• TD EC2 Instance State Automation

    Utilizing Lambda Functions to Control Amazon EC2 Instances via Slack

    Managing and controlling resources is crucial in the cloud computing environment. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. Alongside AWS services, communication and collaboration tools like Slack have become integral to modern workflows. This article [...]

  • Enabling Virtual Deliverability Manager in Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)

    Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a cloud-based solution tailored for digital marketers and application developers aiming to distribute various emails, including marketing emails, notifications, and transaction-based communications. This service stands out for its reliability and cost-efficiency, making it an ideal choice for enterprises of varying sizes wishing to [...]

  • Validate Referrer Headers Using CloudFront Function

    Validate Referrer Headers Using CloudFront Function

    Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), lets you distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds. One of its many features is the ability to create CloudFront functions, which are lightweight functions that can manipulate HTTP requests and responses. This article will discuss creating a CloudFront [...]

  • DEA-C01

    My AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Exam Experience 2024

    I recently took the actual exam of the AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 online. Interestingly, it has some resemblances with the exam content of the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty test, albeit not entirely the same in terms of depth. This new Associate-level exam aims to validate [...]

  • No-Code ETL using AWS GLUE STUDIO

    Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio

    Introduction Welcome to the dynamic world of AWS Data Engineering! This beginner-friendly guide introduces you to the essentials of data staging and transformation within the AWS ecosystem without needing to code. By exploring the foundational use of Amazon S3 and AWS Glue, this guide provides a practical starting point [...]

  • Setting Up Development Environments with AWS Cloud9

    Setting Up Development Environments with AWS Cloud9

    Welcome to the world of AWS Cloud 9, where seamless development and collaboration meet in the cloud! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, Cloud 9 is here to revolutionize the way you build and deploy applications. Imagine having the power to write, run, and [...]

  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

    Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

    In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses rely heavily on cloud computing services to manage their operations efficiently. When it comes to cloud computing, one of the key decisions involves choosing the right instance purchasing options. With various options available, it can be overwhelming to determine the most suitable approach. [...]

  • My AWS Certified SYSOPS Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

    My AWS Certified SYSOPS Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

    I recently took and passed the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam and wanted to share my experience. This was a challenging yet rewarding journey, and I hope my insights will help those planning to take the same path. About the Exam The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C02 ) [...]

  • VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS

    VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS

    What is a VPC Endpoint? With a VPC endpoint, you can establish a private connection to specific AWS services and VPC endpoint services through AWS PrivateLink. It eliminates the need for public IP addresses for communication between these services and your Amazon VPC instances. Furthermore, a secure connection is [...]

  • Switching Spot Instance to Reserved Instance

    Switching Your Spot EC2 Instance to a Reserved EC2 Instance

    Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a cloud computing service that instantly provides flexible and scalable resources to deploy virtual servers, called instances. While Spot Instances can save you a significant amount of money, especially for short-lived workloads, there may come a time when you need a more predictable [...]

  • Building a Deployment Pipeline for a React Application with AWS CodePipeline

Building a Deployment Pipeline for a React Application with AWS CodePipeline

This is the second part of a series of blogs about the platform management of a React Application infrastructure by adding a continuous deployment component to the earlier infrastructure. In an earlier article, I wrote about how a private react application infrastructure can be deployed with Terraform code. Now, we will explore this further by building a deployment pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. Let's assume that the source code of the React web application is [...]

  • Train and Deploy a Scikit-Learn Model in Amazon SageMaker

Train and Deploy a Scikit-Learn Model in Amazon SageMaker

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of machine learning (ML), the ability to efficiently train and deploy models is crucial for turning innovative ideas into real-world applications. This is where Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly, stands out. Amazon SageMaker streamlines the machine learning workflow, offering a broad set of capabilities that are designed to enable [...]

  • Securing LLMs with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

Securing LLMs with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

One of the pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is security. It is a foundational concept when running your workloads in the cloud to think about privacy, access limits, compliance with regulatory requirements, and data protection; and this includes Amazon Bedrock. Along with several AI announcements during the keynote of AWS CEO, Adam Selipsky during AWS re:Invent 2023 was Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock. As AI technology evolves and becomes more mature, it makes sense [...]

  • Building a Private React Application Infrastructure with Terraform

Building a Private React Application Infrastructure with Terraform

This is the first part of a series of blogs about the platform management of a React Application infrastructure using Terraform. In the early phases of a software development project, it is mandatory to have the application reviewed by security way before the Beta release to ensure that the app adheres to the standards of a secure web application and is able to protect the sensitive data it handles. Most of the time, DevOps [...]

  • AZ-500 Study Guide

AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate Exam Study Path

Bookmarks Study Materials Core Azure Services to Focus on the AZ-500 Exam Conclusion The AZ-500, or Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate certification, is designed for those security professionals who can implement, manage, and monitor security resources in Azure, multi-cloud, and hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure. This exam will determine your ability to accomplish technical tasks, including managing identity and access and security operations, implementing platform protection, [...]

  • How to Install and Configure PHP OpCache with Web Viewer on Ubuntu 20.04

How to Install and Configure PHP OpCache with Web Viewer on Ubuntu 20.04

The performance of your PHP applications can be significantly enhanced by using OpCache, a PHP opcode cache. OpCache reduces the need to recompile your PHP scripts on each request by storing the generated bytecode in memory, resulting in quicker execution rates and lessened server load. Image retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/flash-running-poster-custom-posters-design-your-own-wall-art-create-personalized-prints--792281759458556733/ This article will walk you through installing and configuring PHP OpCache with Web Viewer on Ubuntu 20.04. Install OpCache Install the Nginx, PHP, and additional [...]

  • Deploying a Serverless Inference Endpoint with Amazon SageMaker7

Deploying a Serverless Inference Endpoint with Amazon SageMaker

Introduction Welcome to our deep dive into the world of serverless machine learning (ML) inference using Amazon SageMaker. In this blog post, we will explore the innovative and efficient approach of deploying ML models without the need for managing servers, a method known as serverless inference. What is Serverless Inference? Serverless inference is a cloud computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. The key advantage here is [...]

  • DEA-C01 exam details
  • dea-c01 exam domains examtopics aws certified data engineer associate 2024 pdf

My AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 BETA Exam Experience

I recently took the beta exam of the AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 online, and from the get-go, I can see its resemblance to the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty test, albeit not entirely the same in terms of depth. This new Associate-level exam aims to validate the skills and knowledge of IT Professionals in core data-related AWS services, such as the ability to implement data pipelines, perform cost optimization, troubleshoot data [...]

  • scs-c02

Adding SSL to WordPress Website with Let’s Encrypt

With the rapid advancement of technology today, it is undeniable that this has resulted in a higher number of cyber-attacks, calling every website owner to strengthen their preemptive measure to protect and have robust security for their website and its users. One essential way of boosting website security is by obtaining an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. This article will explore the reasons and benefits of adding an SSL certificate to your WordPress website. [...]

  • Setting Up AWS EventBridge for Cross-Region IAM Event Notifications

Setting Up AWS EventBridge for Cross-Region IAM Event Notifications

AWS EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that simplifies event-driven architectures. In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage EventBridge with a cross-region event bus to overcome the regional limitations associated with IAM (Identity and Access Management) events. This setup will enable you to capture and respond to IAM events seamlessly across AWS regions. Use Case: Cross-Region IAM Event Notifications with AWS EventBridge AWS CloudWatch Events are powerful, but they are region-specific, posing [...]

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