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19Jul, 2024

Amazon Redshift Serverless

By |July 19, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Use Cases Features Components Monitoring Security Pricing Amazon Redshift Serverless Cheat Sheet Amazon Redshift Serverless allows users to run and scale analytics without managing the underlying data warehouse infrastructure. It dynamically adjusts compute capacity to handle fluctuating query loads, delivering high performance and efficiency for analytical workloads. Amazon Redshift Serverless Use Cases Ideal for workloads with unpredictable usage patterns, [...]

9Jul, 2024

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security

By |July 9, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and made shareable. While RDS takes daily snapshots automatically, these are not shareable by default. To address this, we copy the snapshots and share the copies with a designated backup account. This process uses AWS Lambda Functions and Amazon EventBridge to automate the task. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles copying and [...]

8Jul, 2024

Solving HTTP 500 Errors by Increasing File Descriptor Limits

By |July 8, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

When it comes to web hosting and server management, facing HTTP 500 errors can be a challenging obstacle. Such errors frequently arise from file descriptor limits, which restrict the server's capacity to manage incoming requests efficiently. However, by understanding how to expand these limits, you can reduce the occurrence of HTTP 500 errors and guarantee more seamless operations for your web applications.  Raising file descriptor limits helps fix HTTP [...]

24Jun, 2024

Exploring C++ with AWS Lambda Custom Runtime

By |June 24, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Lambda is a great service for running code without worrying about server management. While it traditionally supports languages like Python, Node.js, and Java, AWS now allows you to run code in any language using custom runtimes. In this blog post, I'll walk you through setting up a C++ Lambda function that calculates the Fibonacci series. We'll leverage the performance and efficiency of C++ to build a function that [...]

24Jun, 2024

Automating Slack Notification for Route 53 TTL Changes

By |June 24, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Automating a Slack notification system for Route 53 with a 60-second TTL is intended to provide real-time alerts about DNS records with short TTLs. This setup ensures administrators receive quick notifications via Slack, enabling them to promptly identify and resolve potential issues. Through this proactive measure, the optimal performance and reliability of the AWS infrastructure are maintained. Moreover, this approach allows administrators to avoid potential problems by taking corrective [...]

20Jun, 2024

Daily AMI Export: Enhancing Backup and Recovery

By |June 20, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Daily automation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) export is vital for keeping IT systems strong and dependable. This process ensures that the latest version of your system's setup is always saved. If something goes wrong, like a system crash, having these up-to-date backups means you can quickly get things back up and running. Additionally, it makes it easier to grow or move your systems because you have readily available [...]

19Jun, 2024

AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Associate MLA-C01 BETA Exam Guide

By |June 19, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

  The AWS Training and Certification team recently released the new AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Associate MLA-C01 exam along with the AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01 test this June 2024. This new role-based, Associate-level AWS certification exam will allow you to validate your machine learning skills to your current or future employer as well as improve your AI know-how in relation to AWS. You can be among the [...]

19Jun, 2024

New AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01 BETA Exam Guide

By |June 19, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Do you always sharpen your competitive edge in the highly competitive IT industry? Are you planning to position yourself for career growth and reach greater remuneration? Generative AI has been making waves in almost every aspect of the economy and job market to the point that the skills you have today could be worth less, or even worth absolutely nothing by nascent AI-powered tools from OpenAI's ChatGPT, Meta's LLaMa, [...]

11Jun, 2024

Understanding and Managing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Invocations

By |June 11, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Billing, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. It automatically scales applications by running code in response to events and only charges for the compute time used. This makes AWS Lambda an ideal choice for building scalable and cost-effective applications. However, one challenge that developers might encounter is recursive loop invocations. This occurs when a Lambda function inadvertently [...]

3Jun, 2024

Basic Authentication with AWS Rekognition

By |June 3, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this day of technology, it feels like every application has an AI/ML feature built into it, be it home appliances or accessories, chatbots in websites, or even watches. Not having a feature that uses AI or ML in your application feels like you're getting left behind, and it's very beneficial for users. But building an ML/AI feature from the ground up is no easy task, and it takes [...]

26May, 2024

Managing AWS Resources from Slack with Slash Commands

By |May 26, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Lambda, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Slack is a crucial application for most businesses. It allows the people working within to seamlessly communicate with one another. Slack offers a lot of features such as channels for text communication, huddles for group calls, canvas for a synchronized knowledge base, and more. As businesses or professionals in the tech industry, you'd be glad to know that Slack also supports app integrations, allowing you to bring your technical [...]

24May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Bonus Part: Machine Learning and AI

By |May 24, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Over the past few years, AI has become the number 1 trend in the tech industry and it's easy to see why. With powerful generative AI models like GPT4, we are starting to experience what AI can really do. Fast forward to the present, many businesses rely on AI to improve their efficiency and optimize their expenses. With our growing application, we can utilize AI to give a better [...]

21May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 5: Security

By |May 21, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

With our application available on the internet for millions of users to access, it is now more vulnerable than ever to exploitations and cyber attacks like unauthorized access or Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS). Security could either make or break our application and it is a topic that we must not ignore. With thousands of user data under our protection, it is up to us to properly safeguard our application. Welcome to part [...]

20May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 4: Network

By |May 20, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Cloud Service Providers, such as AWS, use various networking features to power its cloud computing platform. Having foundational computer networking knowledge will certainly come handy to properly configure your cloud applications and systems. It's important to know about the basics such as the 7 layers of the Open System Intercommunication (OSI) Model and Domain Name System (DNS) but fortunately, AWS makes some parts of networking easier for us. Welcome [...]

17May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 3: Databases

By |May 17, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Data plays an important part in today's world and there's no better way to handle data than with a database. The only question now is whether we need a structured database or a more flexible database. Welcome to part 3 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to AWS by breaking it down into smaller digestible concepts related to software development.  [...]

15May, 2024

Unified Slack Automation for Purging the Cache

By |May 15, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Cached data can sometimes be corrupted, which can lead to performance problems. It can also prevent applications and websites from loading the latest version of their content. That’s why clearing cache is a must, not only does it resolve these issues, it also clears up space. Clearing cache is also a way to protect privacy since cache can hold sensitive information. About the task Currently, when purging the cache [...]

14May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 2: Storage

By |May 14, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Every application contains instructions made up of bytes and we want to make sure that these are kept safe in a secure storage system. When building applications on the cloud, it's beneficial to know about the different types of storage systems to pick the right tool for the job. Welcome to part 2 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS, where I introduce you to [...]

14May, 2024

How to Implement CloudFormation Creation Policy on Ubuntu

By |May 14, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Welcome to our guide on implementing AWS CloudFormation Creation Policy on Ubuntu! If you're diving into cloud infrastructure management with AWS CloudFormation, understanding Creation Policies is crucial for ensuring smooth stack creation and resource management. In this article, we'll delve into CloudFormation Creation Policy, a vital attribute for orchestrating resource creation in AWS CloudFormation. While focusing on Ubuntu, we'll also cover the essential installation of CloudFormation helper scripts, which [...]

12May, 2024

How to Enable Slow Logging in PHP-FPM

By |May 12, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In the dynamic field of online development, ensuring that PHP applications run smoothly is paramount, and performing its best is critical. In this article, we will discuss how to effectively identify and address issues that could impact system functionality and user experience, developers must excel in troubleshooting techniques. Logging plays an essential role in this process as it captures detailed information about the application’s behavior during its execution. By [...]

10May, 2024

Setting Up Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon EC2 and EBS Events: A Step-by-Step Guide

By |May 10, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Overview Stay updated with your Amazon EC2 and EBS events directly through your Slack channel. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a system that sends a Slack notification for the following events: Creation of an AMI: Notifies when an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is being created from an EC2 instance. This is represented by the CreateImage event. Rebooting of an EC2 Instance: Alerts when an instance [...]

10May, 2024

Harnessing Real-Time Slack Notifications for Amazon RDS Event Monitoring

By |May 10, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Efficient management and monitoring of database instances are crucial for any business to ensure smooth performance. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a widely used solution for managing relational databases in the cloud. Staying informed about important events and changes within the database instances is a critical aspect of RDS management. Real-time notifications are vital to keep teams updated and responsive to these events. Slack is a popular platform for real-time notifications and seamless team communication and information [...]

8May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 1: Computing

By |May 8, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

At the core of every application is computing power which is mostly in the form of a server but, do you know about Serverless computing and Microservices architecture? When it comes to building your cloud applications, it's certainly an advantage to know about servers and architecture. Welcome to part 1 of my 6-part series called Basics of the Basics to AWS where I introduce you to AWS by breaking [...]

7May, 2024

AWS Student Community Day Philippines 2024

By |May 7, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

April 17, 2024, a day filled with learning and curiosity. This prestigious event was held at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines,  Bulwagang Balagtas. This event served as a guide for budding tech enthusiasts and students who want to learn and dive into the world of cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Throughout the day, participants got to listen to inspiring and knowledge filled discussions each designed to [...]

5May, 2024

Basics of the Basics to AWS – Part 0: Where do we begin?

By |May 5, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This 6-part series is inspired from a talk I gave on the AWS Student Community Day 2024 Philippines. Through this series, I will be teaching you the basics of AWS through a gimmick I call “Build an App with Me”. This gimmick will be about us trying to model an application’s system architecture through the use of AWS services. Through this gimmick, I aim to give you all a [...]

3May, 2024

AWS for Students, Exploring Cloud Solutions

By |May 3, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS extends far beyond just Lambda functions, providing an extensive range of vital services for learning and skill development. Throughout this blog, we will explore how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can benefit students interested in cloud computing as we cover various AWS services and their practical applications, helping them effectively leverage the opportunities it presents for aspiring professionals in the field of cloud computing. Starting off with examining AWS [...]

29Apr, 2024

AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate Exam Sample Exam Questions

By |April 29, 2024|Categories: Azure, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate Exam practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 You have an Azure subscription and need to assign a role to a team member who must adhere to the principle of least privilege. This team member's task is to audit and report on Microsoft Entra ID, requiring view-only access to all settings and [...]

25Apr, 2024

Amazon Q

By |April 25, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Sub-modules Pricing References Amazon Q Cheat Sheet Amazon Q is an AI assistant that’s designed to be generative, meaning it can generate content, solve problems, and perform tasks using the data and expertise within your company. Use Cases Amazon Q is designed to provide quick and relevant answers to questions, streamline tasks, speed up decision-making, and foster creativity and innovation at [...]

25Apr, 2024

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow

By |April 25, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Features Security Pricing References Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) Cheat Sheet Amazon MWAA is a service that helps you manage and automate your data workflows using Apache Airflow. Workflows are designed as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) using Python. Use Cases Complex Data Workflows: Handles complex data processing tasks. ETL Jobs: Coordinates Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes. Machine Learning: Prepares [...]

18Apr, 2024

AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate Exam Study Path

By |April 18, 2024|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate certification is designed for security engineers who are responsible for security posture, implementing security controls, managing identity and access, and protecting data, applications, and networks in cloud and hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure. Similar to AZ-305, it's aimed at [...]

17Apr, 2024

AWS Glue Data Quality

By |April 17, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Pricing References AWS Glue Data Quality Cheat Sheet AWS Glue Data Quality is a service that provides a way to monitor and measure the quality of your data. It’s part of the AWS Glue service and is built on the open-source DeeQu framework. Use Cases Analyzing data sets that are cataloged in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Continuously monitoring the quality [...]

12Apr, 2024

AWS Glue DataBrew

By |April 12, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components Pricing References AWS Glue DataBrew Cheat Sheet AWS Glue DataBrew is a tool designed to streamline your data analysis process. It allows you to interact with your data directly, eliminating the need for complex coding. With its extensive library of over 250 pre-built transformations, you can easily clean, normalize, and format your data, preparing it for insightful analysis. AWS [...]

11Apr, 2024

Utilizing Lambda Functions to Control Amazon EC2 Instances via Slack

By |April 11, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Lambda, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Managing and controlling resources is crucial in the cloud computing environment. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. Alongside AWS services, communication and collaboration tools like Slack have become integral to modern workflows. This article explores how to seamlessly integrate AWS Lambda functions with Slack to enable users to invoke actions such as rebooting, stopping, [...]

10Apr, 2024

Enabling Virtual Deliverability Manager in Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)

By |April 10, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a cloud-based solution tailored for digital marketers and application developers aiming to distribute various emails, including marketing emails, notifications, and transaction-based communications. This service stands out for its reliability and cost-efficiency, making it an ideal choice for enterprises of varying sizes wishing to maintain consistent communication with their clientele. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) addresses the intricate challenges associated with large-scale email dispatches [...]

9Apr, 2024

Validate Referrer Headers Using CloudFront Function

By |April 9, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), lets you distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds. One of its many features is the ability to create CloudFront functions, which are lightweight functions that can manipulate HTTP requests and responses. This article will discuss creating a CloudFront function to validate Referrer headers. Referrer Headers Referrer headers are an essential part of HTTP requests, as they indicate the [...]

22Mar, 2024

My AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Exam Experience 2024

By |March 22, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I recently took the actual exam of the AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 online. Interestingly, it has some resemblances with the exam content of the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty test, albeit not entirely the same in terms of depth. This new Associate-level exam aims to validate the skills and knowledge of IT Professionals in core data-related AWS services, such as the ability to implement data pipelines, [...]

14Mar, 2024

Building Data Pipelines with No-Code ETL Using AWS Glue Studio

By |March 14, 2024|Categories: Analytics Related Notes, AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Certification, AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate, AWS Overview, AWS Storage Services, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Other AWS Notes, Others, Storage Related Notes, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction Welcome to the dynamic world of AWS Data Engineering! This beginner-friendly guide introduces you to the essentials of data staging and transformation within the AWS ecosystem without needing to code. By exploring the foundational use of Amazon S3 and AWS Glue, this guide provides a practical starting point for understanding how AWS data is handled and processed. Whether you're aiming for certification or looking to apply these skills [...]

8Mar, 2024

Amazon EventBridge

By |March 8, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Certification, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Overview Concepts Features Additional Information Use Cases Best Practices Pricing References Amazon EventBridge Cheat Sheet Amazon EventBridge is a service that allows applications to communicate with each other using data from different sources in real time. It is a serverless event bus that acts as a centralized hub for ingesting events from various sources and directing them [...]

1Mar, 2024

Entra ID

By |March 1, 2024|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Entra ID Cheat Sheet Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) An identity and access management solution from Microsoft that helps organizations secure and manage identities for hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Microsoft Entra Verified ID Enables organizations to customize identity verification solutions to address their specific needs. Microsoft Entra Permissions Management A Cloud Infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) that provides comprehensive visibility and control over permissions for any identity and any resource [...]

27Feb, 2024

Azure Blob Storage

By |February 27, 2024|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Blob Storage Cheat Sheet Objects in Blob Storage are accessible via: Azure Storage REST API Azure Powershell CLI Types of Storage Account Type Performance Tier Best used for General-Purpose v2 Standard Most scenarios use Blob Storage or one of the other Azure storage services. Block Blob Premium High transaction rates or that use smaller objects or require consistently low storage latency. Page Blob Premium Storing text or binary [...]

22Feb, 2024

Setting Up Development Environments with AWS Cloud9

By |February 22, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Welcome to the world of AWS Cloud 9, where seamless development and collaboration meet in the cloud! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, Cloud 9 is here to revolutionize the way you build and deploy applications. Imagine having the power to write, run, and debug your code all within a browser-based integrated development environment (IDE). This powerful tool eliminates the need for complex local [...]

21Feb, 2024

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Option and its Different Payment Terms

By |February 21, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses rely heavily on cloud computing services to manage their operations efficiently. When it comes to cloud computing, one of the key decisions involves choosing the right instance purchasing options. With various options available, it can be overwhelming to determine the most suitable approach. In this article, we will focus on Reserved Instance purchasing options, payment terms, and significance for business. By the end, [...]

19Feb, 2024

My AWS Certified SYSOPS Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

By |February 19, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I recently took and passed the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam and wanted to share my experience. This was a challenging yet rewarding journey, and I hope my insights will help those planning to take the same path. About the Exam The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C02 ) is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world [...]

16Feb, 2024

VPC Interface Endpoint vs. Gateway Endpoint in AWS

By |February 16, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is a VPC Endpoint? With a VPC endpoint, you can establish a private connection to specific AWS services and VPC endpoint services through AWS PrivateLink. It eliminates the need for public IP addresses for communication between these services and your Amazon VPC instances. Furthermore, a secure connection is maintained since no information leaves the Amazon network while traveling between your Amazon VPC and the service. VPC endpoints are [...]

14Feb, 2024

Switching Your Spot EC2 Instance to a Reserved EC2 Instance

By |February 14, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a cloud computing service that instantly provides flexible and scalable resources to deploy virtual servers, called instances. While Spot Instances can save you a significant amount of money, especially for short-lived workloads, there may come a time when you need a more predictable pricing model. This is where Reserved Instances (RIs) come in handy. In this article, we'll explain the reasons for switching [...]

8Feb, 2024

Microsoft Entra ID

By |February 8, 2024|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Microsoft Entra Directory Security Microsoft Entra ID Cheat Sheet An identity and access management service that helps you access internal and external resources. Microsoft Entra licenses: Free, Premium P1, Premium P2 and Pay as you go Free – user and group management in your on-premises directory Premium P1 – allows access to both on-premises and cloud resources. Premium [...]

7Feb, 2024

Securing Application Logs with Amazon Comprehend

By |February 7, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Security is one of the more overlooked aspects that many fall victim to when designing the architecture of applications. Partnering this lack of security priority with the increasing value of personal user data, security breaches become one of the certain ways for companies to lose user trust, face legal charges, and, in the long run, fail.  Various governments developed data compliance laws to set minimum guidelines for security in [...]

1Feb, 2024

3 Ways to Fast Track your Cloud Career Journey this 2024

By |February 1, 2024|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , |

  I usually have a countdown to the end of the year (even as early as the 1st quarter of the year) that acts as a timebox for me to track my goal progression or even catch up with the old aspirations until the earth completes yet another revolution around the sun. We may not accomplish 100% of our targets, but if we keep a positive disposition in life [...]

28Jan, 2024

Machine Learning Mathematics: Regression Basics

By |January 28, 2024|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In recent years, of the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a few of the most prominent buzzwords that continue to capture the imagination of innovators and entrepreneurs alike are Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the boom of OpenAI’s ChatGPT last November 2023, as well as the many that followed suit, including major tech companies like Meta with their LLaMa model and Google’s PaLM and newly announced Gemini, [...]

23Jan, 2024

Release with a Pipeline: Continuous Delivery to AWS with GitHub Actions

By |January 23, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is the final part of a three-part article about a Web Application Project from building a private infrastructure to building a deployment pipeline using AWS’ cloud-native continuous delivery service AWS CodePipeline, and now finalizing the infrastructure to be accessible in a public domain and building a pipeline for continuous deployment using a third-party CD tool – GitHub Actions. From the private infrastructure previously built, we will update the S3 [...]

19Jan, 2024

Distributed Data Parallel Training with TensorFlow and Amazon SageMaker Distributed Training Library

By |January 19, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In the realm of machine learning, the ability to train models effectively and efficiently stands as a cornerstone of success. As datasets grow exponentially and models become more complex, traditional single-node training methods increasingly fall short. This is where distributed training enters the picture, offering a scalable solution to this growing challenge. Distributed Training Overview Distributed training is a technique used to train machine learning models on large [...]

