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Commanding Genomics: AWS CLI for Bioinformatics Workflows

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Commanding Genomics: AWS CLI for Bioinformatics Workflows

“This is becoming more troublesome…” I can hear you mumble as you move your mouse to click on the different AWS services you need in the console. 

As time goes by, it can get tiresome to keep on clicking things for your workflow instead of doing them in just one place. You can streamline this process with the AWS CLI! Knowing not only how to work with AWS Console, but also the AWS Command-Line Interface will help you up your bioinformatics workflow!

What is AWS CLI?

According to their official website,

“The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell. With minimal configuration, the AWS CLI enables you to start running commands that implement functionality equivalent to that provided by the browser-based AWS Management Console from the command prompt in your terminal program.”

You can use these commands on the following:

  • On your local computer – either in Linux/MacOS or command prompt/PowerShell (Windows)
  • On remote servers – such as Amazon EC2 instances with tools like SSH or PuTTY
  • In managed AWS services – using the CLI with AWS Systems Manager for running commands

Currently, the most recent version is the AWS CLI version 2. If you are already using the AWS CLI version 1, see here about the migration process, otherwise, you can proceed as written in this article.

Getting Started

1. Installation and Configuration

The blog will show Windows as an example, but it also works with other operating systems. Kindly refer to the installation guide of AWS.

  • Download the AWS CLI installer compatible with your operating system (Installation Guide). Follow the corresponding steps indicated in the article.



  • Verify installation by running the command: aws –version in your command line.

Verify installation

  • Configure AWS CLI with your credentials: aws configure

AWS CLI Configuration

Then, you’ll be prompted to input:

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  • Access Key ID 
  • Secret Access Key
  • Default region (e.g., us-west-2)
  • Output format (e.g., json, text, or table)

The Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are created after you have set up your account and configured the IAM roles and users. 

2. Setting up your CLI for your projects

It is important to set up your CLI properly for more efficient workflows. Do the same as in the previous number and take note of the following:

  • Before starting your workflow, set up the users and roles necessary. Make it a habit to not work with your root account for added security.
  • To ensure low latency and cost efficiency, set the region to where your data is being processed and analyzed.

Related Terminologies

Before diving into the different CLI commands, you can familiarize yourself with the following terminologies:

  • Sequence store – store genomic sequence data
  • Reference store – holds your reference genome files
  • Variant store – for genomic variant data used in analysis
  • Annotation store – for more information about those variants 
  • Job – a specific task or operation done in AWS environment
  • Activation job – the process of restoring archived read sets making them ready for analysis
  • Read sets – collection of genomic sequence reads (FASTQ, BAM, CRAM)
  • Workflow – series of steps or tasks for processing and analyzing genomic data
  • Run – single execution of a workflow
  • Run group – a collection of workflow runs sharing certain configurations
  • Workflow run – execution instance of a workflow

You can also check out my other bioinformatics articles for more information here!

Key AWS CLI Commands for Bioinformatics

Listed below are the common AWS CLI commands that you can reference for your bioinformatics workflow. It is categorized into five (5): data management, workflow orchestration, data analysis, data sharing and collaboration, and monitoring and security.


Take note that the commands are not limited to these. You can check the documentation here for more details.

Data Management

Sequence store operations



 aws omics create-sequence-store \  

 –name my-seq-store

 Create a sequence store

 aws omics delete-sequence-store \

    –id 1234567890

 Delete a sequence store

 aws omics list-sequence-stores

 List sequence stores

 aws omics get-sequence-store \

    –id 1234567890

 Get sequence store details

Read Set Management

 aws omics get-read-set-import-job \

    –sequence-store-id 1234567890 \

    –id 1234567890

 View read set import job

 aws omics get-read-set-export-job \

    –sequence-store-id 1234567890 \

    –id 1234567890

 View read sets export job

 aws omics batch-delete-read-set \

    –sequence-store-id 1234567890 \

    –ids 1234567890 0123456789

 Delete multiple read sets

Reference Store Operations

 aws omics create-reference-store \

    –name my-ref-store

 Create a Reference Store

 aws omics delete-reference-store \

    –id 1234567890

 Delete a Reference Store

 aws omics start-reference-import-job \

    –reference-store-id 1234567890 \

    –role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/omics-service-role-serviceRole-W8O1XMPL7QZ \

    –sources sourceFile=s3://omics-artifacts-01d6xmpl4e72dd32/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta,name=assembly-38

 Import References

 aws omics get-reference-store \

    –id 1234567890

 View a reference store


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Workflow Orchestration

Workflow Management

aws omics create-workflow \

    –name cram-converter \

    –engine WDL \

    –definition-zip fileb://workflow-crambam.zip \

    –parameter-template file://workflow-params.json

 Create a workflow

 aws omics start-run \

    –workflow-id 1234567 \

    –role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/omics-  service-role-serviceRole-W8O1XMPL7QZ \

