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AWS Backup

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AWS Backup

Last updated on June 23, 2023

AWS Backup Cheat Sheet

  • A service that enables you to centralize and automate data protection across AWS services and hybrid workloads.

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  • Backup plan

    • A policy expression that determines when and how you want your AWS resources backed up.

    • Stores periodic backups incrementally.

    • A backup plan can be created using the AWS Backup console, API, CLI, SDK, or an AWS CloudFormation template.

    • Backup plans can be assigned the following:

      • Resource type – every instance or resource.

      • Resource – a single instance of a resource type.

    • Supports multiple backup plans for workloads with different backup requirements.

    • To delete a backup plan, you must first delete all resources associated with it.

    • When you change the retention period in a backup rule, the retention period of backups created before the update remains unchanged.

  • Backup vault

    • A container to store and organize your backups.

    • You can just create multiple backup vaults if you need different encryption keys or access policies for different groups of backups.

    • To encrypt the backups placed in the vault, you will need to use an AWS KMS encryption key.

    • AWS Backup Vault Lock allows you to enforce retention periods and prevent early deletions.

    • You cannot delete the following backup vaults:

      • AWS Backup default backup vault.

      • Amazon EFS automatic backup vault.

  • Backup

    • The backup or recovery point is the content of a resource at a specific time.

    • Recovery points are stored in backup vaults.

    • A backup can be restored using the AWS Backup console or API.

    • Backups can be created:

      • Automatically with backup plans.

      • Manually by initiating an on-demand backup.

    • You can create backup copies across:

      • AWS Regions

      • AWS accounts

    • You can configure lifecycle policies and add tags to a backup.

  • AWS Backup Audit Manager

    • Audit Frameworks

      • A framework is a set of controls that allows you to assess your backup practices.

      • Find backup activity and resources that aren’t yet in compliance with the controls you’ve set up.

      • Each framework applies to a single account and a maximum of 10 per AWS Region.

      • Frameworks are classified into two types:

        • AWS Backup framework

        • Custom framework

    • Audit Reports

      • Automatically generate an audit trail of daily and on-demand reports.

      • You must create a report plan from a report template to create daily or on-demand reports.

        • Backup report templates

        • Compliance report templates

      • Reports can only be in the same region and account as the S3 bucket.

      • Each AWS account can only have a maximum of 20 report plans.

AWS Backup Monitoring

  • AWS Organizations manage and monitor backup, restore, and copy jobs across multiple AWS accounts.

  • Amazon EventBridge to view and monitor AWS Backup events.

  • AWS CloudWatch to track metrics, create alarms, and view dashboards.

  • AWS CloudTrail to monitor AWS Backup API calls.

  • Amazon SNS to subscribe and notify you of AWS Backup events.

AWS Backup Pricing

  • You are charged for the following:

    • Amount of backup storage you use.

    • Amount of backup data that has been transferred between AWS Regions.

    • Amount of backup data you restore.

    • Number of backup evaluations.


AWS Backup Cheat Sheet References:


Written by: Admin User-1

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