16Jan, 2024

Securing Machine Learning Pipelines: Best Practices in Amazon SageMaker

By |January 16, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In today's digital era, the importance of security in machine learning (ML) pipelines cannot be overstated. As ML systems increasingly become integral to business operations and decision-making, ensuring the integrity and security of these systems is paramount. A breach or a flaw in an ML pipeline can lead to compromised data, erroneous decision-making, and potentially catastrophic consequences for businesses and individuals alike. This section will delve into why [...]

16Jan, 2024

HTTP Flood Attack Notification using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge and CloudWatch Logs Insights

By |January 16, 2024|Categories: AWS, AWS Lambda, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Others, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , |

We can almost do everything now on the website. Selling clothes, ordering food, video posting, doing business meetings, online classes, and others, you name it. Running a website is very awesome and at the same time hard, especially when bad actors want to mess with it. One sneaky way is an "HTTP Flood Attack," where your website gets bombarded with too many requests. This can slow down or even [...]

8Jan, 2024

NEW Product Release: All-in-Access: Courses + PlayCloud Sandbox (AWS) & Play Sandbox (AWS)

By |January 8, 2024|Categories: AWS Certification, BLOG, Others, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Brace yourselves for a journey into the cutting-edge realms of tech and education! We're thrilled to announce not one but two incredible products designed to supercharge your learning experience and bring your skills to new heights! 🚀 Get ready to dive into innovation with our super-focused PlayCloud Sandbox (AWS) and All-in-Access: Courses + PlayCloud Sandbox (AWS). Let's explore why these releases are set to revolutionize your learning journey.  PlayCloud Sandbox (AWS) [...]

7Jan, 2024

Building a Deployment Pipeline for a React Application with AWS CodePipeline

By |January 7, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is the second part of a series of blogs about the platform management of a React Application infrastructure by adding a continuous deployment component to the earlier infrastructure. In an earlier article, I wrote about how a private react application infrastructure can be deployed with Terraform code. Now, we will explore this further by building a deployment pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. Let's assume that the source code of [...]

2Jan, 2024

Securing LLMs with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

By |January 2, 2024|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

One of the pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is security. It is a foundational concept when running your workloads in the cloud to think about privacy, access limits, compliance with regulatory requirements, and data protection; and this includes Amazon Bedrock. Along with several AI announcements during the keynote of AWS CEO, Adam Selipsky during AWS re:Invent 2023 was Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock. As AI technology evolves and becomes [...]

28Dec, 2023

How to Install and Configure PHP OpCache with Web Viewer on Ubuntu 20.04

By |December 28, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , |

The performance of your PHP applications can be significantly enhanced by using OpCache, a PHP opcode cache. OpCache reduces the need to recompile your PHP scripts on each request by storing the generated bytecode in memory, resulting in quicker execution rates and lessened server load. Image retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/flash-running-poster-custom-posters-design-your-own-wall-art-create-personalized-prints--792281759458556733/ This article will walk you through installing and configuring PHP OpCache with Web Viewer on Ubuntu 20.04. Install OpCache Install [...]

26Dec, 2023

My AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 BETA Exam Experience

By |December 26, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

I recently took the beta exam of the AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 online, and from the get-go, I can see its resemblance to the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty test, albeit not entirely the same in terms of depth. This new Associate-level exam aims to validate the skills and knowledge of IT Professionals in core data-related AWS services, such as the ability to implement data pipelines, [...]

22Dec, 2023

Adding SSL to WordPress Website with Let’s Encrypt

By |December 22, 2023|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , |

With the rapid advancement of technology today, it is undeniable that this has resulted in a higher number of cyber-attacks, calling every website owner to strengthen their preemptive measure to protect and have robust security for their website and its users. One essential way of boosting website security is by obtaining an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. This article will explore the reasons and benefits of adding an SSL [...]

21Dec, 2023

Mastering AWS CDK Part 2: Leveraging Custom Constructs

By |December 21, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous article, we delved into the fundamentals of AWS CDK, focusing on leveraging AWS's pre-built constructs. We examined a straightforward Serverless REST API architecture, which integrates three primary serverless services from AWS. These include Amazon API Gateway as the REST API's access point, AWS Lambda for computing, and Amazon DynamoDB for data storage. The Fat Lambda In contrast to the basic architecture previously discussed, it's important to [...]

19Dec, 2023

Amazon Kendra

By |December 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Benefits Use Cases Document Types and Formats Supported Data Sources Querying Data Use of Tags Pricing Amazon Kendra Cheat Sheet Amazon Kendra is a highly scalable, intelligent enterprise search service. It utilizes machine learning to search unstructured data and improve accuracy in search results. It’s tightly integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3 and [...]

18Dec, 2023

AWS Billing Conductor

By |December 18, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Features Benefits Pricing AWS Billing Conductor Cheat Sheet Facilitates showback and chargeback workflows for AWS Solution Providers and Enterprise customers. Enables customization of an alternative monthly billing data version. Models your billing relationship with customers or business units. Maintains your existing AWS billing method. Allows configuration, generation, and display of rates to specific customers over a billing period. Supports analysis of [...]

14Dec, 2023

AWS Device Farm

By |December 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Features Terminology Availability Device Selection Test Types Test Reports Pricing Security Reference AWS Device Farm Cheat Sheet AWS Device Farm allows you to examine and interact with your Android, iOS, and web applications on actual, physical devices maintained by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Key Features Automated App Testing - Device Farm provides the functionality to [...]

14Dec, 2023

AWS AppConfig

By |December 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Features Benefits Use Cases Pricing Reference AWS AppConfig Cheat Sheet AWS AppConfig allows software developers to quickly and securely adjust application behavior in production environments without needing to deploy code. It enhances the frequency of software releases, improves application resilience, and enables rapid response to emergent issues. Key Features Feature Flags: Allows gradual release of new capabilities to users [...]

14Dec, 2023

AWS Well-Architected Tool

By |December 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Components Using the Tool Best Practices  Benefits Reference AWS Well-Architected Tool Cheat Sheet The AWS Well-Architected Tool is a service that helps you review your workloads and compares them to the latest AWS architectural best practices. The tool provides recommendations for making your workloads more reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective. Key Components Workload is a term used to describe [...]

12Dec, 2023

In-Place Querying in AWS

By |December 12, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

When you look at the Gartner magic quadrant of cloud service providers, AWS is still the leader and the leading visionary of the cloud computing space. It offers an array of services that empower companies and organizations to manage and analyze massive sets of data with unprecedented agility. At the core of this revolution, “In-place querying” is a technique pioneered by AWS that is reshaping how data is processed [...]

11Dec, 2023

Batch Data Ingestion Simplified in AWS

By |December 11, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Today's tech industry is dominated by Big Data and Cloud Computing. It is crucial for companies and organizations to efficiently manage large volumes of data. To address this important need, AWS offers robust solutions for handling these chunks of large data, particularly through batch data ingestion. This process involves collecting and importing bulk or big data into storage or other processing systems at regular intervals or specific events. Batch [...]

10Dec, 2023

Data Ingestion in AWS: Handling Homogenous and Heterogenous Data

By |December 10, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The phrase "data is the new oil" or "data is the new gold" may sound like a cliche, but it captures the fact that data is a critical asset for modern businesses. Companies have long used data to inform strategic decisions, especially in today's tech industry. Many organizations now build dedicated data analytics teams to harness information gathered from various sources. Yet, for an average Joe, the process of [...]

7Dec, 2023

Generative AI and Reinventing with Amazon Q

By |December 7, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Journey to Amazon Q AWS re:Invent 2023 recently concluded, and there has been some exciting news around data, infrastructure, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. One of the big announcements was Amazon Q, currently under Preview release. Amazon Q is a generative artificial intelligence (AI) powered conversational assistant. Announced during the keynote by AWS CEO Adam Selipsky, he spoke about various things that AWS is doing to support its [...]

5Dec, 2023

Building Code-Free GenerativeAI Apps with PartyRock

By |December 5, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is PartyRock? It has been two weeks since Amazon announced PartyRock, an Amazon Bedrock Playground. It comes with the tagline “Everyone can build AI apps”. According to Amazon President and CEO, Andy Jassy, it was just an internal tool created by AWS developers to experiment with Foundation Models from Amazon Bedrock. The name PartyRock was in reference to it being a fun and collaborative way to experience Amazon [...]

3Dec, 2023

How I Prepared for the AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam as a Data Scientist

By |December 3, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the pursuit of knowledge and skills is not just a choice but a necessity, especially for professionals like data scientists. This realization led me to embark on a journey towards achieving the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 certification, a decision that not only expanded my technical horizons but also underscored the importance of continuous learning in the tech industry. As a data scientist, [...]

2Dec, 2023

Amazon AI Fairness and Explainability with Amazon SageMaker Clarify

By |December 2, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In the rapidly evolving domain of machine learning, ensuring fairness and explainability in model predictions has become crucial. With Amazon SageMaker Clarify, these critical aspects are not just an afterthought but integral components of the model development and deployment process. This article delves into the world of SageMaker Clarify, offering a comprehensive guide to its capabilities and practical applications. We commence our journey with a high-level understanding of [...]

29Nov, 2023

The AI Revolution: An Overview of Generative AI and Foundation Models

By |November 29, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The recent biggest trends in technology revolve around this buzzword that exploded in popularity: Generative AI. After the initial public release of ChatGPT from OpenAI around November 2022, plenty of other chatbots powered by large language models (LLMs), like Google’s PaLM powering Google Bard and Meta’s LLaMa model, took the world by storm. These LLMs have empowered millions of users and developers, affecting various areas of work and thus [...]

28Nov, 2023

Personal ML Projects with Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Forecast and Other ML Services

By |November 28, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have been powering many of the technologies we use daily, some of which we may not actively pay attention to, and they have become second nature to us. Suppose we actively look for the presence of ML/AI. In that case, we can find them everywhere: natural language processing in our AI Assistants, recommender engines in e-commerce, social media, and music, and fraud detection in [...]

27Nov, 2023

Automating Binary Classification Model Building with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot

By |November 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of machine learning, binary classification stands out as one of the most fundamental and widely used techniques. At its core, binary classification involves categorizing data into one of two groups based on certain features. This method is crucial in various applications, such as spam detection, medical diagnosis, and customer churn prediction. However, building an effective binary classification model can be a complex and time-consuming [...]

20Nov, 2023

Leveraging Amazon CloudFront with S3 and Route 53 for Subdomain Configuration

By |November 20, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon S3 and Route 53, both provided by AWS, offer a comprehensive solution for managing and deploying web content. Route 53 allows you to create alias records that direct to the website endpoint of your S3 bucket. Meanwhile, Amazon S3 is a robust service for hosting static websites. These services, when used together, provide a powerful toolset for web content management. However, there's a key requirement when using these [...]

15Nov, 2023

Setting up a Static Website on Amazon S3

By |November 15, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is Amazon S3? Amazon S3, a scalable and secure object storage service, offers an efficient and cost-effective way to host static websites. In this article, I will guide you through a step-by-step process of setting up a static website on Amazon S3. Whether you're an experienced developer or a beginner just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to launch your [...]

11Nov, 2023

A Compact Guide to Building Your First DAG with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow

By |November 11, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In the vast realm of data processing, orchestrating workflows becomes crucial to ensure tasks run efficiently and reliably. Apache Airflow has revolutionized this aspect, providing a flexible platform to define, schedule, and monitor workflows. Combining this with Amazon's managed service, we can supercharge our workflow setup without the overhead of manual maintenance. In this guide, we dive deep into constructing your first Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) using Apache Airflow, [...]

8Nov, 2023

Serverless Model Deployment in AWS: Streamlining with Lambda, Docker, and S3

By |November 8, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Welcome back to our series on model deployment in AWS! In the fast-paced world of machine learning and data science, the ability to deploy models efficiently and reliably is crucial. This is where AWS services, with their vast array of tools and capabilities, come into play. In this second installment, we will delve into the potent combination of AWS Lambda and Docker, coupled with the convenience of storing models [...]

6Nov, 2023

Deploying a Trained CTGAN Model on an EC2 Instance: A Step-by-Step Guide

By |November 6, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Welcome to the first entry in our series on deploying machine learning models in AWS. As cloud computing and machine learning continue to evolve and intersect, understanding the dynamics of deployment becomes invaluable. Whether you're an enthusiast, a budding data scientist, or a seasoned professional, the insights offered by this series are tailored to empower you to make the most of AWS's vast ecosystem. One recurrent pitfall in the [...]

4Nov, 2023

Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

By |November 4, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

You can observe how users interact with your websites and online products using Google Analytics, which tracks users across all your websites and apps. The data collected contains the web pages your customers access and their activities, which include taps, scrolls, purchases, and other consumer actions. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has replaced the old Universal Analytics as of June 2023. This transition means that post-June 2023, you'll be using [...]

2Nov, 2023

Setting Up Redirects on Amazon S3 for a Custom Domain Registered with Amazon Route 53

By |November 2, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This article will guide you on creating redirects on Amazon S3 for a website with a custom domain registered with Amazon Route 53. The following services will be used: Amazon Route 53 for domain registration and routing internet traffic, Amazon S3 for bucket creation, uploading a redirection script, configuring permissions for public access, and configuring the buckets for website hosting. In this example, we will redirect a custom domain [...]

27Oct, 2023

Mastering AWS CDK Part 1: Using Built-In Constructs for Serverless APIs

By |October 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the realm of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) within AWS, CloudFormation stands out as the foundational service. Many other IaC solutions, whether it's the Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, or even Terraform, ultimately get translated into CloudFormation. Additionally, the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has emerged as a distinct player in this space. What sets AWS CDK apart is its embrace of familiar programming languages. Instead of relying on YAML [...]

24Oct, 2023

AWS CloudShell

By |October 24, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Security Pricing AWS CloudShell Cheat Sheet A terminal that you can access from the AWS Management Console to interact with your AWS resources without installing any software on your local computer.  To run AWS CLI commands, you can use any command-line interpreter:  Bash (bash) PowerShell (pwsh) Z shell (zsh) The compute environment is built on Amazon Linux 2. 1 vCPU 2 [...]

22Oct, 2023

Cloud Native: The Future of Application Development

By |October 22, 2023|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Kubernetes, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you could do a quick search on the definition of cloud native, chances are you would be confused by the amount of different sources with varying definitions. The term "cloud native" has become a buzzword within the tech industry, symbolizing a paradigm shift in how software applications are designed, developed, and deployed. But what exactly does cloud native mean? The varying definitions of cloud native may be primarily [...]

21Oct, 2023

Azure vs AWS vs GCP Service Comparison

By |October 21, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Comparison of Services, Azure, Google Cloud, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, Microsoft's Azure stands as a pivotal player, offering myriad services that cater to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Azure's commitment to flexibility, scalability, and reliability is evident in its expansive toolset, allowing for seamless application development, management, and deployment across its vast global network of data centers. What's particularly intriguing is that one can find a corresponding or equivalent service within [...]

19Oct, 2023

Creating a Slack Notification for Redis Errors with Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration

By |October 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As more companies turn to cloud solutions, monitoring and notification systems for errors are becoming increasingly crucial. Redis, an open-source, fast, in-memory key-value data store, is now a widely used solution for databases, cache, message brokers, and queues. However, like any software, Redis may experience errors that require immediate attention. This article will guide you through setting up an automated Slack Notification using Lambda Function and CloudWatch Logs Integration [...]

16Oct, 2023

Introduction to Kubernetes

By |October 16, 2023|Categories: BLOG, Kubernetes, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Containerization has set the gold standard for deploying applications on both on-premises and cloud environments. As microservices architecture becomes more popular, people increasingly embrace containerization because it naturally fits this architectural approach. Containerization brings many advantages: It guarantees portability. This technology's inherent isolation lets developers deploy their application code on various environments and operating systems without worrying about compatibility. It boosts scalability. Developers can deploy containers quickly and repeatedly. [...]

5Oct, 2023

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

By |October 5, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Security Networking Pricing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis Cheat Sheet  An in-memory database service for microservices-based applications. MemoryDB stores all of your data in memory, allowing you to achieve microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latency and high throughput. It also uses a Multi-AZ transactional log to store data across multiple AZs in order to enable fast failover, database [...]

5Oct, 2023

AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate Exam – DEA-C01 Study Path

By |October 5, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Exam Domains AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Exam Topic Is taking the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate DEA-C01 Beta Exam worth it? Learn about the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate Exam Topics The AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate (DEA-C01) certification exam evaluates a candidate's ability to implement data pipelines and address performance and [...]

29Sep, 2023

Route Analyzer vs. Reachability Analyzer vs. Network Access Analyzer

By |September 29, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , |

Introduction In network management and security, it is very important to understand how data flows within your network. Fortunately, AWS gave us three essential tools to help with this realm: Route Analyzers, Reachability Analyzers, and Network Accessibility Analyzers. Each of these tools has a unique purpose that we can use in dissecting and optimizing our network infrastructure. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these analyzers, [...]

25Sep, 2023

Navigating DNS Management: Unveiling Amazon Route 53 Inbound and Outbound Resolver Endpoints

By |September 25, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The DNS, or Domain Name System, forms the backbone of internet communication, translating user-friendly domain names into IP addresses that computers use to locate resources online. Amazon Route 53 Resolver is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to manage DNS (Domain Name System) resolution within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and connect your VPC to on-premises networks. Amazon Route 53 Resolver enables DNS [...]

25Sep, 2023

AWS Data Exchange

By |September 25, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Security Pricing AWS Data Exchange Cheat Sheet A service that enables users to search, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. Provides a central catalog where data providers may publish their data products, and data subscribers can search and subscribe to them. You can also find and use publicly available data sets that are part of the Open Data [...]

16Sep, 2023

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide Study Path CLF-C02

By |September 16, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks What to Review What AWS services are included How to Review Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge What to expect from the exam Final Exam Tips   The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam or AWS CCP is the easiest to achieve among all the AWS certification exams. This certification covers most if not all, fundamental knowledge that [...]

11Sep, 2023

Maximizing Startup Success: The Serverless Revolution

By |September 11, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , |

Even though the pandemic was largely perceived in a negative light, it led to the emergence of many groundbreaking tech startups. As layoffs, furloughs, and business shutdowns became commonplace, individuals turned to entrepreneurship, launching a multitude of small businesses. Data from the US Census Bureau indicates an impressive 24.3% surge in new business applications between 2019 and 2020, totaling 4.5 million by the end of 2020. Thanks to the [...]

3Sep, 2023

Is An Azure Certification Still Worth It in 2023?

By |September 3, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the dynamic world of technology, the constant evolution of tools, platforms, and skill sets can often make professionals question the relevance and value of particular certifications. One such credential that has gained immense popularity over the years is the Azure certification from Microsoft, and with the shelf life of many skills now less than half a decade, continuous learning and upskilling are crucial. As the need for cloud [...]

24Aug, 2023

AWS Cloud Adoption Framework – AWS CAF

By |August 24, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks What is the Cloud Adoption Framework? The Perspectives of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework What is the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework? The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework, or AWS CAF for short, is simply a framework provided by AWS to assist you in adopting cloud computing for your enterprise infrastructure. It is a framework that contains various perspectives that are [...]

15Aug, 2023

AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Sample Exam Questions

By |August 15, 2023|Categories: Azure, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 Match the relevant Microsoft guiding principles for responsible AI with their appropriate descriptions. Instructions: To answer, drag the appropriate item from the column on the left to its description on the right. Each correct match is worth one point. Correct Answer:  Accountability: Establishing procedures to [...]

