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Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security


The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and made shareable. While RDS takes daily snapshots automatically, these are not shareable by default. To address this, we copy the snapshots and share the copies with a designated backup account. This process uses AWS Lambda Functions and Amazon EventBridge to automate the task. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles copying and sharing the snapshots. This automation ensures that shareable snapshots are created every day without manual intervention, enhancing the reliability and accessibility of database backups. The Automated Daily RDS Export has several [...]

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security2024-07-17T06:42:57+00:00

Solving HTTP 500 Errors by Increasing File Descriptor Limits


When it comes to web hosting and server management, facing HTTP 500 errors can be a challenging obstacle. Such errors frequently arise from file descriptor limits, which restrict the server's capacity to manage incoming requests efficiently. However, by understanding how to expand these limits, you can reduce the occurrence of HTTP 500 errors and guarantee more seamless operations for your web applications.  Raising file descriptor limits helps fix HTTP 500 errors by enabling servers to manage more connections at once. This enhances server reliability and efficiency, particularly during high traffic, leading to fewer errors and quicker responses. Additionally, it reduces [...]

Solving HTTP 500 Errors by Increasing File Descriptor Limits2024-07-08T08:56:55+00:00

Daily AMI Export: Enhancing Backup and Recovery


Daily automation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) export is vital for keeping IT systems strong and dependable. This process ensures that the latest version of your system's setup is always saved. If something goes wrong, like a system crash, having these up-to-date backups means you can quickly get things back up and running. Additionally, it makes it easier to grow or move your systems because you have readily available copies of machine images. By doing this every day, businesses can reduce the risk of losing data, work more efficiently, and keep everything running smoothly. Automating daily exports of Amazon Machine [...]

Daily AMI Export: Enhancing Backup and Recovery2024-06-21T00:56:12+00:00

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 4: Network


Cloud Service Providers, such as AWS, use various networking features to power its cloud computing platform. Having foundational computer networking knowledge will certainly come handy to properly configure your cloud applications and systems. It's important to know about the basics such as the 7 layers of the Open System Intercommunication (OSI) Model and Domain Name System (DNS) but fortunately, AWS makes some parts of networking easier for us. Welcome to part 5 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it down into smaller digestible concepts related to software [...]

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 4: Network2024-05-29T01:17:13+00:00

AWS Student Community Day Philippines 2024


April 17, 2024, a day filled with learning and curiosity. This prestigious event was held at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines,  Bulwagang Balagtas. This event served as a guide for budding tech enthusiasts and students who want to learn and dive into the world of cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Throughout the day, participants got to listen to inspiring and knowledge filled discussions each designed to deepen their understanding of AWS technologies and the community. Every moment was a chance to absorb new knowledge, exchange ideas, and connect with fellow learners and industry experts. What is Amazon [...]

AWS Student Community Day Philippines 20242024-05-08T07:48:51+00:00

AWS for Students, Exploring Cloud Solutions


AWS extends far beyond just Lambda functions, providing an extensive range of vital services for learning and skill development. Throughout this blog, we will explore how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can benefit students interested in cloud computing as we cover various AWS services and their practical applications, helping them effectively leverage the opportunities it presents for aspiring professionals in the field of cloud computing. Starting off with examining AWS storage solutions like Amazon S3, which allow easy, secure data storage and retrieval. This service is crucial for collaborative projects and simplifies the management of large datasets. With this, AWS provides [...]

AWS for Students, Exploring Cloud Solutions2024-05-03T09:23:02+00:00

Switching Your Spot EC2 Instance to a Reserved EC2 Instance


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a cloud computing service that instantly provides flexible and scalable resources to deploy virtual servers, called instances. While Spot Instances can save you a significant amount of money, especially for short-lived workloads, there may come a time when you need a more predictable pricing model. This is where Reserved Instances (RIs) come in handy. In this article, we'll explain the reasons for switching from a Spot Instance to a Reserved Instance and guide you through the process. Understanding Spot Instances and Reserved Instances: Spot Instances and Reserved Instances are two pricing models available on [...]

Switching Your Spot EC2 Instance to a Reserved EC2 Instance2024-02-14T04:58:57+00:00

Batch Data Ingestion Simplified in AWS


Today's tech industry is dominated by Big Data and Cloud Computing. It is crucial for companies and organizations to efficiently manage large volumes of data. To address this important need, AWS offers robust solutions for handling these chunks of large data, particularly through batch data ingestion. This process involves collecting and importing bulk or big data into storage or other processing systems at regular intervals or specific events. Batch data ingestion is crucial for scenarios where immediate or real-time processing is not necessary, allowing for efficient resource utilization. Batch data ingestion in AWS is not only efficient and cost-effective but [...]

Batch Data Ingestion Simplified in AWS2023-12-12T00:40:18+00:00

Data Ingestion in AWS: Handling Homogenous and Heterogenous Data


The phrase "data is the new oil" or "data is the new gold" may sound like a cliche, but it captures the fact that data is a critical asset for modern businesses. Companies have long used data to inform strategic decisions, especially in today's tech industry. Many organizations now build dedicated data analytics teams to harness information gathered from various sources. Yet, for an average Joe, the process of transforming data into actionable insights can seem like a black box. This is where data ingestion comes into play, serving as a crucial step in distilling structured and unstructured data into [...]

Data Ingestion in AWS: Handling Homogenous and Heterogenous Data2023-12-10T19:26:56+00:00

Cloud Native: The Future of Application Development


If you could do a quick search on the definition of cloud native, chances are you would be confused by the amount of different sources with varying definitions. The term "cloud native" has become a buzzword within the tech industry, symbolizing a paradigm shift in how software applications are designed, developed, and deployed. But what exactly does cloud native mean? The varying definitions of cloud native may be primarily because of its evolving definition over time. While some sources define cloud native as an approach where developers initially design applications to thrive in a cloud environment, others emphasize the utilization [...]

Cloud Native: The Future of Application Development2024-01-30T01:05:43+00:00

AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications are consistently among the top-paying IT certifications in the world, considering that most companies have now shifted to the cloud. Upskill and earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS, Azure, or GCP certification!

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