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AWS re:Invent 2022 Highlights

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AWS re:Invent 2022 Highlights

Last updated on June 25, 2023

If you’re new to AWS and haven’t heard of re:Invent, this is a global cloud community event where AWS announces new features and services. You also get to meet like-minded IT professionals who are eager to learn more about cloud computing. For November 28, 2022 – December 2, 2022, the biggest, most comprehensive, and the most vibrant event will be held again in Las Vegas.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the list of new services and updates on existing AWS services.

New AWS services



 Amazon CodeCatalyst (Preview)

  • A unified software development service

 Amazon Omics

  • A service to transform genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data into insights

 Amazon Security Lake

  • A service that automatically centralizes security data into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account

 Amazon Verified Permissions  (Preview)

  • A scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service for custom applications

 Amazon VPC Lattice (Preview)

  • An application layer networking service

 AWS AI Service Cards

  • A new resource for responsible AI

 AWS Application Composer (Preview)

  • Visually design and build serverless applications quickly

 AWS Network Manager

  • Introduction of real-time performance monitoring for the AWS Global Network

 AWS SimSpace Weaver

  • A service for deploying large-scale spatial simulations in the cloud

 AWS Supply Chain (Preview)

  • Mitigate risks and lower costs with an ML-powered supply chain management application

 AWS Verified Access

  • Allows you to secure access to corporate applications without a VPN

 AWS Wickr

  • General Availability of an end-to-end encrypted, enterprise communications service

Updates on AWS services



 Amazon AppFlow

  • Supports over 50 connectors

 Amazon Athena

  • Supports Apache Spark

 Amazon Aurora

  • Supports zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift

  • Trusted language extensions for PostgreSQL

 Amazon Braket

  • Launch of Braket Algorithm Library a pre-built quantum algorithms

 Amazon CodeWhisperer

  • Supports enterprise administrative controls, simple sign-up, and support for new languages

 Amazon Connect

  • Preview of Contact Lens agent performance evaluations forms

  • Preview of step-by-step guides in agent workspace

 Amazon DocumentDB

  • Elastic Clusters is now generally available

 Amazon EC2

  • Introduction of EC2 Spot Ready Software Products

  • Launch of EC2 C6in, C7gn (preview) , Inf2 (preview), and R7iz instances

  • Availability of MS Office AMIs on EC2 with AWS-provided licenses

  • Introduction of Elastic Network Adapter Express

 Amazon ECS

  • Introduction of Service Connect

 Amazon Elastic File System

  • Introduction of 1-Day Lifecycle Management Policy to reduce costs for cold data sets

  • Launches Elastic Throughput

  • 60% lower latencies

 Amazon EventBridge

  • EventBridge Pipes is now generally available

 Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

  • Simplifies access to Multi-AZ file systems from on-premises and peered networks

  • Doubles the maximum throughput capacity and SSD IOPS per file system

 Amazon FSx for OpenZFS

  • Introduction of a new generation of FSx for OpenZFS file system

 Amazon GameLift

  • Supports customer-managed compute with GameLift Anywhere

 Amazon GuardDuty

  • Preview of RDS Protection

 Amazon Inspector

  • Supports AWS Lambda functions

 Amazon Kendra

  • Launches tabular search for HTML documents

  • Expanded language support for semantic search

 Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

  • Supports data stream delivery to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

 Amazon Macie

  • Introduction of automated sensitive data discovery

 Amazon OpenSearch

  • Launch of OpenSearch Serverless

 Amazon QuickSight

  • QuickSight Q supports automated data preparation

  • QuickSight Q new question types

  • Introduction of paginated reports

  • Expanded API capabilities are generally available

 Amazon RDS

  • RDS Optimized Writes enables up to 2x higher write throughput at no additional cost

  • RDS Optimized Reads up to 50% faster queries on Amazon RDS for MySQL

  • SupportsRDS Blue/Green Deployments

  • Trusted language extensions for PostgreSQL

 Amazon Redshift

  • Support for dynamic data masking (preview)

  • General Availability of real-time streaming ingestion for Amazon KDS and Amazon MSK

  • Integration for Apache Spark with Amazon EMR

  • Extends SQL capabilities to simplify and speed up data warehouse migrations (preview)

  • Integration with Informatica Data Loader tool to accelerate data uploads at no cost

  • Supports auto-copy from Amazon S3

  • Data sharing now supports centralized access control with AWS Lake Formation (Preview)

  • Preview of Multi-AZ for RA3 clusters

 Amazon Route 53

  • Preview of application recovery controller zonal shift

 Amazon S3

  • S3 Access Points can be used to delegate access permissions for shared datasets securely.