11Aug, 2023

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) Sample Exam Questions

By |August 11, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 What is the smallest deployable unit of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes? Container kubelet Node Pod Correct Answer: 4 Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes. It is similar to a set [...]

10Aug, 2023

AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Sample Exam Questions

By |August 10, 2023|Categories: Azure, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 You have an application named Manila running on an Azure virtual machine scale set. The data used by the application is stored in a SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines. The application is not used 24/7. You need to recommend a disaster recovery solution for [...]

7Aug, 2023

Kubernetes Workload Resources

By |August 7, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Defining a Kubernetes Workload Resource Deployments ReplicaSet StatefulSets DaemonSet* Jobs CronJob Automatic Cleanup for Finished Jobs ReplicationController A workload is an application that can have one or more components running on Kubernetes. A Pod represents a set of running containers in the cluster. Kubernetes allows for declarative configuration of workloads and its components. This will allow [...]

7Aug, 2023

Kubernetes Services

By |August 7, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks What is a Pod? What are Kubernetes Services? Kubernetes Service Types Defining a Service Headless Service What is a Pod? A Pod is a Kubernetes Object that has one or more containers running inside it. A Pod will ensure that the containers inside it share the same resources and local network. Each Pod gets its own IP address. If you [...]

7Aug, 2023

Kubernetes Objects

By |August 7, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Object Names and IDs Kubernetes Object Management Labels and Selectors Namespaces Annotations Field Selectors Owners and Dependents Finalizers Kubernetes Objects represent the desired state of the cluster and are created by configuration. These objects can be created, modified, or deleted via the Kubernetes API. Kubernetes Objects describes the following:        ●    what containerized applications [...]

7Aug, 2023

Kubernetes Components

By |August 7, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks What are Kubernetes Components? Control Plane Components Node Components Kubernetes Add-Ons What are Kubernetes Components? There are two main components to Kubernetes: Cluster and Control Plane. When deploying Kubernetes, at least one cluster will be created. A cluster contains the following components: ● Nodes. ○ Worker machines that runs containerized applications. ○ Every cluster will have at least one node. ○ [...]

7Aug, 2023

Kubernetes Fundamentals

By |August 7, 2023|Categories: Kubernetes Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Fundamental Terminologies What is Kubernetes? Origin of Kubernetes name Deployment without Kubernetes Deployment with Virtualization Deployment with Container via Kubernetes What are Containers? Kubernetes and Docker Benefits of using Kubernetes Fundamental terminologies Containers - a lightweight, standalone, and executable package that can hold a workload. Workload - an application. This can be a single component or [...]

4Aug, 2023

Managing AWS Organizations and Accounts with AWS Control Tower

By |August 4, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction As organizations embrace the power of the cloud and scale their operations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), managing multiple AWS accounts can become a complex and daunting task. Challenges such as decentralized governance, inconsistent security controls, and manual provisioning processes can hinder an organization's ability to harness the full potential of AWS. To address these issues, AWS Control Tower steps in as a comprehensive solution that streamlines multi-account [...]

26Jul, 2023

AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert Exam Study Path

By , |July 26, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification is designed for experienced professionals who can design, implement, and manage Microsoft Azure solutions. The exam tests your skills in designing and implementing solutions for a variety of business needs, including scalability, security, and compliance. Prior experience in infrastructure management is [...]

26Jul, 2023

Managing AWS Costs with AWS Budgets and Credits

By |July 26, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Billing, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) have become widely recognized and necessary for businesses of all sizes. However, with the convenience and flexibility of AWS come the potential challenges of managing costs effectively. It can be daunting to manage AWS costs, particularly when you have a lot of resources running in your account. Nonetheless, there is a way to help with this concern by working your AWS Costs [...]

17Jul, 2023

Cloudfront Function URL Demo

By |July 17, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up a CloudFront Function for your CloudFront distribution. We'll walk you through a scenario where we use CloudFront Functions to redirect users to different content based on their device type. By the end of this guide, you'll gain a clear understanding of how CloudFront Functions can benefit your specific use case. Creating an S3  Bucket This bucket [...]

15Jul, 2023

Data Concepts in Azure Machine Learning

By |July 15, 2023|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, Azure, Azure AI, Azure Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Machine Learning Data Concepts URI A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) represents a storage location on a local computer, Azure storage, or a publicly available http(s) location. URIs can be used as inputs or outputs to an Azure Machine Learning job and can be mapped to the compute target filesystem in different modes: read-only mount, read-write mount, download, or upload. URIs use identity-based authentication to connect to storage services, [...]

15Jul, 2023

NEW Practice Test Sampler – AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

By |July 15, 2023|Categories: BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Are you preparing to take the AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam and are looking for free materials or resources that will help you pass and become certified? Good news! It is with absolute delight that we announce the release of our NEW Practice Test Sampler- AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.   The AZ-305 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam will test your subject matter expertise in implementing, [...]

13Jul, 2023

AWS Lambda Response Streaming Demo

By |July 13, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction Response streaming is a new invocation method that enables your functions to progressively stream response payloads back to the clients. Instead of waiting for the entire data to be ready, your applications can now receive chunks of data as soon as they become available. This means faster loading times and a more responsive user experience. Response Streaming vs. Non-Streaming (Buffering) To quickly get an idea of how it [...]

10Jul, 2023

CloudFront Function URL

By |July 10, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction CloudFront Functions is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that enables developers to deploy and run lightweight JavaScript functions at AWS’s global edge locations closer to the end-users. This functionality facilitates high scalability and low latency and simplifies operations by allowing developers to run code that customizes the content delivered through CloudFront.  When to Use CloudFront Functions?  CloudFront Functions is ideal for simple tasks requiring high request rates and [...]

10Jul, 2023

My SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Experience 2023

By |July 10, 2023|Categories: AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG, Others, SAA-C03, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Getting certified is an essential milestone for IT professionals for career advancement in today's competitive industry. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) is one such certification. In this article, I will share my SAA-C03 exam experience, highlighting my challenges, overcoming setbacks, and the lessons I learned, including the various SAA-C03 exam topics I encountered. Basically, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification test is an Associate-level [...]

5Jul, 2023

Building Serverless APIs with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda

By |July 5, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Are you looking to create robust and scalable APIs without dealing with infrastructure management? In this article, we'll look at how to use AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway to create serverless APIs. You may build APIs that automatically grow, are simple to manage, and offer a seamless user experience by using these services. Your APIs' front door is AWS API Gateway, and AWS Lambda handles the backend computation. [...]

3Jul, 2023

Lightning-Fast Static Website with Amazon S3 and CloudFront with Origin Access Control (OAC)

By |July 3, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Harnessing the power of Amazon S3 and CloudFront, with the added advantage of Origin Access Control (OAC), offers many benefits for hosting a static website. With Amazon S3's reliable and scalable storage, with CloudFront's global content delivery network, a website can provide lightning-fast access to users worldwide. Implementing OAC adds an essential layer of security that prevents direct access to the S3 bucket, mitigating potential security risks. OAC is [...]

30Jun, 2023

Redacting PIIs Using S3 Object Lambda

By |June 30, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Challenge Data privacy is a top priority for businesses, especially amid the rising global data regulations. One common challenge is ensuring sensitive data, like personally identifiable information (PII), remains protected when data is accessed or transferred. Imagine you have a bunch of employee profiles stored as CSV files in an S3 bucket. These profiles include sensitive information such as real names, social security numbers, and email addresses, along [...]

29Jun, 2023

Azure Applied AI Services: Computer Vision and NLP Workloads on Azure

By |June 29, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure AI, Azure Cheat Sheets, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Computer Vision on Azure involves the use of Azure AI Services and related tools to analyze and understand visual content, such as images and videos. The goal is to enable computers to interpret and extract valuable information from visual data. Computer Vision Workloads on Azure: Azure AI Services Azure AI Services that analyzes and understands images and videos. It provides features like object detection, image recognition, image tagging, and [...]

29Jun, 2023

Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) Sample Exam Questions

By |June 29, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 Your company’s finance team needs to back up data on a Cloud Storage bucket for disaster recovery purposes. You want to comply with Google’s recommended practices in implementing the solution for this task. Which storage class do you think would be the best option? Multi-Regional [...]

29Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty MLS-C01 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 29, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty MLS-C01 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A trucking company wants to improve situational awareness for its operations team. Each truck has GPS devices installed to monitor their locations. The company requires to have the data stored in Amazon Redshift to conduct near real-time analytics, which will then be used to generate [...]

28Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty ANS-C01 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 28, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty ANS-C01 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A company is building its customer web portal in multiple EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer. The portal must be accessible on www.tutorialsdojo.com as well as on its tutorialsdojo.com root domain. How should the Network Engineer set up Amazon Route 53 to satisfy this [...]

28Jun, 2023

AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Sample Exam Questions

By |June 28, 2023|Categories: Azure, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 Your company has an Azure Storage account named TutorialsDojo1. You have to copy your files hosted on your on-premises network to TutorialsDojo1 using AzCopy. What Azure Storage services will you be able to copy your data into? Table and Queue only Blob, Table, and File only Blob, [...]

28Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Security Specialty SCS-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 28, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Security Specialty SCS-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A leading hospital has a web application hosted in AWS that will store sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its patients in an Amazon S3 bucket. Both the master keys and the unencrypted data should never be sent to AWS to comply with the strict compliance [...]

28Jun, 2023

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Sample Exam Questions

By |June 28, 2023|Categories: Azure|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A company is planning to deploy its suite of enterprise applications to Microsoft Azure, where each application has several dependencies and subcomponents. The company must also control and manage the patching activities of the underlying operating system of the servers. What type of cloud deployment solution should [...]

28Jun, 2023

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 28, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 An application is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of Amazon EC2 instances with public IP addresses in a public subnet. The instances are configured with a user data script which fetch and install the required system dependencies of the application from the Internet upon [...]

27Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 27, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A data analytics startup has been chosen to develop a data analytics system that will track all statistics in the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup, which will also be used by other 3rd-party analytics sites. The system will record, store and provide [...]

27Jun, 2023

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 27, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A financial start-up has recently adopted a hybrid cloud infrastructure with AWS Cloud. They are planning to migrate their online payments system that supports an IPv6 address and uses an Oracle database in a RAC configuration. As the AWS Consultant, you have to make sure [...]

27Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 27, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A programmer is developing a Node.js application that will be run on a Linux server in their on-premises data center. The application will access various AWS services such as S3, DynamoDB, and ElastiCache using the AWS SDK. Which of the following is the MOST suitable way [...]

27Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 27, 2023|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 A tech company has a CRM application hosted on an Auto Scaling group of On-Demand EC2 instances with different instance types and sizes. The application is extensively used during office hours from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. Their users are complaining [...]

26Jun, 2023

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Sample Exam Questions

By |June 26, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Practice Exams, AWS Study Path, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Here are 10 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 practice exam questions to help you gauge your readiness for the actual exam. Question 1 Which of the following channels shares a collection of offerings to help you achieve specific business outcomes related to enterprise cloud adoption through paid engagements in several specialty practice areas? AWS Enterprise Support Concierge Support AWS Professional Services AWS Technical Account Manager Correct Answer: 3 [...]

22Jun, 2023

NEW AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam Version in 2023

By |June 22, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Heads up! After nearly six years since its pilot release, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 exam is undergoing a long-awaited revamp. The AWS Training and Certification team is introducing a fresh and updated version of the exam, which, naturally, will be called the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam.  The last date that you can take the CLF-C01 exam version is on September 18, 2023. Meanwhile, you can [...]

19Jun, 2023

AWS IoT Core

By |June 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS IoT (Internet of Things) Core It is a managed cloud service that connects IoT devices to other devices and AWS cloud services easily. It can support billions of devices and routes trillions of messages to AWS services without managing an infrastructure securely and reliably.             It offers connectivity between devices and the AWS cloud, continuous processing of data sent from connected devices and [...]

19Jun, 2023

Managing Non-EC2 Servers using AWS Systems Manager

By |June 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction AWS Systems Manager is like a Swiss army knife for your cloud infrastructure, bundling a wide range of features into a single service. You can use it to effectively manage not only your entire AWS ecosystem but also extends its capabilities to your on-premises infrastructure. Here's a quick rundown of what it offers: Operations Management: AWS Systems Manager collects and aggregates operational data, offering you insights for understanding [...]

16Jun, 2023

Setting Up AWS Billing Alerts on Slack

By |June 16, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction Let's first get familiar with the AWS Cost Explorer. It's essentially a dedicated financial advisor for your AWS expenses, helping you make sense of where your spending goes. With an easy-to-use interface, AWS Cost Explorer provides detailed visual analytics of your past, present, and predicted AWS usage and costs.   Why Slack for AWS bill? We've all been there, trying to stay on top of our monthly bills. [...]

15Jun, 2023

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) in Azure

By |June 15, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure AI, Azure Cheat Sheets, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Automated machine learning, known as automated ML or AutoML, streamlines the tasks involved in developing machine learning models by automating repetitive tasks. Azure Machine Learning provides the Python SDK, allowing you to leverage the power of AutoML. Applications of AutoML It simplifies the machine learning model development process, allowing users to implement ML solutions without extensive programming knowledge. Classification Identifies data points into categorical labels Precision is the ratio [...]

12Jun, 2023

Securing Your Repositories with AWS CodeGuru: How Machine Learning Can Improve Your Code Quality and Security

By |June 12, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ensuring code quality and security is of utmost importance in the ever-evolving field of software development. However, traditional code review practices can be time-consuming and prone to errors, often resulting in overlooked vulnerabilities. Fortunately, the combination of machine learning (ML) and cloud computing has given rise to innovative solutions like AWS CodeGuru, empowering developers to significantly improve code quality and security. This article explores the capabilities of AWS CodeGuru [...]

9Jun, 2023

Enhance Your Security Posture: Configure SNS Notifications for AWS Secrets Manager Rotation Events

By |June 9, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the ever-changing digital landscape, maintaining robust security measures is crucial for businesses utilizing cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS). As the significance of secure data storage grows, it becomes essential to prioritize the management and regular rotation of sensitive information. AWS Secret Manager offers a secure solution for storing and rotating secrets, and by configuring Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifications for Secrets Manager rotation events, organizations [...]

7Jun, 2023

Azure Responsible AI

By |June 7, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Responsible AI Cheat Sheet Microsoft outlines six key principles for responsible AI: accountability, inclusiveness, reliability and safety, fairness, transparency, and privacy and security. Accountability People designing and deploying AI systems need to be accountable for their actions and decisions. Internal review bodies can provide oversight and guidance in AI systems. Considers the systems' impact and integrating ethical considerations into their development Inclusiveness AI should consider all human races [...]

7Jun, 2023

How to Migrate GoDaddy to AWS Lightsail

By |June 7, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is GoDaddy? GoDaddy is a website and domain hosting service that uses WordPress on most of its sites. It is easy to use, but it can also be expensive. On the other hand, AWS LightSail provides me with the opportunity to save $3 off with the first three months free while offering greater control over my site and improved support from AWS. Before we start, you will need [...]

5Jun, 2023

Azure 101: Azure Resource Manager and ARM Templates

By |June 5, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Monitoring and Management, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is a game-changer for users managing resources in Microsoft's Azure cloud services platform. A unified management layer provides a consistent way to create, update, and delete resources within Azure. Before Azure resource deployment, Azure classic was the deployment model. In the old approach, managing a solution required individually tracking resources and deploying them manually or via scripted sequences. Deleting a solution also meant removing each [...]

2Jun, 2023

Efficient Log Monitoring: Filter CloudWatch Logs with Metric Filters and Get SNS Notifications

By |June 2, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Monitoring logs efficiently is essential in today's fast-paced and data-centric world, especially for cloud-based applications and services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a robust solution called CloudWatch Logs, which enables centralized log monitoring, analysis, and management. One of the key functionalities of CloudWatch Logs is the ability to filter logs effectively using metric filters and receive notifications through Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). This combination empowers users to streamline [...]

29May, 2023

Adding Logs Insights Queries To Your CloudWatch Dashboard

By |May 29, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction Widgets are the building blocks of a CloudWatch dashboard. They come in various types that can help you interpret metrics in a way that's not only meaningful but also tailored to your specific needs. While they are typically used for visualizing metrics, widgets can also display the results of Logs Insights queries on your dashboard. Logs Insights queries as a checklist You can save Logs Insights queries to [...]

27May, 2023

Cost Allocation Tags on Amazon S3 Buckets and Using AWS Cost Explorer

By |May 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is one of the most popular cloud-based storage solutions by AWS. Amazon S3 offers flexibility for various applications and is widely used across multiple use cases as it offers durability, availability, and cost-effectiveness. It allows users to store, manage, and securely access petabyte-scale data from the AWS cloud.   By default, Amazon Billing shows how much data and cost is incurred for the cumulative [...]

25May, 2023

Automating Amazon GuardDuty Notifications through Email Alerts

By |May 25, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon GuardDuty is a powerful security tool that helps to detect suspicious activities and threats in your AWS environment. It uses intelligent threat detection and provides you with a detailed view of potential security issues across your AWS account. Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors your AWS resources and generates findings based on various threat intelligence sources. This allows you to identify security vulnerabilities and take necessary actions to secure your [...]

23May, 2023

How to Setup Backup and Recovery in Azure

By |May 23, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you’re managing a cloud infrastructure, you understand that backups are created to safeguard critical data and ensure business continuity. In the event of a server failure, backups expedite the restoration of data and the prompt resumption of operations. It also allows you to revert to previous server states, which is helpful for version control and rollbacks. Additionally, backups are useful resources for testing, development, and creating replica environments.  [...]

21May, 2023

Streamlining EBS Snapshot Management with Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager Automation

By |May 21, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots are an essential part of managing data on Amazon Web Services (AWS). EBS snapshots are backups of your EBS volumes, which are stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). They are crucial for data protection and disaster recovery, but managing EBS snapshots can be time-consuming and complex. Fortunately, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) provides a solution to simplify EBS snapshot management. DLM is [...]

19May, 2023

Enhancing S3 Bucket Security by Prohibiting Uploads of Unencrypted Objects

By |May 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon S3 is a widely used object storage service that allows users to store and retrieve large amounts of data. S3 is known for its scalability, durability, and cost-effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for many organizations. However, as with any cloud-based service, security is a crucial concern. One way to enhance the security of S3 buckets is by prohibiting the upload of unencrypted objects. In this article, we [...]

18May, 2023

10 Years of AWS Certification: Is It Still Worth It to get AWS Certified this 2023?

By |May 18, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , |

10 years ago, on April 30 2013, Amazon Web Services launched its AWS Global Certification Program.  The primary purpose of this program is to validate the necessary technical skills and knowledge required for building secure and reliable cloud-based applications using the AWS Cloud. Passing the AWS Certification exam means that you can prove your expertise and knowledge in AWS to your current employers or even to the prospective companies [...]

17May, 2023

AWS Lambda: Synchronous vs Asynchronous Invocation

By |May 17, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

You can invoke a Lambda function in two ways. Synchronous Invocation The first one is called Synchronous invocation, which is the default mode. Synchronous invocation is pretty straightforward. When you invoke a function synchronously, AWS Lambda waits until the function is done processing, then returns the result. Let’s see how this works through the following example: The diagram illustrates a Lambda function-backed API that is managed by API Gateway. [...]

