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Amazon Redshift Serverless


Bookmarks Use Cases Features Components Monitoring Security Pricing Amazon Redshift Serverless Cheat Sheet Amazon Redshift Serverless allows users to run and scale analytics without managing the underlying data warehouse infrastructure. It dynamically adjusts compute capacity to handle fluctuating query loads, delivering high performance and efficiency for analytical workloads. Amazon Redshift Serverless Use Cases Ideal for workloads with unpredictable usage patterns, where traditional data warehousing solutions may need to be more cost-effective and practical. Supports integration with BI tools like Tableau and Amazon QuickSight for real-time and historical data analysis. Seamlessly integrates [...]

Amazon Redshift Serverless2024-07-19T00:24:57+00:00

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security


The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and made shareable. While RDS takes daily snapshots automatically, these are not shareable by default. To address this, we copy the snapshots and share the copies with a designated backup account. This process uses AWS Lambda Functions and Amazon EventBridge to automate the task. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles copying and sharing the snapshots. This automation ensures that shareable snapshots are created every day without manual intervention, enhancing the reliability and accessibility of database backups. The Automated Daily RDS Export has several [...]

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security2024-07-17T06:42:57+00:00

Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime


AWS Lambda is a great service for running code without worrying about server management. While it traditionally supports languages like Python, Node.js, and Java, AWS now allows you to run code in any language using custom runtimes. In this blog post, I'll walk you through setting up a C++ Lambda function that calculates the Fibonacci series. We'll leverage the performance and efficiency of C++ to build a function that runs smoothly and showcases the versatility of AWS Lambda's custom runtime. The aim of this blog is to guide you through creating and deploying a C++ Lambda function using AWS custom [...]

Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime2024-06-24T12:24:15+00:00

Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes


Automating a Slack notification system for Route 53 with a 60-second TTL is intended to provide real-time alerts about DNS records with short TTLs. This setup ensures administrators receive quick notifications via Slack, enabling them to promptly identify and resolve potential issues. Through this proactive measure, the optimal performance and reliability of the AWS infrastructure are maintained. Moreover, this approach allows administrators to avoid potential problems by taking corrective actions promptly and minimizing any potential disruptions to services. Additionally, real-time alerts enable administrators to keep a close watch on DNS configurations, ensuring smooth operation and consistent performance of the AWS [...]

Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes2024-06-25T00:36:30+00:00

Understanding and Managing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Invocations


Introduction AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. It automatically scales applications by running code in response to events and only charges for the compute time used. This makes AWS Lambda an ideal choice for building scalable and cost-effective applications. However, one challenge that developers might encounter is recursive loop invocations. This occurs when a Lambda function inadvertently triggers itself, leading to a potentially endless loop of invocations. This can result in high costs and system instability if not properly managed. In this blog post, we will explore the [...]

Understanding and Managing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Invocations2024-06-11T01:05:06+00:00

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands


Slack is a crucial application for most businesses. It allows the people working within to seamlessly communicate with one another. Slack offers a lot of features such as channels for text communication, huddles for group calls, canvas for a synchronized knowledge base, and more. As businesses or professionals in the tech industry, you'd be glad to know that Slack also supports app integrations, allowing you to bring your technical workflow right into your channels for ease-of-use. This blog is a guide on how you can effectively manage your AWS resources right from the Slack application with Slash Commands. Slack Command [...]

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands2024-05-26T07:37:11+00:00

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Bonus Part: Machine Learning and AI


Over the past few years, AI has become the number 1 trend in the tech industry and it's easy to see why. With powerful generative AI models like GPT4, we are starting to experience what AI can really do. Fast forward to the present, many businesses rely on AI to improve their efficiency and optimize their expenses. With our growing application, we can utilize AI to give a better user experience and grow our user base. Welcome to the bonus part of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it [...]

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Bonus Part: Machine Learning and AI2024-05-29T01:20:23+00:00

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 5: Security


With our application available on the internet for millions of users to access, it is now more vulnerable than ever to exploitations and cyber attacks like unauthorized access or Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS). Security could either make or break our application and it is a topic that we must not ignore. With thousands of user data under our protection, it is up to us to properly safeguard our application. Welcome to part 5 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it down into smaller digestible concepts related to software development.  In [...]

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 5: Security2024-05-29T01:19:15+00:00

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 2: Storage


Every application contains instructions made up of bytes and we want to make sure that these are kept safe in a secure storage system. When building applications on the cloud, it's beneficial to know about the different types of storage systems to pick the right tool for the job. Welcome to part 2 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it down into smaller digestible concepts related to software development.  In this article, I will be talking about AWS Storage Options. Before we proceed with the services, we’ll [...]

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 2: Storage2024-05-29T01:08:01+00:00

Setting Up Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon EC2 and EBS Events: A Step-by-Step Guide


Overview Stay updated with your Amazon EC2 and EBS events directly through your Slack channel. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a system that sends a Slack notification for the following events: Creation of an AMI: Notifies when an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is being created from an EC2 instance. This is represented by the CreateImage event. Rebooting of an EC2 Instance: Alerts when an instance is undergoing a reboot. Stopping of an EC2 Instance: Informs when an instance is entering a stopping state. Stopped State of an EC2 Instance: Confirms when an instance has reached a [...]

Setting Up Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon EC2 and EBS Events: A Step-by-Step Guide2024-05-10T11:52:17+00:00

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