  • S3 Multi-Region Access Points for new failover controls

 Amazon SageMaker

  • Redesigned User Interface

  • Launch of SageMaker Ready Software Products

  • Supports real-time collaboration

  • SageMaker Jumpstart enables you to easily share ML artifacts

  • Supports Automatic conversion of notebook code to production-ready jobs

  • Launch of SageMaker Autopilot to automate MLOps workflows

  • SageMaker Data Wrangler provides built-in data preparation in notebooks

  • Support for deploying data preparation flows created in Data Wrangler

  • SageMaker Data Wrangler supports over 40 third-party apps as data sources

  • Supports shadow testing

  • Preview of geospatial ML

 Amazon Textract

  • Introduction of Analyze Lending to accelerate loan document processing

 Amazon Transcribe

  • Real-time capabilities in Transcribe Call Analytics API

 Amazon VPC

  • VPC Reachability Analyzer supports network reachability analysis across accounts in AWS Organization

 AWS Application Migration Service

  • Supports application-centric migrations, wave-planning, and more

 AWS Backup

  • Launches delegation of organization-wide backup administration

  • Supports legal hold capability for extended data retention beyond lifecycle policies

  • The backup Audit Manager adds centralized reporting

  • Support for Amazon Redshift

  • Launches application-aware data protection for applications defined using AWS CloudFormation.

 AWS CloudTrail Lake

  • Supports configuration items from AWS Config

 AWS CloudWatch

  • Supports cross-account observability across multiple AWS accounts

  • CloudWatch Logs data protection to detect and protect sensitive data-in-transit

  • Preview of CloudWatch Internet Monitor

 AWS Compute Optimizer

  • Supports external metrics from observability partners

 AWS Config

  • Rules support proactive compliance

 AWS Control Tower

  • Preview of comprehensive control management

  • Introduction of account customization

 AWS Data Exchange

  • Preview: Support for Amazon S3 and AWS Lake Formation


  • Launch of Schema Conversion feature

 AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

  • Supports cross-region and cross-AZ failback

 AWS Glue

  • Introduction of AWS Glue Delivery

  • AWS Glue for Apache Spark Native supports Data Lake Frameworks (Apache Hudie, APache Iceberg, Delta Lake)

  • Introduction of AWS Glue 4.0

  • Launch of Glue for Ray, a new engine option on AWS Glue

  • Preview of AWS Glue Data Quality

 AWS Graviton

  • Introduction of AWS Graviton Delivery Partners


  • General Availability for version 5 of MQTT message broker (MQTT5)

  • IoT Device Management Jobs support scheduling configuration

  • IoT Core announces new Device Location feature


  • Launches external key store

 AWS Lambda

  • Introduction of Lambda SnapStart for Java functions

 AWS Local Zones

  • General availability of Local Zones in Buenos, Aries, Copenhagen, Helsinki, and Muscat

 AWS Machine Learning University

  • Introduction of educator enablement program for higher education

 AWS Marketplace

  • Marketplace for containers supports direct deployment to EKS clusters

  • Introduction of Marketplace Vendor Insights to streamline vendor risk assessments

 AWS Nitro Enclaves

  • Supports Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

 AWS Organizations

  • Supports delegated administrator

 AWS Outposts

  • Availability in Qatar, Guatemala, and Trinidad & Tobago

 AWS re:Post

  • Integration with AWS Builder ID and the ability to link multiple logins to a single re:Post profile

 AWS Step Functions

  • Launches large-scale parallel workflows for data processing and serverless applications

 Elastic Load Balancing

  • Capabilities for app availability

 Torn Write Prevention

  • Support for EC2 I4i instances, EBS, and Amazon RDS

Final Remarks

Maybe you’re wondering how you can join the event. Is it a free or a paid event? Unfortunately, you have to purchase re:Invent ticket to attend the said event. But if you’re too far and going to miss the event, the good news is that you can watch the highlights on-demand on the AWS events website. You should also follow the social media sites of AWS to stay updated on news and upcoming events.

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Written by: Gerome Pagatpatan

Gerome is a Software Engineer with 5 cloud certifications from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle. He co-authored high-quality educational materials in the cloud computing space, which have been used by over a quarter-million people worldwide. He is also part of the AWS Community Builders program, which aims to help fellow IT professionals advance their careers in the cloud. He is passionate about education, and now it's his turn to share his knowledge, experiences, and passion for cloud computing.

AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!

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