15May, 2023

Connecting your Lambda Function to a Private Database

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you want your Lambda function to interact with resources (e.g., RDS database, EC2 instance) inside a private subnet, you won't be able to do so by default. The reason for this is that Lambda functions live in an isolated and secured VPC managed by AWS. This is why when you create a Lambda function, you don’t go through any networking configurations (VPC, subnet, ENIs), unlike when creating EC2 [...]

11May, 2023

New AWS Cloud Practitioner Video Course Release and AWS Video Courses Price Drop

By |May 11, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, AWS Solutions Architect Associate, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Beginners in cloud computing find it much simpler to learn various lectures or topics through video courses. It's undoubtedly among the best tools for learning that you can use in preparing for an AWS certification exam.  Our Video Courses, created by AWS Certified professionals, will certainly help you prepare to pass your AWS  certification exams.   New AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Video Course The first step in AWS [...]

7May, 2023

How To Reduce Your Monthly Azure Usage

By |May 7, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As organizations embrace the digital transformation era, they're turning to cloud computing to facilitate operations, scale up and down smoothly, and, most importantly, cut IT costs. Microsoft Azure is one of the powerhouses for providing cloud computing services to its users worldwide, providing numerous tools and services from computing power, storage, networking, databases, and AI. In this article, we will provide an insightful overview of the various strategies for [...]

5May, 2023

Azure 101: Azure Migrate

By |May 5, 2023|Categories: AWS Migration Services, Azure, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, migrating to the cloud has become crucial for organizations seeking to remain competitive and agile. While the cloud offers numerous benefits, such as scalability, cost optimization, and flexibility, the migration process presents a unique challenge. These challenges include the need for technical expertise to navigate complex cloud environments, potential security risks that come with transferring sensitive data and ensuring a seamless transition with [...]

3May, 2023

Azure 101: Protecting Your Resources Using Azure Resource Locks

By |May 3, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Microsoft Azure provides a wide range of features and services to ensure the security and stability of cloud resources. One such feature is Azure Resource Locks, which helps organizations protect critical resources from accidental deletion or modification. In this article, we will explore the uses and benefits of Azure Resource Locks and the types of locks available, helping you understand how to leverage this feature for your organization's needs. [...]

1May, 2023

How AWS IAM Handles Conflicting IAM Policies

By |May 1, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Overview When a user attempts an action in AWS, such as launching an EC2 instance or listing S3 buckets, AWS evaluates all involved IAM policies to determine whether to grant the request. Since IAM policies can be associated with various types of identities, the hierarchy of these identities influences the final permissions for a user. AWS IAM Policy Evaluation Flow Let’s break down the process of how AWS evaluates [...]

27Apr, 2023

Understanding the IAM:PassRole Permission

By |April 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction Many AWS services often require the use of an IAM role to execute actions on your behalf. For example, when you create a Lambda function, you assign an execution role to it. AWS can generate one for you automatically, and then you define the permissions you want it to have after. Most of the time, that's the case. However, there are instances when you might choose to associate [...]

27Apr, 2023

Azure Arc Cheat Sheet

By |April 27, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Arc Cheat Sheet A hybrid cloud management platform for managing servers, Kubernetes clusters, and applications across on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments. Centralize resource management and deploy consistent Azure services anywhere. Azure Arc Features You can deploy Azure services (Azure Policy, Azure Monitor, and Azure Defender) anywhere, allowing them to use the same tools and processes across their entire hybrid cloud estate. Enforce policies, audit logs, and detect threats [...]

25Apr, 2023

Different Ways of Passing Parameters Securely in CloudFormation

By |April 25, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction When writing CloudFormation templates, it's a security best practice to avoid hardcoding sensitive info, like client secrets, API keys, or passwords. Sharing templates with hardcoded details by mistake can put your infrastructure and data at risk. In this article, we'll explore different secure methods to pass parameters in CloudFormation templates. Using the NoEcho Attribute To avoid hardcoding parameters in your template, you can define them during stack creation [...]

23Apr, 2023

Automate Confluence Backup Using AWS Step Functions

By |April 23, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In this article, I'm gonna show you how you can create an automated Confluence backup in Atlassian using an AWS serverless solution. The motivation behind this article stems from a recent task I was working on a couple of weeks ago. My goal was to run a scheduled backup of Confluence data and export it to Amazon S3. Since Confluence backups are deleted 14 days after creation, it’s [...]

21Apr, 2023

How To Peer Two Azure Virtual Networks

By |April 21, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Organizations rely on efficient and secure communication between various infrastructure components in today's breakneck speed and interconnected world. Virtual Network Peering is a powerful solution to address these needs by seamlessly connecting resources across different Azure virtual networks. This feature enables organizations to optimize their network performance, reduce latency, and enhance security, all while minimizing costs. In this article, we will delve into the concept of virtual network peering, [...]

19Apr, 2023

How to Get AWS Digital Badges for Free

By |April 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a variety of digital badges that allow individuals to exhibit their proficiency and knowledge in different AWS technologies. These digital badges act as a virtual symbol of their accomplishments, providing an effective means of showcasing their expertise to potential employers, colleagues, and peers. In this article, we will explore what AWS digital badges are and provide guidance on how to get them for free [...]

17Apr, 2023

Azure Virtual Machines vs Azure App Service – Which One Is Right For You?

By |April 17, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Have you ever wondered during your cloud migration journey whether Azure Virtual Machines or Azure App service would best suit your workload requirements? In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the advantages and disadvantages of using Azure Virtual Machines and Azure App Service. By discussing the key differences, drawbacks of these services, and benefits, you can make an educated decision on where to host your application. You [...]

16Apr, 2023

AWS Community Day Philippines 2023

By |April 16, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , |

AWS User Group Philippines is celebrating its 10-year anniversary by hosting the most awaited AWS Community Day Philippines 2023 event on the 29th and 30th of July. Join the learning and fun as the keynote speakers and industry leaders share their success stories, AWS use cases, swags, raffle prizes and many more AWSomeness! AWS Community Days are community-organized cloud education events that highlight technical discussions and demos by expert [...]

14Apr, 2023

What’s New in AWS Certified Security Specialty SCS-C02 Exam in 2023?

By |April 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Certified Security Specialty, BLOG, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

After 5 years since its very first version was released, the AWS Certified Security Specialty exam will finally get its official update. The AWS Training and Certification team is releasing its new version, with an exam code of SCS-C02, on July 11, 2023. You can register for the new and updated SCS-C02 AWS Certified Security Specialty exam as early as June 13, 2023. Take note that the last day [...]

14Apr, 2023

Introducing Amazon Bedrock – AWS response for OpenAI’s DALL·E 2, ChatGPT-4 and other Generative AI Rivals

By |April 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Machine Learning & AI, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

There's no denying that all major tech companies now are on their toes, trying to grab enough Artificial Intelligence (AI) market share which has been exponentially growing for the past several years. The race has been further highlighted when OpenAI released its game-changing ChatGPT service which spread like wildfire for both geeks and non-IT professionals alike.  Based on various reports, it is set to boom into a $90 billion [...]

14Apr, 2023

Different Types of AWS Certifications Explained in a Nutshell

By |April 14, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most popular cloud service provider in the world, offering a wide range of cloud computing services to businesses and individuals. AWS certifications have become increasingly valuable as more and more companies move their workloads to the cloud. These certifications validate the skills and knowledge of individuals who work with AWS services, making them more employable and helping [...]

12Apr, 2023

Increase Your Chances of Passing Your AWS, Azure, and GCP Exam with these Review Strategies

By |April 12, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, Azure, BLOG, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Have you ever considered obtaining a cloud certification but are unsure of the first steps or where to begin? Let me help you increase your chances of passing your AWS, Azure, and GCP exams with these review strategies. Embarking on a new journey can be daunting, especially when starting out. However, in this article, I will discuss how I started my path toward obtaining cloud certifications by sharing my [...]

10Apr, 2023

How to Set Up Alerts Rules and Action Groups in Azure Monitor

By |April 10, 2023|Categories: AWS vs Azure Services Comparison, Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this article, we’ll learn how to create action groups and alert rules to automatically monitor our infrastructure and take automated actions based on certain conditions. The service that we’ll use for this tutorial is Azure Monitor. Alerts in Azure Monitor act as a watchdog, constantly monitoring your infrastructure and application for potential problems. It alerts you before users experience any problems by sending you alerts when something is [...]

7Apr, 2023

How to Land a Job in Cloud Computing from Non-Tech Role

By |April 7, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you're interested in pursuing a career in cloud computing but lack a technical background, don't fret. Simply put, cloud computing involves the delivery of computing services over the internet, such as storage, processing power, and applications. In this article, we'll delve into some essential aspects of cloud computing that you should be aware of to improve your chances of landing a cloud-related job, even without prior technical experience. [...]

5Apr, 2023

How Can I Learn AWS for FREE this 2023 (Beginner’s Guide)

By |April 5, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

For those interested in cloud computing or seeking to upgrade their skills, gaining knowledge of AWS can be a highly beneficial asset. Since AWS is currently the leading cloud service provider, there are numerous resources available, such as free online courses and documentation, which make starting with AWS both an uncomplicated and approachable process. If your goal is to become an AWS certified and you don’t have any experience [...]

3Apr, 2023

Default Host Management Configuration on AWS Systems Manager

By |April 3, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Systems Manager’s Fleet Manager is a useful tool for managing Amazon EC2 instances on your account. It allows you to establish a private session to your instances, view detailed information about the instance, run automation such as patch installations, or execute specific Run commands to the instance’s operating system. It can also be used to manage on-premises servers or virtual machines. Using AWS Systems Manager tools requires that [...]

31Mar, 2023

My DVA-C02 AWS Developer Associate Exam Experience

By |March 31, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Developer Certification, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A few weeks ago, I took and passed the latest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam, DVA-C02. If you've already cleared DVA-C01 and intend to recertify, note that you can no longer book DVA-C01 exams. I suggest checking out this article I wrote a couple of months ago. This breaks down the changes you need to be aware of, and I’ve also shared my expectations for the DVA-C02 exam.  In [...]

29Mar, 2023

Customize Your Invite Links with Amazon S3 Website Redirect

By |March 29, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Developer Tools, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you use Discord, Slack, or Telegram, you're probably familiar with those long and complicated invite links used to join servers or channels. These links can be difficult to remember and may even discourage some people from joining. With URL redirection, you can create a custom and easy-to-remember domain name for your invite links. For example, you might use a domain like "discord.mycoolsite.com" that redirects to the invitation page [...]

27Mar, 2023

Using Amazon Route 53 Resolver

By |March 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Developer Associate, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous blog post, we talked about Split-view DNS using Amazon Route 53, in which the DNS server gives out a different response to the same DNS query based on where the query came from. This is helpful if you are in a hybrid environment when you want an internal application to resolve a domain from a private hosted zone and external applications to resolve from a public [...]

24Mar, 2023

Is a Cloud Computing Career Still Worth Pursuing in 2023?

By |March 24, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Cloud computing has remained a hot topic in the IT field for the past years, gaining even more attention during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Between 2020 and 2021, there’s been a burst of cloud adoption from startups, mid-sized businesses, and even large enterprises as they looked for ways to adapt to remote work and digital operations. And it's no wonder, given the benefits it offers over traditional [...]

22Mar, 2023

7 Most In-Demand IT Skills for 2023

By |March 22, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Every day the growth of technology is exponential, there will come a time when the technology you've just learned will be obsolete. If you’re currently exploring opportunities in the IT industry, we’re gonna tackle the article provided by Indeed about the best IT jobs for the year 2023. Below, you'll find information that reflects the current trends and offers a chance to explore new career paths. Despite the anticipated [...]

20Mar, 2023

Using Origin Access Control (OAC) to Secure S3 Object Access to CloudFront

By |March 20, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, AWS Solutions Architect Professional, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is Amazon S3 Object Access? Amazon S3 is one of the most popular AWS service organizations use, as it offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance for object storage. S3 is utilized to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. One of [...]

20Mar, 2023

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 Exam Domains

By |March 20, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Practice Exams, Azure Database Services, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , |

Amazon Web Services began its Global Certification Program in 2013 with the primary purpose of validating the technical skills and knowledge of IT Professionals in building secure and reliable cloud-based applications using the AWS Cloud. On April 2013, AWS launched its first-ever AWS Certification test called the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam. This was followed by the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator and AWS Certified Developer Associate exams. Amazon [...]

16Mar, 2023

Retrieving Parameter Values from SSM Parameter Store through AWS Lambda

By |March 16, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Solutions Architect Professional, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In today's world, serverless computing is gaining popularity as it offers technologies for running code, managing data, and integrating applications, all without managing servers. It eliminates the infrastructure management tasks so developers can focus on application development. One of the requirements of serverless development is storage for configuration data management and secrets management. Developers need to store data such as passwords, database strings, etc., at some point. Luckily, Parameter [...]

13Mar, 2023

Secure EC2 Instances Connections Leveraging Session Manager

By |March 13, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Solutions Architect Professional, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As more workloads are being migrated to the cloud, security should always be a top priority. Some organizations fail to consider security and therefore paid the price of having their workloads compromised. For example, an EC2 instance that has its SSH inbound port open to the world, therefore, providing unrestricted access to attackers globally. Luckily, AWS has a service that allows you to connect to your EC2 instances without [...]

9Mar, 2023

Benefits of Being AWS Certified

By |March 9, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Have you ever heard of AWS Certifications? Are you wondering if it is beneficial to get one? Is an AWS certification enough to land a cloud-related job? These are typical questions that aspirants ask and wonder if it’s favorable to commit to studying. For this article, we will discuss the benefits of being AWS certified and whether it’s worth it to invest time and effort. Let’s get started. Amazon [...]

7Mar, 2023

AWS Amplify

By |March 7, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Amplify Cheat Sheet AWS Amplify is a platform that simplifies building and deploying full-stack applications with pre-built UI components, hosting options, and easy integration with AWS services. It's flexible and scalable, making it easy to add new features and adapt to changing requirements. Amplify Services AWS Amplify offers two main services: Amplify Hosting and Amplify Studio      Amplify Hosting a fully managed CI/CD and hosting service for [...]

6Mar, 2023

5 Best Cloud Projects For Beginners

By |March 6, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cloud Practitioner, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

If you are a student, career changer, or IT professional who wants to work in the cloud computing industry, you must present your portfolio to the interviewer. A portfolio is a collection of previous projects and experiences, which can be paid or unpaid. This shows the interviewer that you know what you're talking about and that you have the skills required for the job.  As a beginner, you must [...]

3Mar, 2023

Azure 101: Subscriptions And Management Groups

By |March 3, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In Microsoft Azure, a subscription is an agreement between a customer and Microsoft on how to pay for and access Azure services. It is paid based on the consumption of services within the subscription. For example, if you provisioned Azure Virtual Machines, App Service, Azure SQL Database, and other services, your subscription will be billed based on using these services. There are many types of subscriptions. Each type of subscription may [...]

1Mar, 2023

Azure 101: Regions And Availability Zones

By |March 1, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Natural disasters are no laughing matter that we can take for granted; they can seriously mess up a business and its operations, especially when using traditional on-premises IT infrastructure. Luckily, with Azure regions and availability zones, companies can have a backup plan to ensure data redundancy, disaster recovery, scalability, and remote access. With Microsoft Azure, companies can continue to operate even in the face of natural disasters. This means [...]

27Feb, 2023

Don’t Learn AWS Until You Know These Things

By |February 27, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Learning AWS is like trying to drink from a firehose. At least, that's how I remember it felt when I jumped into AWS years ago as a non-IT guy. I often bounced around between different articles and Youtube videos, struggling to make sense of all the concepts. One moment, I'd be focusing on an EC2 tutorial but then realize I needed to understand VPCs first, so I'd click over [...]

23Feb, 2023

What Is The AWS Community Builders Program And How To Apply

By |February 23, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Are you passionate about creating technical content like blog posts, videos, etc., especially in Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Ever heard of AWS Community Builders Program? You might be interested in becoming an AWS Community Builder. In this article, we will discuss what AWS Community Builders Program is about, its benefits, and how to apply to become an AWS Community Builder. So what is AWS Community Builders Program? AWS Community [...]

21Feb, 2023

Creating And Mounting An Azure File Share

By |February 21, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Storage Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A file server provides organizations with a system to centrally store, manage, and access files within a network, such as documents, images, videos, logs, etc. With file servers, users can easily share and collaborate on files with others. Azure Files is a fully managed file share solution that aims to replace or supplement on-premises file servers. It is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering by Microsoft Azure that [...]

16Feb, 2023

Deploying Docker Images To Azure Container Apps

By |February 16, 2023|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Containers, cloud-native, and microservices are all used in modern software development and deployment. A container is a standalone executable package that contains everything needed to run a piece of software, creating an isolated environment for the application. While microservices are an architectural paradigm for developing applications composed of small, independent services. This enables teams to autonomously build, deploy, and grow their services, increasing the speed and agility of the [...]

13Feb, 2023

Reduce The Cost Of Your Lambda Functions With Event Filters (Part 2 of 2)

By |February 13, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Introduction In the first part of this post, we covered the concept behind event filtering in AWS Lambda and learned how it could help you save money by invoking functions only when necessary. Now it's time to put that knowledge into practice. In this part 2, we’ll see event filtering in action using Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) as the event source. Overview A user sends a JSON message [...]

10Feb, 2023

Reduce The Cost Of Your Lambda Functions With Event Filters (Part 1 of 2)

By |February 10, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Problem statement You are primarily billed based on how long your Lambda functions run and how often it is invoked. This is why AWS Lambda is great for scheduled jobs, short-duration tasks, and event-based processes. But does this mean you shouldn’t use them for high-volume traffic applications? Well, the short answer is... it depends. Whether or not to use AWS Lambda for high-volume traffic workloads ultimately depends on the [...]

8Feb, 2023

SFTP On Your Ubuntu EC2 Instance – Quick and Simple Setup

By |February 8, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

SFTP, which stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a method of transferring files between computers. It operates over SSH (Secure Shell) and uses public-key cryptography for authentication. This means that your login credentials and file transfers are encrypted, making them much more secure than the traditional FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Why SFTP over SCP? SFTP and Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) are both network protocols that you can use [...]

6Feb, 2023

Automate Resources In Azure Using ARM Templates

By |February 6, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, BLOG, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method of running IT infrastructure that automates, configures, and manages systems and networks using scripts or code. It can work with a variety of file formats, including JSON and YAML. YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data serialization format that is commonly used in Ansible, Kubernetes, and other tools. While JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data interchange format that is [...]

3Feb, 2023

AWS Shared Responsibility Model

By |February 3, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Cloud Practitioner, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Cloud computing is changing the way businesses operate by providing scalable, pay-as-you-go infrastructure and services. The shared pool of configurable computing resources is made up of thousands of powerful physical servers located in data centers around the world and equipped with enterprise-grade processors capable of creating hundreds or even thousands of virtual machines for multiple customers. However, one of the primary concerns when migrating a private infrastructure to a [...]

1Feb, 2023

Azure Storage Redundancy Options

By |February 1, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What are the Azure Storage Redundancy Options? Azure storage redundancy options provide different levels of protection for data stored in Azure. These options ensure that data is available and retrievable in case of failure or data loss. There are several different types of consistency options available in Azure, each with its own features and benefits. Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) has the lowest level of consistency in Azure storage redundancies. [...]

