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AWS Compute Services

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How to Install Docker on Ubuntu using Amazon EC2


This tutorial will assist in setting up Docker on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance. Docker's containerization and Ubuntu's user-friendliness make cloud application deployment and management simple. Amazon EC2 provides scalable infrastructure for hosting Docker containers, allowing for smooth app management and scaling. To easily set up Docker on your EC2 instance, just follow this tutorial. What is Docker? Docker is an open-source platform that simplifies the process of building, deploying, and managing applications within isolated containers. These containers bundle the application code along with all its dependencies, ensuring the software behaves the same across different environments, whether on a local [...]

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu using Amazon EC22024-09-20T08:10:46+00:00

Email Sender Application with Amazon SES


Whether you’re part of a business or organization, sending out emails is crucial for connecting with people. More often than not, you’ll find yourself needing to send similar emails to a group and sometimes, they need to be dynamic. Yes, you can send out one email and just add everyone to the BCC but having a dynamic and more personalized email helps create a better connection between you and the recipient. This is a tutorial on how you can create your very own Batch Email Sender Application with just AWS and Python.   Prerequisites In order to follow this tutorial, [...]

Email Sender Application with Amazon SES2024-08-28T11:39:59+00:00

Logging Using awslogs Log Driver in Amazon ECS


Monitoring and logging can be as important as developing and deploying applications. Imagine managing an enterprise-level distributed application that runs on hundreds of containers. You must place your containers cleverly on instances to achieve a certain level of resilience and performance. On top of that, you would want to have visibility into CPU and memory usage so you’ll have an idea which task/tasks are resource-hungry at a given time. You may also want to check the disk space of your instance and see if you still have enough storage for your application. Fortunately, monitoring distributed applications hosted in AWS has [...]

Logging Using awslogs Log Driver in Amazon ECS2023-05-02T05:18:52+00:00

AWS Savings Plan


AWS Savings Plan Cheat Sheet Savings Plan is a flexible pricing model that helps you save up cost on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda usage. You can purchase Savings Plans from any account, payer or linked.  By default, the benefit provided by Savings Plans is applicable to usage across all accounts within an AWS Organization/consolidated billing family. You can also choose to restrict the benefit of Savings Plans to only the account that purchased them. Similar to Reserved Instances, you have All Upfront, Partial upfront, or No upfront payment options. Plan Types Compute Savings Plans - provide the [...]

AWS Savings Plan2023-05-02T05:22:55+00:00

ECS Network Modes Comparison


Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) allows you to run Docker-based containers on the cloud. Amazon ECS has two launch types for operation: EC2 and Fargate. The EC2 launch type provides EC2 instances as hosts for your Docker containers. For the Fargate launch type, AWS manages the underlying hosts so you can focus on managing your containers instead. The details and configuration on how you want to run your containers are defined on the ECS Task Definition which includes options on networking mode.  In this post, we’ll talk about the different networking modes supported by Amazon ECS and determine which mode [...]

ECS Network Modes Comparison2023-06-02T03:02:15+00:00

Configuring Notifications for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks


Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks In the previous post, we talked about Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks and how to configure it on your Auto Scaling group. You can view the article here. It’s better to read it first before proceeding with this section. In a nutshell, Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks allow you to put an instance in the “wait” state while the Auto Scaling group responds to a scale-out or scale-in event. While the instance is in the “wait” state, you perform actions such as installing the application before allowing traffic to the instance or sending out the application logs to [...]

Configuring Notifications for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks2023-06-03T05:15:48+00:00

Step Scaling vs Simple Scaling Policies vs Target Tracking Policies in Amazon EC2


Bookmarks Simple Scaling  Target Tracking Step Scaling  Creating a Step Scaling Policy for an Auto Scaling Group Amazon’s EC2 Auto Scaling provides an effective way to ensure that your infrastructure is able to dynamically respond to changing user demands. For example, to accommodate a sudden traffic increase on your web application, you can set your Auto Scaling group to automatically add more instances. And when traffic is low, have it automatically reduce the number of instances. This is a cost-effective solution since it only provisions EC2 instances when you need them. EC2 Auto [...]

Step Scaling vs Simple Scaling Policies vs Target Tracking Policies in Amazon EC22023-06-23T05:27:39+00:00

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks


Bookmarks Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks Configure Lifecycle Hooks on your Auto Scaling Groups Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling allows you to scale-out or scale-in your EC2 instances automatically based on policies you configured in response to changing demand on your application. Auto Scaling Groups lets you set a minimum and maximum number of EC2 instances to automatically resize your cluster based on a defined schedule or instance metrics such as CPU utilization, network traffic, etc. This is an excellent way to cut costs and make sure you have the correct number of instances since traffic on [...]

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks2023-06-05T02:08:11+00:00

AWS Fargate


Bookmarks How It Works Use Case Network Compliance Pricing AWS Fargate Cheat Sheet A serverless compute engine for containers that works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). With Fargate, no manual provisioning, patching, cluster capacity management, or any infrastructure management required.   How It Works Use Case Launching containers without having to provision or manage EC2 instances. If you want a managed service for container cluster management. Configurations Amazon ECS task definitions for Fargate require that you specify CPU and memory at the task level [...]

AWS Fargate2024-01-18T06:54:50+00:00

Amazon Lightsail


Bookmarks Features Pricing Limits Amazon Lightsail Cheat Sheet A cloud-based virtual private server (VPS) solution. Lightsail includes everything you need for your websites and web applications – a virtual machine (choose either Linux or Windows OS), SSD-based storage, data transfer, DNS management, and a static IP address. Features Lightsail Instances and Volumes Lightsail offers virtual servers (instances) where you can launch your website, web application, or project. Manage your instances from the Lightsail console or API. You can choose from a variety of hardware configurations to suit your workload. See pricing section below for [...]

Amazon Lightsail2023-06-23T05:36:43+00:00

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