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Utilizing Lambda Functions to Control Amazon EC2 Instances via Slack


Managing and controlling resources is crucial in the cloud computing environment. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. Alongside AWS services, communication and collaboration tools like Slack have become integral to modern workflows. This article explores how to seamlessly integrate AWS Lambda functions with Slack to enable users to invoke actions such as rebooting, stopping, and starting EC2 instances directly from Slack channels. Using Lambda functions in combination with AWS services and Slack's messaging platform streamlines operational tasks and enhances team collaboration and productivity. Setting Up [...]

Utilizing Lambda Functions to Control Amazon EC2 Instances via Slack2024-04-11T00:49:47+00:00

Setting Up AWS Billing Alerts on Slack


Introduction Let's first get familiar with the AWS Cost Explorer. It's essentially a dedicated financial advisor for your AWS expenses, helping you make sense of where your spending goes. With an easy-to-use interface, AWS Cost Explorer provides detailed visual analytics of your past, present, and predicted AWS usage and costs.   Why Slack for AWS bill? We've all been there, trying to stay on top of our monthly bills. AWS does provide budget alerts, which are pretty handy in preventing spending overruns. But those alerts only chime in when you hit certain thresholds. If you want to see how your [...]

Setting Up AWS Billing Alerts on Slack2023-06-16T03:19:15+00:00

Customize Your Invite Links with Amazon S3 Website Redirect


If you use Discord, Slack, or Telegram, you're probably familiar with those long and complicated invite links used to join servers or channels. These links can be difficult to remember and may even discourage some people from joining. With URL redirection, you can create a custom and easy-to-remember domain name for your invite links. For example, you might use a domain like "discord.mycoolsite.com" that redirects to the invitation page of your Discord server, which might look something like this: "discord.com/invite/aabbCCDD". Inviting people thru a custom domain can reinforce your brand and make it easier for others to share and join [...]

Customize Your Invite Links with Amazon S3 Website Redirect2023-04-26T07:40:26+00:00

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL


What are Lambda Function URLs? In the past, calling a Lambda function over HTTP required a lot of setup and configuration with API Gateway. The process of setting up API resources and methods, and linking them to the appropriate Lambda function, can be overwhelming, especially for developers who are new to it. With the function URL feature of the AWS Lambda service, you can create a secure HTTPS endpoint dedicated to a Lambda function. This means that instead of using an intermediary service (like Amazon API Gateway), you can directly invoke your function by simply sending an HTTP request to [...]

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL2023-04-27T03:33:47+00:00

Real-time Monitoring of 5XX Errors using AWS Lambda, CloudWatch Logs and Slack


Monitoring is the best friend of every system administrator. It gives visibility into what is happening on your application so that when an issue occurs, you or someone in your team could be alerted and do the necessary measures to mitigate it. However, this can only be as effective as the metrics you're keeping track of.  There are plenty of factors that can affect application performance. And while it’s difficult to stay on top of them all, there are certain metrics that are non-negotiable. Examples of these are CPU utilization, memory usage, disk space, disk usage, network throughput, and so [...]

Real-time Monitoring of 5XX Errors using AWS Lambda, CloudWatch Logs and Slack2023-04-28T01:34:19+00:00

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