30Jan, 2023

Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

By |January 30, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Resource Manager Cheat Sheet Azure Resource Manager is a service that allows you to create, update, and delete resources in your Azure account. Enables you to manage access control, locks, and tags for your resources after they have been deployed. Features All requests are authenticated and authorized by ARM before being routed to the appropriate Azure service. Manage infrastructure using declarative templates and deploy it in a repeatable [...]

30Jan, 2023

Cloud Computing Service Types: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS

By |January 30, 2023|Categories: AWS, Azure, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS? IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are three types of cloud computing services provided by Microsoft Azure. Each model has its advantages that help customers meet their specific needs. Each type of cloud computing service, and deployment method, provides you with different levels of control, flexibility, and management. With traditional on-premises data centers, customers have complete control over the hardware, server, virtualization, and software deployed. [...]

25Jan, 2023

Estimating Your Azure Monthly Usage

By |January 25, 2023|Categories: Azure, Azure Compute Services, Azure Pricing, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

Estimating your monthly Azure usage can be a daunting task and may deter interested customers of Azure from ever using it, especially if you are new to cloud computing. Fortunately, Microsoft Azure provides a tool that allows us to estimate the monthly consumption of our potential workloads in Azure. With the Microsoft Azure Calculator, it's easy to figure out how much to spend on Azure each month. This article [...]

23Jan, 2023

Build Your Own Slack Commands with Lambda Function URL

By |January 23, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Developer Certification, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What are Lambda Function URLs? In the past, calling a Lambda function over HTTP required a lot of setup and configuration with API Gateway. The process of setting up API resources and methods, and linking them to the appropriate Lambda function, can be overwhelming, especially for developers who are new to it. With the function URL feature of the AWS Lambda service, you can create a secure HTTPS endpoint [...]

19Jan, 2023

Working With AWS CLI (AWS Command Line Interface)

By |January 19, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

What is AWS CLI? AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool used to manage and interact with AWS Services using the command line. Users more comfortable in the command line can leverage the AWS CLI as it offers the exact scope of functionality as the AWS Console.  AWS CLI requires minimal configuration before you can use it. Installed it on your local machine running on Linux, Windows, and [...]

17Jan, 2023

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

By |January 17, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Cloud Development Kit Cheat Sheet The AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. It provides a high-level object-oriented abstraction on top of AWS CloudFormation that allows you to use pre-built cloud components called constructs. It uses familiar programming languages such as TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, .Net, Java, and Go and deploys everything as CloudFormation stacks.  [...]

16Jan, 2023

Event-driven Transfer on Storage Transfer Service for Google Cloud Storage

By |January 16, 2023|Categories: BLOG, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , |

Last January 7, 2023, Google Cloud announced a new capability for Storage Transfer Service (STS). Now, users can do an event-driven transfer quickly to a Cloud storage whenever there are changes to a source bucket. The event-driven transfer is an execution mode on Storage Transfer Service that allows transfer to a destination using the events from the source as triggers. Google Cloud claims that the transfer rate is near-real-time [...]

15Jan, 2023

What’s New with the DOP-C02 AWS Certified DevOps Professional Exam in 2023?

By |January 15, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Heads Up! The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Training and Certification team recently announced the third iteration of the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) exam. Mark your calendar – March 7, 2023 is the first day that you will be able to take the latest version of the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional - Professional exam which has an updated exam code of DOP-C02. Remember that the current [...]

13Jan, 2023

Automatic SSH Key Pair Rotation via AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager

By |January 13, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Solutions Architect Professional, BLOG|Tags: , , , |

Automatic SSH Key Pair Rotation via AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager AWS Systems Manager has an extensive collection of features and capabilities to manage your AWS and hybrid systems. This service allows you to centralize operational data from various AWS services and automate manual tasks on both your on-premises and AWS resources. One of its capabilities is the AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager, which provides a unified user interface [...]

12Jan, 2023

Split-view DNS using Amazon Route 53

By |January 12, 2023|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

What is Amazon Route 53? Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) service. This allows you to do Split-view DNS or Split-horizon DNS implementation for your applications. It offers additional features that are not present from third-party domain registrars. Route 53 allows you to register domain names, route internet traffic to specific resources under your domain name using different routing policies and check [...]

4Jan, 2023

What’s New with the AWS Developer DVA-C02 Exam in 2023?

By |January 4, 2023|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, AWS Developer Certification, BLOG, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

After almost 5 years since it was first released, the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam is finally getting revamped. The AWS Training and Certification team is launching a new version, with an exam code of DVA-C02, on February 28, 2023, making it the last of the three associate-level exams to receive a major overhaul. You can register for the new exam starting on January 31, 2023, or take the [...]

20Dec, 2022

OpenAI’s ChatGPT vs Amazon Lex

By |December 20, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is ChatGPT? OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an improved version of the GPT3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer, released in 2020) language model specifically designed to generate human-like text for chatbot applications. ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset of conversation transcripts and is able to generate appropriate responses to a wide range of inputs, including questions and prompts. ChatGPT uses a transformer architecture, which is a type of neural network designed [...]

19Dec, 2022

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Experience

By |December 19, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is a popular certification for individuals looking to demonstrate their knowledge of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. This certification is suitable for individuals who are new to the AWS cloud and those who want to validate their understanding of the core AWS services and their use cases. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including the fundamentals of cloud computing, [...]

14Dec, 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 Announcements for AWS Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists

By |December 14, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Every year, professionals all around the world attend the most transformative tech event —  AWS re:Invent. Here, a LOT of new AWS services and capabilities are announced and discussed. In this post, we will focus on the major announcements relevant to data scientists and ML engineers! A Gentle Introduction to Amazon SageMaker The major announcements discussed in this post focus on SageMaker, so we will spend a paragraph or [...]

12Dec, 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 Highlights

By |December 12, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , |

If you’re new to AWS and haven’t heard of re:Invent, this is a global cloud community event where AWS announces new features and services. You also get to meet like-minded IT professionals who are eager to learn more about cloud computing. For November 28, 2022 - December 2, 2022, the biggest, most comprehensive, and the most vibrant event will be held again in Las Vegas. In this article, we’re [...]

2Dec, 2022

What is Prometheus?

By |December 2, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

What is Prometheus? Prometheus is an open-source system monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. This tool's primary function is to collect and store metrics as time series data. For example, suppose you have a running web application that is too slow. You can use Prometheus to determine the response time of a web server or the number of active connections/queries in a database.  Features: Multi-dimensional data model [...]

30Nov, 2022

What is Grafana?

By |November 30, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

What is Grafana? Grafana is an open-source analytics and interactive visualization web app. When connected to supported data sources, it displays charts, graphs, and alerts on the web. The product is described as a "complete observability stack,” which includes everything you need to interact with your data.   How It Works To visualize and analyze data in a dashboard, you’ll need to set up the following: Server - produces [...]

25Nov, 2022

How to View your Actual AWS Bill if you have AWS Credits

By |November 25, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Billing, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Having AWS Credits can significantly reduce the cost of your cloud resources in your AWS account. However, there are some changes in your AWS Billing and Cost Management console that you must be aware of, to ensure that you still understand the running cost of your cloud services. You can easily view the actual bill of your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account on the Bills page by default, which [...]

19Nov, 2022

My AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C02 Exam Experience

By |November 19, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Exam Experiences, AWS Solutions Architect Professional, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I just passed the latest version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional SAP-C02! What a way to end the year strong! In this short article, I'll quickly discuss what this SAP-C02 exam is all about and the different things that can help you pass this mind-boggling test.  The New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional SAP-C02) exam is one of the [...]

21Sep, 2022

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)

By |September 21, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Security Monitoring Pricing Amazon MSK Cheat Sheet A service that uses fully managed Apache Kafka to ingest and process streaming data in real-time. Concepts Configuration If you do not specify a custom MSK configuration, a default configuration will be assigned to a cluster. You can use the custom configuration to new or existing MSK clusters. MSK configurations allow you to [...]

21Sep, 2022


By |September 21, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Use Case Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS CloudHSM Cheat Sheet A computing device that enables you to provision and manage your own single-tenant HSMs for the generation and use of encryption keys. A hardware security module (HSM) performs cryptographic operations and provides secure storage for cryptographic keys. You can perform the following cryptographic tasks: Generate, store, import, export, and manage cryptographic keys. [...]

15Sep, 2022

My SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Exam Experience

By |September 15, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG, SAA-C03|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

My team and I took the recently released AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 exam version recently. The SAA-C03 test replaced the old SAA-C02 exam version last August. If you can compare the official exam guide of the previous SAA-C02 version with the latest one (SAA-C03), you may notice that the exam domains are almost exactly the same but with quite different domain percentages. For example, the "Design [...]

30Aug, 2022

AWS Backup

By |August 30, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS Backup Cheat Sheet A service that enables you to centralize and automate data protection across AWS services and hybrid workloads. Concepts Backup plan A policy expression that determines when and how you want your AWS resources backed up. Stores periodic backups incrementally. A backup plan can be created using the AWS Backup console, API, CLI, SDK, or an [...]

30Aug, 2022

AWS Compute Optimizer

By |August 30, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Pricing AWS Compute Optimizer Cheat Sheet A service that recommends optimal AWS resources to reduce costs and improve performance of your workloads. Uses machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics. You can view findings and recommendations across AWS Regions and accounts. Generates recommendations for the following resources: Amazon EC2 instances Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups Amazon EBS volumes AWS Lambda functions Concepts [...]

30Aug, 2022

AWS AppSync

By |August 30, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Security Pricing AWS AppSync Cheat Sheet A serverless GraphQL and Pub/Sub API service that streamlines the development of modern web and mobile applications AppSync GraphQL APIs - provides a unified endpoint for securely querying and updating data from multiple databases, microservices, and APIs AppSync Pub/Sub APIs - data updates are automatically published to subscribed API clients via serverless WebSockets [...]

24Aug, 2022

AWS Migration Hub

By |August 24, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Pricing What is AWS Migration Hub? AWS Migration Hub is a service for planning, orchestrating, and tracking application migration to AWS. Supports migration status updates from the following: AWS Application Migration Service AWS Database Migration Service AWS Migration Hub Features Use network visualization to quickly organize on-premises discovery data and accelerate migration planning. Strategy Recommendations analyzes your applications [...]

24Aug, 2022

AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN)

By |August 24, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works Concepts Networking Monitoring Security Pricing An automated lift-and-shift solution that simplifies, expedites, and lowers the cost of migrating applications to AWS. It converts source servers to run natively on AWS. How It Works Install AWS Replication Agent on the source servers. If you use agentless replication for vCenter feature, you must add your source servers by [...]

23Aug, 2022

AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C03 Content Update

By |August 23, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

With the new version of AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam coming out very soon, we are delighted to let you know that we started transitioning our SAA practice exams from the SAA-C02 to the new SAA-C03 exam version based on the brand new cloud services that AWS recently released. We also released the new SAA-C03 version of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Study Guide eBook [...]

22Aug, 2022

AWS Application Discovery Service

By |August 22, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS Application Discovery Service Cheat Sheet A service that collects usage, behavior, and configuration data from on-premises servers to help you plan your migration to AWS. The collected data can be exported to Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight for analysis. Integrated with AWS Migration Hub to track the migration status of each application from the home Region. Concepts Discovery [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS License Manager

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Security Pricing AWS License Manager Cheat Sheet A service for centrally managing software licenses across AWS and on-premises environments. It gives you control and visibility into license usage, allowing you to limit licensing overages and reduce the risk of noncompliance and misreporting. Supports a variety of licensing models: Perpetual - lifetime license with no expiration date. Floating - shareable [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Serverless Application Repository

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Publishing Applications Deploying  Applications Monitoring Pricing AWS Serverless Application Repository Cheat Sheet The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for deploying and publishing serverless applications. You can also use pre-built applications instead of cloning, building, packaging, and publishing source code to AWS before deploying it. Each application includes an AWS SAM template that specifies the AWS resources that will [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Lake Formation

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works Concepts Security Pricing AWS Lake Formation Cheat Sheet A service for managing and building data lakes. It stores and catalogs data from databases and object storage before transferring it to a new S3 data lake. You can also use ML algorithms to clean and classify data and secure access to sensitive data with granular [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Control Tower

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Networking Monitoring Pricing AWS Control Tower Cheat Sheet A service for configuring and managing a multi-account AWS environment.   AWS Control Tower Concepts Landing zone A multi-account environment that is well-architected and adheres to security and compliance best practices. Each organization can have one landing zone.  A container that holds the following: Organizational Units (OUs) Accounts Users Other Resources Structure [...]

17Aug, 2022

Amazon AppFlow

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Pricing Amazon AppFlow Cheat Sheet An integration service that automates data flows by securely integrating third-party applications and AWS services without writing any code. Features Run flows on-demand or on a schedule to keep data in sync across SaaS applications and AWS services. Aggregate data from multiple sources to train analytics tools more effectively and save money. Use flow management [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Audit Manager

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Security Pricing AWS Audit Manager Cheat Sheet A service that will help you audit your AWS usage on a regular basis in order to simplify risk management and compliance with regulations and industry standards. Automates evidence collection for policies, procedures, and activities, as well as the creation of audit reports. Features Centrally manage and upload evidence from [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Outposts

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS Outposts Cheat Sheet A managed service that brings AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to the customer's premises. Concepts Outpost site is a physical location where AWS will install your Outpost. Outpost configurations include EC2, EBS, and networking capabilities. Each configuration has its own requirements for power, cooling, and weight support. The compute and storage resources are called [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Proton

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS Proton Cheat Sheet A managed delivery service for deploying container and serverless applications. Uses templates to define and maintain standard application stacks, which include the architecture, infrastructure resources, and the CI/CD pipeline. Concepts Templates Manage and provision resources using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Environment Template - a shared infrastructure used by multiple applications or resources. Standard Environment Template [...]

17Aug, 2022

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Pricing Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus Cheat Sheet A managed monitoring service for container environments. You can monitor and alert on the performance of containerized workloads using the open-source PromQL without having to scale or manage the underlying infrastructure. Automatically scale the ingestion, storage, alerting, and querying of operational metrics as workload increases. Integrated with Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, and [...]

17Aug, 2022

Amazon Managed Grafana

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Components Security Pricing What is Amazon Managed Grafana? A data visualization service for querying, correlating, and visualizing operational metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources. Create dashboards and visualizations to analyze metrics, logs, and traces without having to build, package, or deploy Grafana servers. All logical Grafana server deployment, setup, scaling, and maintenance are handled by AWS. Integrated with the following AWS [...]

17Aug, 2022

AWS Network Firewall

By |August 17, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Pricing AWS Network Firewall Cheat Sheet A managed service that helps deploy network protections for Amazon VPCs. Provides fine-grained network traffic control that allows you to restrict outbound requests to prevent malicious activity from spreading. Import previously created rules in common open source rule formats and enable integrations with managed intelligence feeds from AWS partners. With AWS Firewall [...]

3Aug, 2022

AWS Wavelength

By |August 3, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Pricing AWS Wavelength Cheat Sheet A service that allows developers to create applications with ultra-low latencies for mobile devices and end users. Wavelength Zones can be used to extend an Amazon VPC in order to run ultra-low latency applications that use the same AWS services, APIs, tools, and functionalities. Features Wavelength Zones support a wide range of compute instances for [...]

22Jul, 2022

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam Guide Study Path SAP-C02

By |July 22, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials AWS Services to Focus On Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge Final Notes The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam SAP-C02 Overview Few years ago, before you can take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam (or SA Pro for short), you would first have to pass the associate level exam of this track. This is to ensure [...]

21Jul, 2022

What’s New with the SAP-C02 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam this 2023?

By |July 21, 2022|Categories: BLOG, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The AWS Training and Certification team recently announced the third iteration of its challenging AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP-C02) exam. The first day to take the new version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam would be on November 15, 2022, with an updated exam code of SAP-C02. Take note that the current version (SAP-C01) will only be available on November 14, 2022 so you still [...]

19Jul, 2022

Whitelisting Access to Application Load Balancer Through The Use of AWS WAF

By |July 19, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , |

Load balancing an application is a common approach to distributing traffic among multiple servers. It has a breadth of benefits that can optimize performance, including availability and responsiveness, as it spreads the workload from one server to another, preventing server overload. AWS has a wide variety of load balancer types. But one of the most commonly used for web servers is the Application Load Balancer (ALB), as it functions [...]

10Jul, 2022

Exploring AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner Game

By |July 10, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , |

What is AWS Cloud Quest? AWS Cloud Quest is an open-world, role-playing game that teaches you how to create AWS solutions using cloud concepts and exercises based on real life. It helps you learn the intricacies of modern cloud technologies and have fun at the same time. Cloud Quest features 12 real-life scenario assignments which prepare and train you to become an AWS Cloud Practitioner at absolutely no cost. [...]

8Jul, 2022

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam – SAA-C03 Study Path

By |July 8, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Exam Overview Difference between SAA-C02 and SAA-C03 SAA-C03 Study Materials Additional SAA-C03 Whitepapers Core SAA-C03 AWS Services to Focus On Other SAA-C03 AWS Services That You Should Prepare For Common Exam Scenarios for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Video Course Validate Your Knowledge Some Notes Regarding Your SAA-C03 Exam [...]

6Jul, 2022

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty ANS-C01 Exam Study Path

By |July 6, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Overview ANS-C01 Study Materials for ANS-C01 Core AWS Services to Focus On AWS Services That Will Appear In The ANS-C01 Exam Irrelevant AWS Services That Will NOT Appear In The ANS-C01 Exam Important ANS-C01 Networking Topics Common Exam Scenarios for ANS-C01 Validate Your Knowledge The AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty ANS-C01 [...]

19Jun, 2022

Building Dynamic Start and Stop Scheduler Functions for Non-Distributed Applications Under Auto-Scaling Group

By |June 19, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , |

In AWS, it’s of utmost importance to consider the cost in every aspect. In fact, cost optimization is one of the 6 pillars of a well-architected framework, therefore, it must be included in every step in building solutions in AWS. There are infinite ways to reduce bills but one of the most popular ones for EC2 instances is to start or stop them, especially if they don't need to [...]

19May, 2022

Real-time Monitoring of 5XX Errors using AWS Lambda, CloudWatch Logs and Slack

By |May 19, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Monitoring is the best friend of every system administrator. It gives visibility into what is happening on your application so that when an issue occurs, you or someone in your team could be alerted and do the necessary measures to mitigate it. However, this can only be as effective as the metrics you're keeping track of.  There are plenty of factors that can affect application performance. And while it’s [...]

18May, 2022

Automatically stop non-production RDS databases with AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge

By |May 18, 2022|Categories: AWS, BLOG|

Every AWS service offering comes with a pay-as-go pricing model, empowering businesses, small or large, to be flexible at experimenting and making changes as they build their products to market. This pricing model is similar to riding an Uber, where you only pay for the distance covered, or to electric bills where you’re charged based on actual energy consumption. Of course, the more devices you have running, the higher [...]

22Apr, 2022

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

By |April 22, 2022|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Components Storage Networking Security Monitoring Pricing Amazon EKS Cheat Sheet A managed service that allows you to run Kubernetes on AWS without installing, operating, or maintaining your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes. Integration with various AWS services to provide scalability and security for your applications: Amazon ECR for container images Elastic Load Balancing for load distribution IAM for [...]