    –name ‘cram-to-bam’ \

    –output-uri s3://omics-artifacts- 01d6xmpl4e72dd32/workflow-output/ \

    –run-group-id 1234567 \

    –priority 1 \

    –storage-capacity 10 \

    –log-level ALL \

    –parameters file://workflow-inputs.json

 Start a workflow run

 aws omics delete-workflow \

    –id 1234567

 Delete workflow

 aws omics get-workflow \

    –id 1234567

 Get workflow details

 aws omics list-workflows

 List workflows

Run Group Management

 aws omics create-run-group \

    –name cram-converter \

    –max-cpus 20 \

    –max-duration 600

 Create a run group

 aws omics delete-run-group \

    –id 1234567

 Delete a run group

 aws omics get-run-group \

    –id 1234567

 Get run group details


Data Analysis

Variant Store Operations

 aws omics create-variant-store \

    –name my_var_store \

    –reference referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890

 Create a variant store

 aws omics delete-variant-store \

    –name my_var_store

 Delete a variant store

 aws omics start-variant-import-job \

    –destination-name my_var_store \

    –no-run-left-normalization  \

    –role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/omics-service-role-serviceRole-W8O1XMPL7QZ \

    –items source=s3://omics-artifacts-01d6xmpl4e72dd32/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.known_indels.vcf.gz

 Start variant import job

 aws omics cancel-variant-import-job \

    –job-id 69cb65d6-xmpl-4a4a-9025-4565794b684e

 Cancel variant import job

Annotation Store Operations

 aws omics create-annotation-store \

    –name my_ann_store \

    –store-format VCF \

    –reference referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890

 Create an annotation store

 aws omics delete-annotation-store \

    –name my_vcf_store

 Delete an annotation store

 aws omics start-annotation-import-job \

    –destination-name tsv_ann_store \

    –no-run-left-normalization \

    –role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/omics-service-role-serviceRole-W8O1XMPL7QZ \

    –items source=s3://omics-artifacts-01d6xmpl4e72dd32/targetedregions.bed.gz

 Start annotation import job

 aws omics cancel-annotation-import-job \

    –job-id 04f57618-xmpl-4fd0-9349-e5a85aefb997

 Cancel annotation import job

Data Sharing and Collaboration

Sharing Resources

 aws omics create-share \

    –resource-arn “arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:555555555555:variantStore/omics_dev_var_store” \

    –principal-subscriber “123456789012” \

    –name “my_Share-123”

 Create a share

 aws omics accept-share \

    —-share-id “495c21bedc889d07d0ab69d710a6841e-dd75ab7a1a9c384fa848b5bd8e5a7e0a”

 Accept a share

 aws omics delete-share \

    –share-id “495c21bedc889d07d0ab69d710a6841e-dd75ab7a1a9c384fa848b5bd8e5a7e0a”

 Delete a share

 aws omics list-shares \

    –resource-owner SELF

 List shares

Monitoring and Security

Job Monitoring

 aws omics get-read-set-activation-job \

    –sequence-store-id 1234567890 \

    –id 1234567890

 View archived read set activation job

 aws omics list-read-set-activation-jobs \

    –sequence-store-id 1234567890

 List read set activation jobs

 aws omics get-run \

    –id 1234567

 Get run details

  aws omics list-runs

 List runs

Resource Tagging

 aws omics tag-resource \

    –resource-arn arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:workflow/1234567 \

    –tags department=analytics

 Tag a resource

 aws omics untag-resource \

    –resource-arn arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:workflow/1234567 \

    –tag-keys department

 Untag a resource

 aws omics list-tags-for-resource \

    –resource-arn arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:workflow/1234567

 List tags for a resource



Now you know how you can utilize the AWS CLI for your bioinformatics workflow! You are encouraged to explore the CLI and experiment with your projects. With this new skill, you will be able to work efficiently by streamlining your process!


All about AWS CLI

What is the AWS Command Line Interface? – AWS Command Line Interface

Migrating from AWS CLI version 1 to AWS CLI version 2 – AWS Command Line Interface

AWS CLI Commands in Bioinformatics

My other articles

AWS in Bioinformatics: Biology, data, & the cloud

SRA Toolkit + AWS: Revolutionizing Bioinformatics Data Prep

Unlocking the Secrets of DNA: Analyzing Genomic Data with AWS


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Written by: Samantha Servo

Samantha is a fourth-year Computer Science student at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and an IT intern in Tutorials Dojo. Actively involved in campus organizations such as GDSC PLM and AWS Cloud Clubs Haribon, she's passionate about the convergence of medicine and technology, particularly data science. Samantha aims to contribute to advancements in these dynamic fields.

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