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Slack Notification

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HTTP Flood Attack Notification using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge and CloudWatch Logs Insights


We can almost do everything now on the website. Selling clothes, ordering food, video posting, doing business meetings, online classes, and others, you name it. Running a website is very awesome and at the same time hard, especially when bad actors want to mess with it. One sneaky way is an "HTTP Flood Attack," where your website gets bombarded with too many requests. This can slow down or even break your site. Detecting and responding to such attacks promptly is crucial for maintaining the availability and performance of your applications. In this blog post, we'll explore how to implement a simple [...]

HTTP Flood Attack Notification using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge and CloudWatch Logs Insights2024-01-25T05:04:59+00:00

Creating a Slack Notification for Redis Errors with Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration


As more companies turn to cloud solutions, monitoring and notification systems for errors are becoming increasingly crucial. Redis, an open-source, fast, in-memory key-value data store, is now a widely used solution for databases, cache, message brokers, and queues. However, like any software, Redis may experience errors that require immediate attention. This article will guide you through setting up an automated Slack Notification using Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration to receive real-time alerts when Redis errors occur. Let's begin by configuring the CloudWatch agent to send Redis logs to CloudWatch Logs by running sudo vi /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json in SSH. Suppose you [...]

Creating a Slack Notification for Redis Errors with Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration2023-10-22T14:15:34+00:00

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