9Mar, 2022

The New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 This August 2022

By |March 9, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Solutions Architect Associate|Tags: , , , |

Heads up! AWS just announced today that there would be a new version of their popular AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam. The new SAA exam code will be upgraded to SAA-C03 this coming August.   Mark your calendars as the last day to take the current SAA-C02 exam version would be on August 29, 2022. Thus, if you need to recertify, you have to make sure that you book the current exam [...]

6Mar, 2022

What’s New with the SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam this 2022?

By |March 6, 2022|Categories: AWS Developer Tools, BLOG, What's New|Tags: , |

The AWS Training and Certification team recently announced that there’s yet another version release of its popular AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam will be released this August 30, 2022. Its new exam version would be SAA-C03. Take note that the current version (SAA-C02) will only be available on August 29, 2022 so you still have time to recertify. The new SAA-C03 will be focused on Security, as shown on its official [...]

6Mar, 2022

AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty MLS-C01 Exam Study Path

By |March 6, 2022|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials AWS Services to Focus on Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AWS Machine Learning — Specialty MLS-C01 Certification is intended for individuals who are responsible for developing data science or applied machine learning projects on the AWS Cloud. This specialty certification is quite different from any other AWS exam. If you already have prior experience [...]

2Dec, 2021

Getting Started with SageMaker Ground Truth Private Workforce

By |December 2, 2021|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Before we begin, let’s quickly talk about what Amazon SageMaker is and what it is used for. If this is your first time learning about Amazon SageMaker, it is the machine learning platform of AWS that helps solve the different requirements of data scientists, developers, and machine learning practitioners.  It has several features and capabilities that assist in the different stages of the machine learning process. In this tutorial, [...]

8Nov, 2021

AWS Transfer Family

By |November 8, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Benefits How to delegate access Managing users Pricing AWS Transfer Family Cheat Sheet AWS Transfer Family is a secure transfer service for moving files into and out of AWS storage services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon EFS. With Transfer Family, you do not need to run or maintain any server infrastructure of your own. You can provision a Transfer Family [...]

4Nov, 2021

Scalable Data Processing and Transformation using SageMaker Processing (Part 2 of 2)

By |November 4, 2021|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

In this 2-part tutorial, we will focus on SageMaker Processing and how we can use it to solve our data processing needs. Our overall goal is to demonstrate how to use SageMaker Processing to help us perform Min-Max scaling on a dataset in its own dedicated and easily scalable environment.  If you are looking for Part 1, you can find it here. As mentioned in Part I, we have [...]

26Oct, 2021

Scalable Data Processing and Transformation using SageMaker Processing (Part 1 of 2)

By |October 26, 2021|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

Amazon SageMaker is the machine learning platform of AWS which helps solve the different requirements of data scientists and machine learning practitioners. It has several features and capabilities that assist in the different stages of the machine learning process. Here is a simplified list of the capabilities of SageMaker mapped to some of the stages of the ML lifecycle. SageMaker Processing Data Preparation and Processing  SageMaker Training Model Training [...]

10Aug, 2021

AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate (SOA-C02) Exam Experience

By |August 10, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I recently took the new AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C02 exam last week via the Pearson Vue online proctoring. There are a lot of recently introduced features and services that showed up in this new version which you should be aware of. The new version included the new Exam Labs section in the test, which is unique among the other existing AWS certifications. If you’re planning to take this exam soon, [...]

10Aug, 2021

Sample SysOps Exam Lab Scenario #1 – Create an Alarm Using a Metric Filter

By |August 10, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This sample exam lab was taken from our AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams. Check out our practice test course for more exam lab scenarios. LEARNING OBJECTIVE The goal of this lab exercise is to help you understand how you can leverage CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Metrics, CloudWatch Alarms, and Amazon SNS services in creating an automated alarm system that can inform you of unusual activity in your AWS [...]

17May, 2021

ELB Health Checks vs Route 53 Health Checks For Target Health Monitoring

By |May 17, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

We all know that health checks are a very useful tool for making sure that AWS services such as AWS ELB and Amazon Route 53 know the state of their targets before forwarding traffic to them. In this section, we will take a look at ELB health checks and Route 53 health checks, and compare them with one another. Health Check Service AWS Elastic Load Balancing Amazon Route53 What [...]

5May, 2021

Interface Endpoint vs Gateway Endpoint vs Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint

By |May 5, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Interface Endpoint Gateway Endpoint Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint An elastic network interface with a private IP address that serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a supported AWS service, endpoint service, or AWS Marketplace service. For each interface endpoint, you can choose only one subnet per Availability Zone. Endpoints are regional, which means they are only usable within the same region they are created in. Since interface [...]

4May, 2021

Amazon EFS vs Amazon FSx for Windows vs Amazon FSx for Lustre

By |May 4, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon EFS Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Amazon FSx for Lustre • Amazon EFS is a serverless, scalable, high-performance, POSIX-compliant file system in the cloud. • EFS file systems can be accessed by Amazon EC2 Linux instances, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda functions via a file system interface such as NFS protocol. • Amazon EFS supports file system access semantics such as strong consistency [...]

1May, 2021

How to Create Wait Conditions in a CloudFormation Template

By |May 1, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Wait Conditions, as the name suggests, is a tool used to control the order of creation of the AWS resources in a CloudFormation stack. It can pause the creation of a stack and wait for a signal to ensure that specific resources and configurations were properly launched before resuming the stack creation process. Use cases: For example, you want to make sure that a specific domain name is working [...]

30Apr, 2021

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams vs Data Firehose vs Data Analytics vs Video Streams

By |April 30, 2021|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Data Streams Data Firehose Data Analytics Video Streams Short definition Scalable and durable real-time data streaming service. Capture, transform, and deliver streaming data into data lakes, data stores, and analytics services. Transform and analyze streaming data in real time with Apache Flink. Stream video from connected devices to AWS for analytics, machine learning, playback, and other processing. Data sources Any data source (servers, mobile devices, IoT devices, etc) [...]

13Apr, 2021

Specifying Triggers for AWS Config Rules

By |April 13, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Config allows you to set “rules” to evaluate configuration settings on your AWS resources. The result of these rule evaluations are then displayed on the AWS Config web console. You can control the frequency of rule evaluations by AWS Config by specifying a trigger. A trigger refers to the method of evaluation for your config rules. There are two types of triggers to select from when creating a [...]

22Mar, 2021

Setting up AWS Systems Manager for Hybrid Environments

By |March 22, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Systems Manager allows your organization to monitor and control their infrastructure on AWS and on-premises environments. Systems Manager provides a unified interface to which you can monitor thousands of servers and services of AWS. Essentially, Systems Manager simplifies resource and application management, shortens the time to detect and resolve operational problems, and makes it easy to operate and manage your infrastructure securely at scale. The following are the [...]

16Mar, 2021

Asymmetric vs. Symmetric Encryption KMS Keys

By |March 16, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Even before the Internet, the security, privacy, and integrity of information have always been the top concern of institutions like banks, hospitals, and universities. Nobody wants their personal information (name, address, credit card number, etc.) to be exposed in public for anyone to use. Imagine signing up on your favorite social media website, and after a few days, somewhere on the globe has been using your profile and pretending [...]

5Mar, 2021

Amazon Textract

By |March 5, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Textract Cheat Sheet A fully managed document analysis service for detecting and extracting information from scanned documents. Returns extracted data as key-value pairs (e.g., Name: John Doe) Supports virtually any type of documents Can detect text written in Standard English alphabet and ASCII symbols. Common Use Cases: Building search indexes Importing documents into a business application Building automated document processing solutions Text extraction for Natural Language Processing (NLP) [...]

1Mar, 2021

Amazon Augmented AI (A2I)

By |March 1, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Augmented AI Cheat Sheet Amazon A2I is a service that helps you easily integrate human reviews in a machine learning workflow. Simplifies managing a large number of human reviewers at scale. Has direct integration with Amazon Textract and Amazon Rekognition Common Use Cases: Content Moderation where human oversight is required to judge uncertain results from a machine learning model. Manual reviews of low confidence predictions due to documents [...]

27Feb, 2021

Amazon Personalize

By |February 27, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Personalize Cheat Sheet A fully managed machine learning service for building recommendation systems. Amazon Personalize allows you to train, build, and deploy recommendation models without an extensive machine learning experience. Offers batch and real-time recommendations. Common Use Cases: Personalized product and content recommendations. Product rankings. Improves marketing communication through individualized push notifications and emails. Concepts Amazon Personalize can provide recommendations based on real-time data, historical data, or a [...]

25Feb, 2021

My AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C02 BETA Exam Experience in 2021

By |February 25, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I took the BETA version of the new AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C02 exam last week via the Pearson Vue online proctoring. There are a lot of recently-introduced features and services that showed up in this new version which you should be aware of. There is also a new Exam Labs section in the test, which is unique among the other existing AWS certifications. If you’re planning to take [...]

21Feb, 2021

Microsoft Entra ID vs Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

By |February 21, 2021|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Microsoft Entra ID Azure RBAC Description An identity and access management service that helps you access internal and external resources. An authorization system that manages user’s access to Azure resources including what they can do with those resources and what areas they can access. Focus Grants permissions to manage access to Microsoft Entra resources. Grants permissions to manage access to Azure resources. Scope Tenant level Specify at multiple [...]

9Feb, 2021

AWS Managed Policies For Job Functions

By |February 9, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

AWS managed policies for job functions are policies that contain sets  of permissions required for a specific job function or role (especially in the IT industry). It is designed to simplify the creation of policies by combining the permissions for many services into a single policy. You can attach these policies for job functions to any group, user, or role.  To further understand this, let’s consider the scenario below: [...]

19Jan, 2021

Amazon Aurora vs Amazon RDS

By |January 19, 2021|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

    Aurora RDS Type of database Relational database Features • MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible. • 5x faster than standard MySQL databases and 3x faster than standard PostgreSQL databases. • Use Parallel Query to run transactional and analytical workloads in the same Aurora database, while maintaining high performance. • You can distribute and load balance your unique workloads across different sets of Aurora DB instances using custom endpoints. • [...]

14Jan, 2021

My AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam Experience – Tips and Important Notes

By |January 14, 2021|Categories: AWS, AWS Exam Experiences, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

My AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam Experience - Tips and Important Notes The AWS Certified Security - Specialty is included in the top 10 Most Popular Cybersecurity Certifications based on Global Knowledge’s 2020 IT Skills and Salary Report. Beating some of the famous security certifications on the list (e.g. CEH, CompTia: Security+) only shows how influential AWS has been to the IT industry in the previous years. Not only [...]

9Jan, 2021

AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Study Guide

By |January 9, 2021|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge Final Remarks The AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator certification exam is designed for people who have experience in implementing, managing, and monitoring a Microsoft Azure environment. The exam will test your technical skills in implementing solutions based on different scenarios. Having prior experience in infrastructure management will help you understand the concepts [...]

9Jan, 2021

GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Study Guide

By |January 9, 2021|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials GCP Services to Focus on Validate Your Knowledge Google offers the Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) as an Associate level certification for individuals who already have IT experience but are relatively new to the Google Cloud Platform. For individuals with zero IT experience or for non-IT people who want to learn Google Cloud, you might want to check Google’s Cloud Digital [...]

30Nov, 2020

Amazon Aurora Machine Learning

By |November 30, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Aurora Machine Learning is a proprietary technology of Amazon that enables a native SQL user to integrate Machine Learning-based predictions to an application without knowing or understanding any machine learning algorithms. Machine learning heavily relies on datasets for it to work. You can say that data is the oil that keeps the engine of machine learning running. There is a massive amount of data generated every day. To [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Comprehend

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Common Use Cases Concepts Amazon Comprehend Medical Pricing Validate Your Knowledge What is Amazon Comprehend? A managed Natural Language Processing (NLP) service that you can use to extract meaningful information from unstructured texts so you can analyze them in a human-like context. It is an off-the-shelf solution that does not require deep machine learning expertise to get started. Works with [...]

25Nov, 2020

AWS DeepLens

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS DeepLens Cheat Sheet A deep learning-enabled camera for developers A wireless-enabled camera integrated with AWS Cloud Capable of delivering 100GFLOPS of computing power (1 billion operations per second) Contains sample projects at launch to get you started Optimized for Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, and Caffe Integrates with Amazon Rekognition for advanced image analysis Common use cases Developing computer vision applications such as: Face Detection Activity Detection Object Detection Bird [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon SageMaker

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Common Training Data Formats For Built-in Algorithms Input modes for transferring training data Two methods of deploying a model for inference SageMaker features Optimization Amazon SageMaker Monitoring Amazon SageMaker Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon SageMaker Cheat Sheet A fully managed service that allows data scientists and developers to easily build, train, and deploy machine learning [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Lex

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Lex Cheat Sheet A service that can help you build conversational interfaces using voice and text. Uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text. Uses natural language understanding (NLU) for recognizing the intent of the text. Provides highly-engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions. Gets more intelligent over time by using deep learning. Common Use Cases AI Chatbots Informational bots Enterprise Productivity bots Voice Assistants Concepts [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Elastic Inference

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Elastic Inference Cheat Sheet Allows attaching low-cost GPU-powered inference acceleration to EC2 instances, SageMaker instances, or ECS tasks. Reduce machine learning inference costs by up to 75%. Common Use Cases Computer vision Natural language processing Speech recognition Concepts Accelerator A GPU-powered hardware device provisioned.  It is not a part of the hardware where your instance is hosted. Uses AWS PrivateLink endpoint service to attach to the instance over [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Polly

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Common use cases Concepts Features Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Polly Cheat Sheet A text-to-speech (TTS) service Uses advanced deep learning technologies to convert text into natural, lifelike speech It supports saving text into MP3, OGG, and PCM file formats. Offers Standard and Neural TTS (NTTS) Common Use Cases Increase customer engagement Language learning applications Helps visually impaired individuals to [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Transcribe

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Transcribe Cheat Sheet A fully managed automatic speech recognition (ASR) service. Converts speech into text. It supports a wide variety of audio coding formats such as WAV, MP3, MP4, FLAC, AMR, AMR-WB, Ogg, and WebM. It can process batch and streaming transcriptions. Common Use Cases Transcribing customer calls Meeting transcription Closed captioning Generating metadata to create a searchable archive Concepts A confidence score is between 0 and 100, [...]

25Nov, 2020

Amazon Translate

By |November 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Translate Cheat Sheet A Neural Machine Translation service that provides fluent translation with higher accuracy than traditional statistical and rule-based translation models. Powered by deep learning models that deliver fast, accurate, and affordable translation between supported languages. Supports batch translation, real-time, and on-demand translations. Common Use Cases Language localization Translating content for text analytics Cross-lingual communication Concepts Amazon Translate uses a Translation Model that consists of two (2) [...]

20Nov, 2020

NEW EXAM VERSION – AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C02 vs SOA-CO1

By |November 20, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

AWS previously announced a new update on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam. This certification exam is designed for individuals who have at least a year of hands-on experience with networking, management, deployment, and security on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. The sample exam questions can be found in this link. The beta version of the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) exam was made available from February 16 [...]

16Nov, 2020

Logging Using awslogs Log Driver in Amazon ECS

By |November 16, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Monitoring and logging can be as important as developing and deploying applications. Imagine managing an enterprise-level distributed application that runs on hundreds of containers. You must place your containers cleverly on instances to achieve a certain level of resilience and performance. On top of that, you would want to have visibility into CPU and memory usage so you’ll have an idea which task/tasks are resource-hungry at a given time. [...]

9Nov, 2020

AWS Savings Plan

By |November 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Savings Plan Cheat Sheet Savings Plan is a flexible pricing model that helps you save up cost on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, and AWS Lambda usage. You can purchase Savings Plans from any account, payer or linked.  By default, the benefit provided by Savings Plans is applicable to usage across all accounts within an AWS Organization/consolidated billing family. You can also choose to restrict the benefit of Savings [...]

3Nov, 2020

NEWS: AWS re:Invent 2020 will be Hosted Online and Registration is FREE!

By |November 3, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , |

NEWS: AWS re:Invent 2020 will be Hosted Online and Registration is FREE! AWS re:Invent is a conference organized by Amazon Web Services for the cloud computing community. Since 2012, the conference has always been held in Las Vegas, but this time it’s going to be different. This 3-week conference will now be hosted online, and take note that this event is FREE for everyone. To join AWS re:Invent 2020 [...]

30Oct, 2020

AWS Glue

By |October 30, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Use Cases Concepts Populating the AWS Glue Data Catalog Authoring Jobs Glue DataBrew Monitoring Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Glue Cheat Sheet A fully managed service to extract, transform, and load (ETL) your data for analytics. Discover and search across different AWS data sets without moving your data. AWS Glue consists of: Central metadata repository [...]

26Oct, 2020

Managing Amazon GuardDuty Security Findings Across Multiple Accounts

By |October 26, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Management Related Notes, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In our previous article, we discussed how GuardDuty can help organizations monitor their workloads and  AWS accounts from malicious activities and how to monitor findings with Amazon CloudWatch Events. Imagine that your organization has multiple AWS accounts for different workloads, teams, and projects. With every account, you need to monitor GuardDuty findings individually. It will be quite difficult for your security team to monitor these findings with their constant [...]

19Oct, 2020

Monitoring GuardDuty Findings with Amazon CloudWatch Events

By |October 19, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Management Related Notes, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Large scale cyber attacks are now becoming normal in this age of interconnectivity. As we rely more and more on cloud technologies, companies are looking to tap into digital innovations to improve their businesses. Cyber attacks are costing companies millions of dollars of downtime not to mention the possibility of lawsuits whenever an attack occurs. It is imperative that security teams have the means to prevent, detect, and take [...]

6Oct, 2020

Aurora Serverless Tutorial Part 2

By |October 6, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the first part of this tutorial, we gave a walkthrough on Aurora Serverless and its use case. You can read the article here. For this tutorial, we will do some hands-on training and create an Aurora Serverless database. Creating an Aurora Serverless Database: 1. Open the AWS console and go to RDS. Click the button “Create database”. 2. Choose Amazon Aurora. You can either choose MySQL or PostgreSQL [...]

