• AZ-500 Study Guide

    AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate Exam Study Path

    Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate certification is designed for security engineers who are responsible for security posture, implementing security controls, managing identity and access, and protecting data, [...]

  • TD EC2 Instance State Automation

    Utilizing Lambda Functions to Control Amazon EC2 Instances via Slack

    Managing and controlling resources is crucial in the cloud computing environment. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. Alongside AWS services, communication and collaboration tools like Slack have become integral to modern workflows. This article [...]

  • Enabling Virtual Deliverability Manager in Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)

    Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a cloud-based solution tailored for digital marketers and application developers aiming to distribute various emails, including marketing emails, notifications, and transaction-based communications. This service stands out for its reliability and cost-efficiency, making it an ideal choice for enterprises of varying sizes wishing to [...]

  • Validate Referrer Headers Using CloudFront Function

    Validate Referrer Headers Using CloudFront Function

    Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), lets you distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds. One of its many features is the ability to create CloudFront functions, which are lightweight functions that can manipulate HTTP requests and responses. This article will discuss creating a CloudFront [...]

  • DEA-C01

    My AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Exam Experience 2024

    I recently took the actual exam of the AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 online. Interestingly, it has some resemblances with the exam content of the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty test, albeit not entirely the same in terms of depth. This new Associate-level exam aims to validate [...]

  • No-Code ETL using AWS GLUE STUDIO

    Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio

    Introduction Welcome to the dynamic world of AWS Data Engineering! This beginner-friendly guide introduces you to the essentials of data staging and transformation within the AWS ecosystem without needing to code. By exploring the foundational use of Amazon S3 and AWS Glue, this guide provides a practical starting point [...]

  • Setting Up Development Environments with AWS Cloud9

    Setting Up Development Environments with AWS Cloud9

    Welcome to the world of AWS Cloud 9, where seamless development and collaboration meet in the cloud! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, Cloud 9 is here to revolutionize the way you build and deploy applications. Imagine having the power to write, run, and [...]

  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

    Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

    In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses rely heavily on cloud computing services to manage their operations efficiently. When it comes to cloud computing, one of the key decisions involves choosing the right instance purchasing options. With various options available, it can be overwhelming to determine the most suitable approach. [...]

  • My AWS Certified SYSOPS Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

    My AWS Certified SYSOPS Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

    I recently took and passed the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam and wanted to share my experience. This was a challenging yet rewarding journey, and I hope my insights will help those planning to take the same path. About the Exam The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C02 ) [...]

  • VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS

    VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS

    What is a VPC Endpoint? With a VPC endpoint, you can establish a private connection to specific AWS services and VPC endpoint services through AWS PrivateLink. It eliminates the need for public IP addresses for communication between these services and your Amazon VPC instances. Furthermore, a secure connection is [...]

  • Managing AWS Organizations and accounts with AWS Control Tower

Managing AWS Organizations and Accounts with AWS Control Tower

Introduction As organizations embrace the power of the cloud and scale their operations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), managing multiple AWS accounts can become a complex and daunting task. Challenges such as decentralized governance, inconsistent security controls, and manual provisioning processes can hinder an organization's ability to harness the full potential of AWS. To address these issues, AWS Control Tower steps in as a comprehensive solution that streamlines multi-account management and governance within AWS [...]

  • Customizing your AWS Control Tower Landing Zone

Customizing Your AWS Control Tower Landing Zone

AWS Control Tower is an AWS solution that simplifies the management of multi-account AWS installations. Although it provides default configurations to create a landing zone, customizing it is still essential to meet specific organizational requirements. Organizations can tailor access controls, organizational structures, and resource provisioning processes. This article explores different ways to customize the landing zone, enabling organizations to optimize the benefits of AWS Control Tower and create a specialized environment that aligns with [...]

  • AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert Exam Study Guide

AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert Exam Study Path

Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification is designed for experienced professionals who can design, implement, and manage Microsoft Azure solutions. The exam tests your skills in designing and implementing solutions for a variety of business needs, including scalability, security, and compliance. Prior experience in infrastructure management is essential for success on the [...]

Managing AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits

Cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) have become widely recognized and necessary for businesses of all sizes. However, with the convenience and flexibility of AWS come the potential challenges of managing costs effectively. It can be daunting to manage AWS costs, particularly when you have a lot of resources running in your account. Nonetheless, there is a way to help with this concern by working your AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits. [...]

  • Cloudfront function URL Demo

Cloudfront Function URL Demo

In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up a CloudFront Function for your CloudFront distribution. We'll walk you through a scenario where we use CloudFront Functions to redirect users to different content based on their device type. By the end of this guide, you'll gain a clear understanding of how CloudFront Functions can benefit your specific use case. Creating an S3  Bucket This bucket will simply serve as a [...]

  • NEW Practice Test Sampler - AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

NEW Practice Test Sampler – AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Are you preparing to take the AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam and are looking for free materials or resources that will help you pass and become certified? Good news! It is with absolute delight that we announce the release of our NEW Practice Test Sampler- AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.   The AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam will test your subject matter expertise in implementing, managing, and monitoring an organization’s [...]

  • AWS Lambda Response Streaming Demo

AWS Lambda Response Streaming Demo

Introduction Response streaming is a new invocation method that enables your functions to progressively stream response payloads back to the clients. Instead of waiting for the entire data to be ready, your applications can now receive chunks of data as soon as they become available. This means faster loading times and a more responsive user experience. Response Streaming vs. Non-Streaming (Buffering) To quickly get an idea of how it works, we need to see [...]

  • CloudFront Function URL

CloudFront Function URL

Introduction CloudFront Functions is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that enables developers to deploy and run lightweight JavaScript functions at AWS’s global edge locations closer to the end-users. This functionality facilitates high scalability and low latency and simplifies operations by allowing developers to run code that customizes the content delivered through CloudFront.  When to Use CloudFront Functions?  CloudFront Functions is ideal for simple tasks requiring high request rates and low latency.  These tasks can [...]

  • My SAA-C03 Exam Experience

My SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Experience 2023

Getting certified is an essential milestone for IT professionals for career advancement in today's competitive industry. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) is one such certification. In this article, I will share my SAA-C03 exam experience, highlighting my challenges, overcoming setbacks, and the lessons I learned, including the various SAA-C03 exam topics I encountered. Basically, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification test is an Associate-level exam of the AWS Global [...]

  • Building Serverless APIs with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Building Serverless APIs with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Are you looking to create robust and scalable APIs without dealing with infrastructure management? In this article, we'll look at how to use AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway to create serverless APIs. You may build APIs that automatically grow, are simple to manage, and offer a seamless user experience by using these services. Your APIs' front door is AWS API Gateway, and AWS Lambda handles the backend computation. Using this integration, you can [...]

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