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Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security


The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and made shareable. While RDS takes daily snapshots automatically, these are not shareable by default. To address this, we copy the snapshots and share the copies with a designated backup account. This process uses AWS Lambda Functions and Amazon EventBridge to automate the task. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles copying and sharing the snapshots. This automation ensures that shareable snapshots are created every day without manual intervention, enhancing the reliability and accessibility of database backups. The Automated Daily RDS Export has several [...]

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security2024-07-17T06:42:57+00:00

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands


Slack is a crucial application for most businesses. It allows the people working within to seamlessly communicate with one another. Slack offers a lot of features such as channels for text communication, huddles for group calls, canvas for a synchronized knowledge base, and more. As businesses or professionals in the tech industry, you'd be glad to know that Slack also supports app integrations, allowing you to bring your technical workflow right into your channels for ease-of-use. This blog is a guide on how you can effectively manage your AWS resources right from the Slack application with Slash Commands. Slack Command [...]

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands2024-05-26T07:37:11+00:00

Setting Up Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon EC2 and EBS Events: A Step-by-Step Guide


Overview Stay updated with your Amazon EC2 and EBS events directly through your Slack channel. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a system that sends a Slack notification for the following events: Creation of an AMI: Notifies when an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is being created from an EC2 instance. This is represented by the CreateImage event. Rebooting of an EC2 Instance: Alerts when an instance is undergoing a reboot. Stopping of an EC2 Instance: Informs when an instance is entering a stopping state. Stopped State of an EC2 Instance: Confirms when an instance has reached a [...]

Setting Up Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon EC2 and EBS Events: A Step-by-Step Guide2024-05-10T11:52:17+00:00

AWS for Students, Exploring Cloud Solutions


AWS extends far beyond just Lambda functions, providing an extensive range of vital services for learning and skill development. Throughout this blog, we will explore how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can benefit students interested in cloud computing as we cover various AWS services and their practical applications, helping them effectively leverage the opportunities it presents for aspiring professionals in the field of cloud computing. Starting off with examining AWS storage solutions like Amazon S3, which allow easy, secure data storage and retrieval. This service is crucial for collaborative projects and simplifies the management of large datasets. With this, AWS provides [...]

AWS for Students, Exploring Cloud Solutions2024-05-03T09:23:02+00:00

Mastering AWS CDK Part 2: Leveraging Custom Constructs


In the previous article, we delved into the fundamentals of AWS CDK, focusing on leveraging AWS's pre-built constructs. We examined a straightforward Serverless REST API architecture, which integrates three primary serverless services from AWS. These include Amazon API Gateway as the REST API's access point, AWS Lambda for computing, and Amazon DynamoDB for data storage. The Fat Lambda In contrast to the basic architecture previously discussed, it's important to note that such a setup is not typically regarded as best practice for production-grade applications. The serverless community often debates the concept of "Fat Lambda," a term used to describe scenarios [...]

Mastering AWS CDK Part 2: Leveraging Custom Constructs2023-12-21T09:07:25+00:00

Serverless Model Deployment in AWS: Streamlining with Lambda, Docker, and S3


Welcome back to our series on model deployment in AWS! In the fast-paced world of machine learning and data science, the ability to deploy models efficiently and reliably is crucial. This is where AWS services, with their vast array of tools and capabilities, come into play. In this second installment, we will delve into the potent combination of AWS Lambda and Docker, coupled with the convenience of storing models in S3. This trio offers a scalable, cost-effective, and streamlined solution for deploying machine learning models in a production environment. If you recall, in the first part of our series, we [...]

Serverless Model Deployment in AWS: Streamlining with Lambda, Docker, and S32023-11-30T06:08:01+00:00

Mastering AWS CDK Part 1: Using Built-In Constructs for Serverless APIs


In the realm of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) within AWS, CloudFormation stands out as the foundational service. Many other IaC solutions, whether it's the Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, or even Terraform, ultimately get translated into CloudFormation. Additionally, the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has emerged as a distinct player in this space. What sets AWS CDK apart is its embrace of familiar programming languages. Instead of relying on YAML or proprietary syntax, with AWS CDK, developers can define infrastructure using languages like Python, Javascript, Typescript, Java, C#, and Go. This familiarity accelerates the adoption curve, enabling developers to direct their [...]

Mastering AWS CDK Part 1: Using Built-In Constructs for Serverless APIs2023-10-27T05:39:10+00:00

Creating a Slack Notification for Redis Errors with Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration


As more companies turn to cloud solutions, monitoring and notification systems for errors are becoming increasingly crucial. Redis, an open-source, fast, in-memory key-value data store, is now a widely used solution for databases, cache, message brokers, and queues. However, like any software, Redis may experience errors that require immediate attention. This article will guide you through setting up an automated Slack Notification using Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration to receive real-time alerts when Redis errors occur. Let's begin by configuring the CloudWatch agent to send Redis logs to CloudWatch Logs by running sudo vi /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json in SSH. Suppose you [...]

Creating a Slack Notification for Redis Errors with Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration2023-10-22T14:15:34+00:00

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