6Oct, 2020

Aurora Serverless Tutorial – Part 1

By |October 6, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

What is Aurora Serverless?  Before we get into it, let us briefly define Aurora and serverless first. Aurora is a fully managed, closed source relational database that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. According to Amazon, it is five times faster than the standard MySQL and three times faster than PostgreSQL. It uses a distributed architecture that provides fault tolerance and high availability.  Serverless is a technique in the [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google BigQuery vs BigTable

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

BigQuery BigTable BigQuery is Google Cloud's fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data in near real-time. You can use bq command-line tool or Google Cloud Console to interact with BigTable. You can access BigQuery by using the Cloud Console, by using the bq command-line tool, or by making calls to the BigQuery REST API using a variety of [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Functions vs App Engine vs Cloud Run vs GKE

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Serverless compute platforms like Cloud Functions, App Engine, and Cloud Run lets you build, develop, and deploy applications while simplifying the developer experience by eliminating all infrastructure management. On the other hand, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) runs Certified Kubernetes that helps you facilitate the orchestration of containers via declarative configuration and automation. Both Google serverless platforms and GKE allows you to scale your application based on your infrastructure requirement. [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Storage vs Persistent Disks vs Local SSD vs Cloud Filestore

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Storage Persistent Disks Local SSD Cloud Filestore Cloud Storage is a service for storing your objects in Google Cloud. An object is an immutable piece of data consisting of a file of any format. You store objects in containers called buckets. You specify a location for storing your object data when you create a bucket. You can either select region, dual-region, and multi-region as location. Objects stored [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Compute Engine vs App Engine

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Compute Engine Google App Engine Compute Engine delivers configurable virtual machines running in Google's data centers with access to high-performance networking infrastructure and block storage solutions. App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale. Delivered as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Delivered as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Supported Languages: Any Supported Languages: Go, Python, Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby (.Net and Custom runtimes for Flexible Environment) [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Build

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Build Cheat Sheet Build, test, and deploy on Google Cloud Platform’s serverless CI/CD platform. Features Cloud build is a fully serverless platform that helps you build your custom development workflows for building, testing, and deploying. Cloud Build can import source code from: Cloud Storage Cloud Source Repositories GitHub Bitbucket Supports Native Docker. You can import your existing Docker file. Push images directly to Docker image storage repositories [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Container Registry

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Container Registry Cheat Sheet Container Registry is a container image repository to manage Docker images, perform vulnerability analysis, and define fine-grained access control. Features Automatically build and push images to a private registry when you commit code to Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket. You can push and pull Docker images to your private Container Registry utilizing the standard Docker command-line interface. The system creates a Cloud Storage [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Source Repositories

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Source Repositories Cheat Sheet A fully managed git repository where you can securely manage your code. Features You will be able to extend your git workflow with Cloud Source Repositories. Set up a repository as a Git remote. Push, pull, clone, log, and perform other Git operations as required by your workflow. You can create multiple repositories for a single Google Cloud project. This allows you to [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Deployment Manager Cheat Sheet Google Cloud Deployment Manager is an infrastructure deployment service that automates the creation and management of Google Cloud resources. Features You can write template and configuration files and utilize them to create deployments that have a variety of Google Cloud services working together, such as: Cloud Storage Compute Engine Cloud SQL A configuration defines the structure of your deployment. You must specify a [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Monitoring

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Workspaces Cloud Monitoring Agent Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Monitoring Cheat Sheet Cloud Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata, hosted uptime probes, and application instrumentation to gain visibility into the performance, availability, and health of your applications and infrastructure. Features Collect metrics from multicloud and hybrid infrastructure in real time. Metrics, events, and metadata are displayed with rich [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Logging

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Cloud Audit Logs Exporting Audit Logs Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Logging Cheat Sheet An exabyte-scale, fully managed service for real-time log management.  Helps you to securely store, search, analyze, and alert on all of your log data and events. Features Write any custom log, from any source, into Cloud Logging using the public write APIs. You can [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Billing

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Cloud Billing Account & Payments Profile Cloud Billing Reports Cloud Billing Budgets Overview of Cloud Billing roles in IAM Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Billing Cheat Sheet You can configure billing on Google Cloud in a variety of ways to meet different needs. To use Google Cloud services, you must have a valid Cloud Billing account, Features If [...]

30Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Console

By |September 30, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Console Cheat Sheet Google Cloud Console is a web admin interface to manage your Google cloud infrastructure. Features You can create projects on Google Cloud Console. With Cloud Console, you can quickly find and check the health of all your cloud resources in one place, including virtual machines, network settings, and data storage. Logging Manage and audit user access to project resources. Track down production issues quickly [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Secret Manager

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Secret Manager Cheat Sheet Secret Manager is a secure and convenient method to store API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data. It provides a central place as the source of truth to manage, access, and audit secrets across Google Cloud. Features Secret names are project-global resources, but secret data is stored in regions. You can choose specific regions in which to store your secrets. Secret data [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Key Management Service

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud KMS Cheat Sheet The Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) is a cloud-hosted key management service that enables you to manage encryption keys on the Google Cloud Platform. Features Lets you manage your symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic keys the same way you manage them in an on-premises environment. You can decide to use the keys generated by Cloud KMS with other Google Cloud services. These keys are [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Armor

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Armor Cheat Sheet Help protect your applications and websites against denial of service and web attacks. Detect and mitigate attacks against your Cloud Load Balancing workloads. Mitigate OWASP Top 10 risks and help protect workloads on-premises or in the cloud. Features Comes with predefined rules for protection against OWASP Top 10 risks. Easily monitor the metrics associated with your policies in the Cloud Monitoring dashboard. View suspicious [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Identity

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Identity Cheat Sheet Cloud Identity is an API for provisioning and managing identity resources. Is a unified identity, access, app, and endpoint management (IAM/EMM) platform that helps IT and security teams maximize end-user efficiency, protect company data, and transition to a digital workspace. Features Use a single admin console to manage user, access, app, and device policies. Monitor your security and compliance posture with reporting and auditing [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Roles Service Accounts Policy Groups Best Practices Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud IAM Cheat Sheet Create and manage permissions for your Google Cloud resources with Identity Access Management (IAM). Provides a unified view into your organization’s security policy with built-in auditing to ease compliance purposes. Features Lets you authorize who can take specific actions on resources to [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Router

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Router Cheat Sheet Cloud Router is a fully distributed and managed Google Cloud service that helps you define custom dynamic routes and scales with your network traffic. Features It works with both legacy networks and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks. Cloud Router utilizes Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to exchange routes between your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network and your on-premises network. Using Cloud Router is required or [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Hybrid Connectivity

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Cloud Interconnect Direct Peering Carrier Peering Cloud VPN Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Hybrid Connectivity Cheat Sheet There are several ways to extend your on-premises environment to the Google Cloud Platform. You can connect your infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) on your terms, from anywhere based on your requirements. Cloud Interconnect Provides low latency, highly available connections that enable [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Virtual Private Cloud

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Concepts Network and Subnets Configuring IP Addresses Firewall Rules Routes Communications and access for APP Engine Connecting VPC Networks Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Virtual Private Cloud Cheat Sheet You can create and manage your own virtual topology network where you can launch your Google Cloud resources using Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Google VPC [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud CDN

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud CDN Cheat Sheet The Google Cloud CDN (content delivery network) service accelerates your web content delivery by using Google’s global edge network to bring content as close to the user as possible. It helps you reduce latency, cost, and load for your backend services. Features Activates with a single click for Cloud Load Balancing users. Cloud CDN supports modern protocols originally developed at Google, like HTTP/2 and [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Load Balancing

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Load Balancing Cheat Sheet Google Cloud Load Balancing allows you to put your resources behind a single IP address. Features Can be set to be available externally or internally with your Virtual Private Network (VPC). HTTP(S) load balancing can balance HTTP and HTTPS traffic across multiple backend instances, across multiple regions.  Enable Cloud CDN for HTTP(S) load balancing to optimize application delivery for your users with a [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud DNS

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud DNS Cheat Sheet Cloud DNS is Google’s infrastructure for production quality and high-volume authoritative DNS serving. Features Authoritative DNS Lookup Cloud DNS translates requests for domain names like www.google.com into IP addresses like Manage your DNS records for your domain using Google Cloud Console. Create managed zones for your project so you can add, edit, and delete DNS records. You can control permissions at a project level and [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Dataproc

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Dataproc Cheat Sheet Build fully managed Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Presto, and other OSS clusters on the Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Dataproc. Features You can spin up resizable clusters quickly with various virtual machine types, disk sizes, number of nodes, and networking options on Cloud Dataproc. Dataproc provides autoscaling features to help you automatically manage the addition and removal of cluster workers. Cloud Dataproc has built-in [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Dataflow

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Dataflow Cheat Sheet Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed data processing service for executing a wide variety of data processing patterns. Features Dataflow templates allow you to easily share your pipelines with team members and across your organization. You can also take advantage of Google-provided templates to implement useful but simple data processing tasks. Autoscaling lets the Dataflow automatically choose the appropriate number of worker instances required [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Dataprep

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Dataprep Cheat Sheet Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta is an intelligent data service for visually exploring, cleaning, and preparing structured and unstructured data for analysis, reporting, and machine learning. Features You can transform structured or unstructured datasets of any size — megabytes to petabytes — with equal ease and simplicity. Cloud Dataproc can transform datasets stored in CSV, JSON, or relational table formats. You can process data stored [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google BigQuery

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Loading data into BigQuery Querying from external data sources Monitoring Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google BigQuery Cheat Sheet  A fully managed data warehouse where you can feed petabyte-scale data sets and run SQL-like queries. Features Cloud BigQuery is a serverless data warehousing technology. It provides integration with the Apache big data ecosystem allowing Hadoop/Spark and Beam workloads to [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Key Concepts Publisher-subscriber relationships Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Pub/Sub Cheat Sheet Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully-managed real-time messaging service for event driven systems that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications. Features Capable of global message routing to simplify multi-region systems. Synchronous, cross-zone message replication and per-message receipt tracking ensure at-least-once delivery at any [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Bigtable

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Bigtable Cheat Sheet A fully managed NoSQL database service designed for large analytical and operational workloads and enables you to store terabytes or even petabytes of data. Features You can use Cloud BigTable to store and query time-series data. It is ideal for storing large amounts of single-keyed data. Scales seamlessly from thousands to millions of reads/writes per second. Resize your cluster nodes to adjust Cloud Bigtable [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Filestore

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Filestore Cheat Sheet Fully managed NFS file servers on Google Cloud for Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine instances Most commonly used for media rendering, data analytics, and managing shared content. Features Simple, fast, consistent, scalable, and easy to use network-attached storage. You can copy data from Cloud Storage to a filestore fileshare that is mounted on a Compute Engine instance. Data is encrypted at rest and [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Functions

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Functions Cheat Sheet A pay-as-you-go function as a service (FaaS) to run your code with zero server management. Features There is no need to provision, manage, or upgrade servers. Cloud Functions can be written using: Node.js Python 3 Go Java Automatically scales based on load without thinking about the infrastructure. Built-in security at role and per function level based on the least privilege principle. Allows you to [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Spanner

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Spanner Cheat Sheet A fully managed relational database service that scales horizontally with strong consistency. Features SLA availability up to 99.999% for multi-regional instances with 10x less downtime than four nines. Provides transparent, synchronous replication across region and multi-region configurations. Optimizes performance by automatically sharding the data based on request load and size of data so you can spend less time thinking about scaling your database and [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud SQL

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud SQL Cheat Sheet A fully managed relational database service. Cloud SQL is available for: MySQL PostgreSQL SQL Server Features Scale instantly with a single API call as your data grows. Automated and on-demand backups are available. You can restore your database instance to its state at an earlier point in time by enabling binary logging. Data replication between multiple zones with automatic failover. You can perform an [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Buckets Bucket Configurations Storage Classes gsutil tool Uploading objects to GCS Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Cloud Storage Cheat Sheet An object storage service that stores data within buckets. Below is a sample Cloud Storage integration: Buckets The data you upload on Cloud Storage are called objects. An object is an immutable piece of data consisting of a [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Run

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Cloud Run for Anthos What images you can deploy Pricing Google Cloud Run Cheat Sheet Is a managed compute platform that enables you to run stateless HTTP containers that are invokable via web requests or Pub/Sub events. Features Cloud Run is serverless which means it abstracts away all the infrastructure management and maintenance so you can focus more on building [...]

29Sep, 2020

Local SSD

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Local SSD Cheat Sheet Is a local solid-state drive storage physically attached to the server that hosts your virtual machine (VM) instances. Features Tightly coupled to a physical server that offers superior performance, very high input/output operations per second (IOPS), and very low latency compared to other block storage options. Each local SSD is 375 GB. Moreover, you can attach a maximum of 24 Local SSD partitions. You can [...]

29Sep, 2020

Persistent Disks

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Zonal and Regional Persistent Disks Persistent Disk Types Encryption Snapshots Pricing Persistent Disks Cheat Sheet Are durable network storage devices that you can provision to host your virtual machine instances. Features Data on each persistent disk is distributed across several physical disks and is designed for high durability. It stores data redundantly to ensure data integrity. Persistent disks [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Kubernetes Cluster Architecture Kubernetes API Objects GKE Sandbox Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Kubernetes Engine Cheat Sheet Secured and managed Kubernetes services with auto-scaling and multi-cluster support Features Can be configured to automatically scale node pool and clusters across multiple node pools based on changing workload requirements. Auto-repair can be enabled to do health checks on node Choose [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google App Engine

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Types of Scaling Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google App Engine Cheat Sheet A highly scalable fully managed serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications. Features A fully managed environment to allow you to concentrate on deploying your application. Custom runtimes allow you to bring any library and framework to App Engine by supplying a Docker container. Application versioning is [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Compute Engine (GCE)

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Configurations Instance Templates Instance Groups Managing access to your instances Backing up your instance Sole Tenant Nodes Preemptible Instances Shielded Instances Instance Life Cycle GCP Marketplace Live Migration Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Google Compute Engine Cheat Sheet Linux-based and Windows-based virtual machines Each instance you create belongs to a project A project [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pricing

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

GCP Pricing Cheat Sheet GCP’s customer-friendly pricing allows businesses to pay as you go, without termination fees, and no upfront costs. Google Cloud Free Program New customers are given $300 free Cloud Billing credits valid for 90 days to explore and evaluate the Google Cloud Platform. Free Tier Limits are also available for all GCP customers on selected Google Cloud services – like GCE, GCS, and BigQuery. The free [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Global Infrastructure

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Global Infrastructure Cheat Sheet The cloud infrastructure of GCP is built around: 20+ regions 70+ zones 140+ network edge locations Multi-regions A large geographic area, such as the United States, that contains two or more geographic places. Regions Are collections of zones that provide high-bandwidth, low-latency network connections to other zones in the same region. Regional resources can be used by any resource in that region, regardless [...]

29Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Platform Overview

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Google Cloud Platform Cheat Sheet The Google Cloud Platform is the infrastructure that powers the Google products you are familiar with including Gmail, Search, and Google Photos. In April of 2008, Google announced its first service called App Engine, a cloud compute service for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Since then, Google has evolved and added more cloud services to its platform. GCP lets developers [...]

29Sep, 2020

Lifecycle Event Hooks in CodeDeploy

By |September 29, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools, BLOG, Developer Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Events Things To Consider In biology, life cycle refers to the series of stages or events that occur during an organism’s lifetime. Lifecycle also applies when automating software deployment on AWS CodeDeploy. Lifecycle event hooks refer to the series of events that describes how a deployment is accomplished. It allows you to control or perform actions on different stages of your deployment. In [...]

22Sep, 2020

Amazon EBS Multi-Attach

By |September 22, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services, BLOG, Storage Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Elastic Block Store or EBS is a durable block-based storage device that can be attached to your EC2 instance. AWS released a feature called Multi-Attach, which allows EC2 instances to share a single EBS volume for up to 16 instances and provide higher availability of your applications for Linux workloads. Each instance to which the volume is attached has full read and write permissions to the volume. The [...]

17Sep, 2020

ECS Network Modes Comparison

By |September 17, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) allows you to run Docker-based containers on the cloud. Amazon ECS has two launch types for operation: EC2 and Fargate. The EC2 launch type provides EC2 instances as hosts for your Docker containers. For the Fargate launch type, AWS manages the underlying hosts so you can focus on managing your containers instead. The details and configuration on how you want to run your containers [...]

14Sep, 2020

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner vs Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Exam

By |September 14, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner vs Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Exam One way to boost your career in the cloud computing space is through certifications. These exams will help validate your current understanding and knowledge in the cloud. Cloud service providers offer different learning paths such as Cloud Architect, Cloud Developer, and Cloud Administrator.  Both AWS and Microsoft have introductory certifications that will test your understanding of the basics. AWS has [...]

11Sep, 2020

Amazon SES

By |September 11, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Common Use Cases Features Methods of Sending Emails Testing Amazon SES Concepts Email Authentication Methods Email Sending Requests Dedicated IP Addresses vs Amazon SES IP Addresses Security Pricing Limits Amazon SES Cheat Sheet A cost-effective and scalable email service that enables you to send mail from within any application. A regional service. Amazon SES [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure CycleCloud

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure CycleCloud Cheat Sheet Orchestrate and manage high-performance computing (HPC) environments on Azure. Enables you to provision infrastructure for HPC systems, deploy familiar HPC schedulers, and scale the infrastructure automatically to run jobs efficiently at any scale. Features Scheduler Agnostic - use standard HPC schedulers or extend CycleCloud autoscaling plugins to work with your own scheduler. Manage Compute Resources - manage VMs and scale sets to provide a set [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure Batch

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Batch Cheat Sheet A service that runs large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) batch jobs in Azure. Allows you to run jobs in a group of Linux or Windows virtual machines. Components A task represents a unit of computation and a job is a collection of tasks. Job priority values range from the lowest priority to the highest priority. To specify certain limits for your jobs, you can [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure Service Bus

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Other Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Service Bus Cheat Sheet A fully managed message broker service. It allows you to decouple applications and services.  Provides a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous data and state transfer. Enables you to deliver messages to multiple subscribers and fan-out message delivery to downstream systems. Features Message Sessions for implementing first in, first out (FIFO) and request-response patterns to ensure the order of messages in the queue. Autoforwarding [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure Service Fabric

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Service Fabric Cheat Sheet A distributed systems platform that helps package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers. Build microservices and container-based applications using the programming language of your choice, including .NET Core 2.0, C #, and Java. It supports two types of microservices: Stateless - It does not maintain a mutable state outside a request and its response from the service such as protocol gateways [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure ExpressRoute

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Use Cases Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure ExpressRoute Cheat Sheet Enables you to establish a private connection between your on-premises data center or corporate network to your Azure cloud infrastructure. More secure, reliable, and faster than conventional VPN connections. Supports dynamic routing between your network and Microsoft via Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The connection is redundant in every peering location [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure Front Door

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Front Door Cheat Sheet A service that uses Microsoft's global network to improve the availability and performance of your applications to your local and global users. It works at the HTTP/HTTPS layer and uses a split TCP-based anycast protocol to ensure your users connect to the nearest Front Door point of presence. Supports a range of traffic-routing methods and backend health monitoring options for various application needs and [...]

10Sep, 2020

Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Roles Best Practices Validate Your Knowledge Azure Role-Based Access Control Cheat Sheet A role-based access control service to manage user’s access to Azure resources including what they can do with those resources and what areas they can access. It is an authorization system based on Azure Resource Manager, which provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources. Concepts A role assignment [...]

10Sep, 2020

Microsoft Compliance Offerings

By |September 10, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Microsoft Compliance Offerings Cheat Sheet Microsoft Trust Center provides access to security, privacy, and compliance information. Security - provides information about identity & access management, threat & information protection, and cloud security. Privacy - provides information on how you can secure your data at rest and in transit. Compliance - provides information about industry-specific requirements, audit reports, and shared responsibility. Microsoft Privacy Statement explains how Microsoft collects personal data, [...]

8Sep, 2020

AWS vs Azure Services Comparison

By |September 8, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS vs Azure Services Comparison, Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Compute Other Compute Services Comparison Storage Other Storage Services Comparison Database Other Database Services Comparison Networking Other Networking Services Comparison Security and Identity Other Security and Identity Services Comparison AWS vs Azure Services Comparison Cheat Sheet To help you learn the different Microsoft Azure services, we’ve come up with this AWS vs Azure services comparison. [...]

4Sep, 2020

Google Cloud Certifications Path

By |September 4, 2020|Categories: BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Associate Cloud Engineer Professional Cloud Architect Professional Cloud Developer Professional Data Engineer Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Professional Cloud Security Engineer Professional Cloud Network Engineer Professional Collaboration Engineer Professional Machine Learning Engineer In the previous article, we talked about the most in-demand Azure Certifications in the market today. In this article, we'll discuss the certifications offered by [...]

