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AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN)

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AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN)

Last updated on August 29, 2022

  • An automated lift-and-shift solution that simplifies, expedites, and lowers the cost of migrating applications to AWS.

  • It converts source servers to run natively on AWS.

How It Works

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  • Install AWS Replication Agent on the source servers.

  • If you use agentless replication for vCenter feature, you must add your source servers by installing the AWS MGN vCenter Client.

  • Replicate source servers to AWS.

  • Perform acceptance tests on servers.

  • Execute a cutover instance.


  • Replication Settings

    • Determines how data will be replicated from source servers to AWS.

    • The Replication Settings template specifies how data replication will be implemented on each new server.

    • Replication servers (EC2 instances) are automatically launched and terminated as needed.

  • The launch template controls how MGN launches instances in AWS.

  • Post-launch Settings

    • To enable post-launch actions, you must allow MGN to install the SSM Agent on your servers.

    • You can configure the following to a post-launch settings template:

      • Automate target instance deployment.

      • Prepare the migrated servers for disaster recovery.

      • Convert operating system.

      • Change license and subscription.

  • Source Servers

    • To migrate your servers into AWS, you’ll need to have a source server.

    • By installing AWS Replication Agent on each individual server, source servers will automatically be added to the AWS MGN.

    • Agentless snapshot replication 

      • Enables you to replicate source servers into AWS without installing an agent.

      • You can perform it from the vCenter source environment into AWS.

  • Launch Settings

    • General launch settings – allows you to modify a number of server-specific settings

    • EC2 launch template – utilizes templates to launch test and cutover EC2 instances.

    • You can test or cutover: 

      • One source server at a time.

      • Multiple source servers simultaneously.

  • Launch history allows you to track and manage all operations performed.


  • The data replicated from your source servers to AWS is located in the staging area subnet.

  • Staging area subnet data is sent over TCP port 443 to the API endpoint:

    • https://mgn.{region}.amazonaws.com/. Replace “{region}”

  • While the source server’s data is sent over TCP port 1500 to the staging area subnet.

  • Instances for test and cutover are launched in the subnet specified in the EC2 Launch Template associated with each source server.

  • The EC2 launch template is automatically created when you add a source server to AWS MGN.


  • Use CloudWatch to monitor AWS resources and applications in real time.

  • You can also configure alarms to monitor specific thresholds and send notifications or take action when those thresholds are reached.

  • With CloudTrail, you can log API calls and related events and send them to an S3 bucket.

  • You can use EventBridge to send an event whenever a Source server launch is complete.


  • Use the global condition context keys in resource policies to limit the permissions granted by AWS MGN.

    • aws:SourceArn

    • aws :SourceAccount

  • To install the AWS Replication Agent, you must first generate an AWS credentials:

    • Persistent IAM credentials

    • Non-persistent IAM credentials


  • You are charged for: 

    • Any AWS infrastructure provisioned to facilitate data replication.

    • Resources provisioned when you launch test or cutover instances.


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