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Slack Command

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Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands


Slack is a crucial application for most businesses. It allows the people working within to seamlessly communicate with one another. Slack offers a lot of features such as channels for text communication, huddles for group calls, canvas for a synchronized knowledge base, and more. As businesses or professionals in the tech industry, you'd be glad to know that Slack also supports app integrations, allowing you to bring your technical workflow right into your channels for ease-of-use. This blog is a guide on how you can effectively manage your AWS resources right from the Slack application with Slash Commands. Slack Command [...]

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands2024-05-26T07:37:11+00:00

Unified Slack Automation for Purging the Cache


Cached data can sometimes be corrupted, which can lead to performance problems. It can also prevent applications and websites from loading the latest version of their content. That’s why clearing cache is a must, not only does it resolve these issues, it also clears up space. Clearing cache is also a way to protect privacy since cache can hold sensitive information. About the task Currently, when purging the cache for both TD Portal and TD Main Site, 4 slack commands have to be used: For TD Portal: /clear-w3 portal /clear-fastcgi portal For TD Main Site: /clear-wprocket main /clear-fastcgi main Using [...]

Unified Slack Automation for Purging the Cache2024-05-15T11:29:22+00:00

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