access these files for their work. For instance, HR may need to understand the [...]

Redacting PIIs Using S3 Object Lambda2023-06-30T01:06:40+00:00

Setting Up AWS Billing Alerts on Slack


Introduction Let's first get familiar with the AWS Cost Explorer. It's essentially a dedicated financial advisor for your AWS expenses, helping you make sense of where your spending goes. With an easy-to-use interface, AWS Cost Explorer provides detailed visual analytics of your past, present, and predicted AWS usage and costs.   Why Slack for AWS bill? We've all been there, trying to stay on top of our monthly bills. AWS does provide budget alerts, which are pretty handy in preventing spending overruns. But those alerts only chime in when you hit certain thresholds. If you want to see how your [...]

Setting Up AWS Billing Alerts on Slack2023-06-16T03:19:15+00:00

AWS Lambda: Synchronous vs Asynchronous Invocation


You can invoke a Lambda function in two ways. Synchronous Invocation The first one is called Synchronous invocation, which is the default mode. Synchronous invocation is pretty straightforward. When you invoke a function synchronously, AWS Lambda waits until the function is done processing, then returns the result. Let’s see how this works through the following example: The diagram illustrates a Lambda function-backed API that is managed by API Gateway. When API Gateway receives a GET request from the /getOrder resource, it invokes the getOrder function. The function receives an event containing the payload, processes it, and then returns the result. [...]

AWS Lambda: Synchronous vs Asynchronous Invocation2024-07-17T03:30:08+00:00

Connecting your Lambda Function to a Private Database


If you want your Lambda function to interact with resources (e.g., RDS database, EC2 instance) inside a private subnet, you won't be able to do so by default. The reason for this is that Lambda functions live in an isolated and secured VPC managed by AWS. This is why when you create a Lambda function, you don’t go through any networking configurations (VPC, subnet, ENIs), unlike when creating EC2 instances. Also, you cannot establish a VPC peering connection between the VPC where Lambda functions are run and the VPC where your private resources are located because the former is not [...]

Connecting your Lambda Function to a Private Database2023-05-15T02:11:53+00:00

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