4Sep, 2020

Azure Certifications Path

By |September 4, 2020|Categories: Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Azure Developer Associate (AZ-204) Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-104 and AZ-305) Azure DevOps Engineer Expert (AZ-104/AZ-204 and AZ-400) In the previous article, we have discussed the different AWS Certifications path. In this article, we will give you an overview of the top and most in-demand Azure certifications today. Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Purpose The [...]

4Sep, 2020

AWS Certification Path

By |September 4, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Certification, BLOG, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Before jumping into the different AWS certification paths, it's good to first learn the benefits of being AWS certified through this short article. It is also important to note that AWS has scrapped the prerequisite for Professional-level exams. Previously, you could only take the Professional-level exams (Solutions Architect Professional and DevOps Engineer Professional) after passing their Associate-level counterparts. Now, you can take any AWS exam without the need to [...]

1Sep, 2020

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Study Path

By |September 1, 2020|Categories: Azure|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials Azure Services to Focus On Validate Your Knowledge The AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam is intended for individuals who want to have a foundational knowledge when venturing into the Cloud. Although the AZ-900 test is the easiest to achieve among all the Azure certification exams, you still need to learn and properly understand the concepts on cloud computing, and [...]

31Aug, 2020

Unique Ways to Build Credentials and Make a Successful Career Shift to Cloud Computing

By |August 31, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous post, we discussed whether having cloud certifications is enough to land a job. You can view the article here. In this section, we'll share some noteworthy activities that you can do to build your credentials and help you land a cloud-related job. Trying to land a job in the field of cloud computing with no prior work experience can drive people mad. Most entry-level positions on [...]

27Aug, 2020

Azure Virtual Network (VNet)

By |August 27, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Concepts VNet Use Case Subnets Security VNet Components VNet Peering Pricing How to Connect Virtual Networks Across Azure regions with Azure Global VNet Peering Validate Your Knowledge Azure Virtual Network Cheat Sheet You can create a virtual network in the cloud dedicated to your Azure account. It is the fundamental building block where you can [...]

27Aug, 2020

Azure Container Instances (ACI)

By |August 27, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Container Instances Cheat Sheet Run containers without managing servers. For event-driven applications, quickly deploy from your container development pipelines, run data processing, and build jobs. Azure Container Instances is a regional service. Features Containers have less overhead than VMs and can be deployed consistently. All the dependencies for an application are included in the container image. Applications running in containers can be deployed easily to multiple operating systems [...]

26Aug, 2020

Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL

By |August 26, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet PaaS relational database services Mitigate database downtime with high availability, redundancy, and resiliency capabilities. Enables you to scale vertically when needed. Receive alerts based on the metrics of your servers. Protect sensitive data at rest and in transit. Automated backups, up to 35 days. PostgreSQL deployment options: Single Server and Hyperscale (Citus) Single server pricing tiers: Basic, General Purpose, and Memory [...]

25Aug, 2020

Azure Virtual Machine vs Web App

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Azure Virtual Machine Azure Web App Description Infrastructure as a service, if you need to have full control over your computing environment. Platform as a service, it allows you to integrate the app without managing the underlying infrastructure. Deploy Uses an OS image. Uses a runtime stack. State Management Stateful or stateless Stateless Autoscaling You need to use VM scale sets to support autoscaling in virtual machines. Autoscaling [...]

25Aug, 2020

Interview Tips to Help You Land a Cloud-Related Job

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is the last part of our Introduction to Cloud Computing blog series. In this article, we'll give some interview tips to help you land a job and build a fruitful career in cloud computing. The average time for a job interview lasts around 30-45 minutes. And within this limited time-frame, you must leave an impressive mark and good impression to your prospective employer. We will clear off the [...]

25Aug, 2020

Are Cloud Certifications Enough to Land me a Job?

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The sad truth is that getting a job with just a certification alone is difficult or almost impossible to achieve. Cloud Certifications are a great way to display your credibility and validate your knowledge. It also shows that you have invested time and money into improving your skill set. But if you want to pursue a career in cloud computing, having certifications alone isn't gonna cut it; you need [...]

25Aug, 2020

AWS vs Azure vs GCP – Which One Should I Learn?

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous section, we outlined the different certifications paths for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. In this post, we'll compare these top three cloud service providers and share the advantages of learning these technologies. Selecting a cloud platform to learn depends on several factors, like your current skills, demands in the job market, and even personal preferences. Remember, there's no hard and fast rule dictating which one to [...]

25Aug, 2020

AWS, Azure, and GCP Certifications Path

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In cloud computing and the IT industry in general, one way to prove that you know what you’re talking about is through certifications. If you are new to cloud, you might be wondering which AWS, Azure or Google Cloud certification exam is suitable for you. The first thing you need to do before you start is to write down your purpose in getting certifications. Is it for career growth, [...]

25Aug, 2020

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous posts, we gave you an introduction to AWS and Microsoft Azure. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the basics of the Google Cloud Platform.  Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a global cloud services suite offered by Google that uses the same infrastructure that they use internally for their end-user products. In April of 2008, Google announced its first cloud computing service called the App [...]

25Aug, 2020

Introduction to Microsoft Azure

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: Azure, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous section, we gave you an overview of AWS. In this section, we'll give you an introduction to Microsoft Azure. Azure is a cloud computing platform that was introduced by Microsoft in 2010. It gives you the ability to create, manage, and deploy applications across a vast global network. Microsoft Azure also offers a range of services to help your company address the existing and potential business [...]

25Aug, 2020

Introduction to AWS

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Cloud Computing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In 2006, Amazon launched its own IT Infrastructure Services called Amazon Web Services. AWS is a cloud platform where you can create, build, and deploy applications. The different AWS services can be accessed over the Internet and it provides premium support plans to help companies run their business applications and workloads on the cloud. Amazon Web Services also has the biggest market share in the cloud industry and has [...]

25Aug, 2020

Why Should I Learn Cloud Computing?

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous article, we talked about the fundamentals of cloud computing. In this section, we will give you three reasons why you should learn cloud computing. We have a long history of how technological advancements have influenced the way society thinks and strives. Needless to say, technology has created and destroyed livelihoods. One good example is the rise and fall of switchboard operators. A switchboard operator is a [...]

25Aug, 2020

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous post, we discussed what cloud computing is all about. In this section, we'll talk about the fundamentals of cloud computing. Before you deep dive into the different cloud services, let's first take a look at the summary of the fundamentals of cloud computing. Cloud services are usually classified by their general use cases that make up an IT infrastructure. You can think of them as lego [...]

25Aug, 2020

What is Cloud Computing?

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The first time you hear the term Cloud Computing, you probably have asked yourself these questions: “What exactly is the Cloud in Cloud Computing?” and “Why do so many companies use it?” Basically, cloud computing is an on-demand computing service that you can avail over the Internet to host and run your applications. The “cloud” in cloud computing simply refers to the underlying network or servers that run your [...]

25Aug, 2020

I Have No IT Background. Is it Possible for Me to Make a Career Shift to Cloud Computing?

By |August 25, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

One of the most common questions that we often get from our subscribers is this: “I have no IT background - is it possible for me to make a career shift to Cloud Computing?” It can be quite hard to enter the job market, especially the cut-throat IT industry, if you don’t have any technical background. However, with the right strategy and steps, you can successfully jump to a [...]

23Aug, 2020

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

By |August 23, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How it Works Common Use Cases Components Of QLDB Performance Scalability Reliability Backup and Restore Security Pricing Limitations Amazon Quantum Ledger Database Cheat Sheet Fully managed ledger database that provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log ‎owned by a central trusted authority. Used to track all application data changes, and maintain a complete [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Load Balancer vs Application Gateway vs Traffic Manager vs Front Door

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Load Balancer Application Gateway Traffic Manager Front Door Service Network load balancer. Web traffic load balancer. DNS-based traffic load balancer. Global application delivery Network Protocols Layer 4 (TCP or UDP) Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS) Layer 7 (DNS) Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS)  Type Internal and Public Standard and WAF - Standard and Premium Routing Hash-based, Source IP affinity Path-based Performance, Weighted, Priority, Geographic, MultiValue, Subnet Latency, Priority, Weighted, Session Affinity Global/Regional [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Blob vs Disk vs File Storage

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Blob Storage Disk Storage File Storage Type of storage Object storage to store all types of data formats. Block storage for virtual machines. File system across multiple machines. Max Storage Size Same as maximum storage account capacity 65,536 GiB for ultra disk 32,767 GiB for standard and premium drives Scale up to 100 TiB Max File Size 190.7 TiB for block blob 195 GiB for append blob 8 [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Scale Set vs Availability Set

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Availability Set Scale Set Description A group of discrete virtual machines spread across fault domains. A group of identically configured virtual machines spread across fault domains. Workloads Use Availability Set for predictable workloads. Use Scale Set for unpredictable workloads (autoscale). Domain default Has 3 fault domains and 5 update domains by default Has 5 fault domains and 5 update domains by default Configuration Virtual machines are created from [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Functions vs Logic Apps vs Event Grid

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Functions Logic Apps Event Grid Service Serverless Compute Serverless Workflows Serverless Events Description Run a small piece of code to do a task Automate your workflows without writing a single line of code. Route custom events to different endpoints. Features Serverless applications Choice of language Bring your own dependencies Integrated security Flexible development tools Stateful serverless architecture Built-in and managed connectors Control your workflows Manage or manipulate data [...]

22Aug, 2020

Microsoft Defender for Cloud vs Microsoft Sentinel

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Microsoft Defender for Cloud Microsoft Sentinel Description Unified infrastructure security management system Intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence service. Category Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) / Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) Security Information Event Management (SIEM) / Security Orchestration Automated Response (SOAR) Function Provides security alerts, scores, vulnerability assessment, recommendations, and security posture management. Provides alert detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response. Features Microsoft Defender ATP [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Policy vs Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Azure Policy Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Description Ensure resources are compliant with a set of rules. Authorization system to provide fine-grained access controls. Focus Policy is focused on the properties of resources. RBAC focuses on what resources the users can access. Implementation You specify a set of rules to prevent over-provisioning of resources. You grant permission on what users can create. Default access By default, rules are set [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure SQL Database vs Cosmos DB

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Azure SQL Database Azure Cosmos DB Type of Database Relational database NoSQL database Features Has several SQL deployment options for different kinds of workloads - SQL databases, SQL managed instances, SQL virtual machines. Delivers single-digit millisecond response times and instant scalability. Storage Size 100 TB for SQL database 8 TB for SQL managed instance 256 TB for SQL virtual machine Unlimited storage per database and container. Availability SQL [...]

22Aug, 2020

Network Security Group (NSG) vs Application Security Group

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Network Security Group Application Security Group Description A network security group is used to enforce and control network traffic. An application security group is an object reference within an NSG. Features Controls the inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level. Controls the inbound and outbound traffic at the network interface level. Rules Rules are applied to all resources in the associated subnet. Rules are applied to all [...]

22Aug, 2020

Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) vs Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS)

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Locally-Redundant Storage (LRS) Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) Geo-redundant storage (GRS) Replication Replicates your data 3 times within a single physical location synchronously in the primary region.  Replicates your data across 3 Azure Availability Zones synchronously in the primary region Replicates your data in your storage account to a secondary region Redundancy Low Moderate High Cost Provides the least expensive replication option Costs more than LRS but provides higher [...]

22Aug, 2020

Azure Container Instances (ACI) vs Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Comparison of Azure Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  ACI AKS Description Run containers without managing servers. Orchestrate and manage multiple container images and applications. Deployment For event-driven applications, quickly deploy from your container development pipelines, run data processing, and build jobs. Uses clusters and pods to scale and deploy applications. Web Apps (Monolithic) Yes Yes N-Tier Apps (Services) Yes Yes Cloud-Native (Microservices) Yes Yes, recommended for Linux containers Batch/Jobs (Background tasks) Yes Yes Use cases Dev/Test [...]

19Aug, 2020

10 Common Use Cases of Cloud Computing

By |August 19, 2020|Categories: AWS, Azure, BLOG, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In the previous post, we gave you a few compelling reasons why you should learn cloud computing. In this section, we'll share with you the 10 most common use cases of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a powerful way of quickly building I.T infrastructures that can scale at any time. Large businesses and corporations have started moving their operations into the cloud as early as a decade ago. And [...]

15Aug, 2020

Amazon DocumentDB

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How it Works Performance Scaling Reliability Backup and Restore Security Pricing Limitations Amazon DocumentDB Cheat Sheet Fully managed document database service designed to be fast, scalable, and highly available. Data is stored in JSON-like documents. Compatible with MongoDb. Flexible schema and indexing. Commonly used for content management, user profiles, and real-time big data. How it Works   [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Policy

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Policy Cheat Sheet Ensure resources are compliant with a set of rules. Manage your policies in a centralized location where you can track their compliance status and verify the non-compliant resources. Select between built-in policies and custom policies. Implement proper guardrails and assess compliance across the organization Policy vs. RBAC A policy maintains compliance with the resource state, while RBAC focuses on controlling user actions at different scopes. [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure DNS

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Private DNS Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure DNS Cheat Sheet Enables you to host your DNS zone and manage your DNS records. DNS zone allows you to configure a private and public DNS zone. Alias recordsets: A - maps the host to IPv4. AAAA - maps the host to IPv6. CNAME - create a record to point to another domain. [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Cosmos DB

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Consistency Levels Security Pricing Azure SQL Database vs Cosmos DB Validate Your Knowledge Azure Cosmos DB Cheat Sheet Globally distributed database that supports NoSQL. A fully-managed database service with turnkey global distribution and transparent multi-master replication. Features Cosmos DB offers encryption at rest. It replicates every partition across all the regions. CosmosDB offers single-digit millisecond reads and writes in all regions. [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Pricing

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Pricing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Pricing Cheat Sheet Azure offers pay-as-you-go and reserved instances for pricing. Azure Pricing Factors: Resource size and resource type. Different Azure locations have different prices for services. The bandwidth of your services. Any data transfer between two different billing zones is charged. Ingress (data in) = free Egress (data out) = charged based on data going out of Azure datacenters Factors that can reduce costs: By purchasing a [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure DevOps

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Solutions|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure DevOps Cheat Sheet A service that offers a set of tools for planning, building, and deploying applications. Features Azure Boards It allows you to track features, user stories, tasks, and bugs associated with your project. You can also customize your dashboards and track progress easily during your project lifecycle. Azure Pipelines A CI/CD service that helps you build and test your code automatically. Enables you to deploy your [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Serverless

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Solutions|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Serverless Cheat Sheet Enables you to build applications without managing infrastructure. Azure Functions Enables you to run a small piece of code to do a task. A single task is performed for each invocation. Supported languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and PowerShell You can run your code based on the HTTP requests or schedule when your function runs. You are only charged for the time you run your [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Machine Learning

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Solutions|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Machine Learning Cheat Sheet A service to train, deploy, automate, manage, and track machine learning models. Azure ML offers Basic and Enterprise editions. You can use Azure ML SDK for Python, Azure ML Studio, and ML CLI to manage your deployed models. You can automate and accelerate the ML lifecycle using MLOps. Azure ML designer allows you to visually connect (drag-and-drop) datasets and modules without writing any code. [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Big Data

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Solutions|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Big Data Cheat Sheet A service to store and process large amounts of data sets. Use Azure Data Lake Analytics to write queries that help you transform your data and extract valuable insights. Offers dynamic scaling and data parallelism. You can integrate Data Lake Analytics with Active Directory to manage users’ permissions. Create big data clusters for Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka with Azure HDInsight. Reduce costs by scaling [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Internet of Things (IoT)

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Solutions|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Azure IoT Hub Azure IoT Central Azure Sphere Azure IoT Products Validate Your Knowledge Azure IoT Cheat Sheet A service that allows you to connect, monitor, and control one or more IoT devices that can communicate with back-end services hosted in the cloud. Azure IoT Hub A PaaS solution that provides complete control over the collection and processing of IoT [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Compliance Manager

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Compliance Manager Cheat Sheet A dashboard and monitoring tool that summarizes data protection, compliance score, and recommendations. It allows you to assign, track, and record compliance and assessment-related activities. Recommendations for industry regulations: GDPR, ISO, and NIST You can upload and manage artifacts or evidence in a secure repository. Want to learn more about Azure? Watch the official Microsoft Azure YouTube channel's video series called Azure Tips and [...]

15Aug, 2020

Microsoft Sentinel

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Microsoft Sentinel Cheat Sheet A cloud-native SIEM and SOAR solution. It offers a birds-eye view across your enterprise. Sentinel is an intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence service that provides alert detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response. Data connection methods in Sentinel: Service to service integration, External solutions via API, and External solutions via an agent. Microsoft Sentinel roles: Reader, Responder, and Contributor. Threat Management Sentinel provides [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Database Migration Service

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Database Migration Service Cheat Sheet  Accelerates the migration of your data to Azure. Enables seamless migrations from multiple database sources. To perform an online migration, you need to create an instance based on the premium pricing tier. Features Migrates your database and server objects with minimal downtime. Supports Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle migration to Azure from on-premises and other cloud providers. You can use [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure SQL

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Monitoring Networking Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure SQL Cheat Sheet A fully managed database built upon the SQL Server engine. SLA durability up to 99.995%. SQL Databases Resource type: Single Database - offers serverless and hyperscale storage (up to 100TB). Elastic Pool - a collection of databases with a shared set of resources. Database Server - manage groups of [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Traffic Manager

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Traffic Manager Cheat Sheet A DNS-based traffic load balancer. Improves the responsiveness of your applications by sending the request to the closest endpoint. It offers a range of traffic-routing methods and endpoint monitoring options. Features It is resilient to failure. You can obtain actionable insights about your users using a traffic view. Improve the availability of your applications by using traffic manager health checks. Offers automatic failover when [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Content Delivery Network

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features How Caching Works Pricing Limits Azure Content Delivery Network Cheat Sheet A distributed network of servers that delivers web content closer to users. CDNs store cache content on edge servers to minimize end-user latency. Features Improves the performance of dynamic web pages using dynamic site acceleration. You can set two types of caching rules in Azure CDN: Global caching rule [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Application Gateway

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Application Gateway Cheat Sheet A web traffic load balancer. It allows you to distribute incoming traffic based on HTTP request properties such as URL and host headers. Application gateway has four tiers: Standard, Standard V2, WAF, and WAF v2 You can use the same application gateway for up to 100+ websites with multi-site hosting. Set the minimum and maximum scale units based on your needs. Azure Application Gateway [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure VPN Gateway

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Routing Connection Resiliency Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure VPN Gateway Cheat Sheet A secured hybrid cloud architecture. It is composed of gateway subnet, tunnel, and on-premises gateway. Protocols: Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) VPN gateway connections: VNet-to-VNet, Site-to-Site, and Point-to-Site Create a secure connection from your on-premises network to an Azure virtual network with a site-to-site VPN. [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Load Balancer

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Networking and Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Pricing How to Create a Load Balancer Validate Your Knowledge Azure Load Balancer Cheat Sheet Distributes incoming network traffic across multiple targets. Allows you to route traffic based on source IP address and port to a destination IP address and port. Features The load balancer supports TCP/UDP-based protocols. Scales automatically as traffic increases. The load-balancing decision is based [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Container Registry

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Best Practices Tasks Tagging Network Security Pricing Azure Container Registry Cheat Sheet A service to manage your container images and related artifacts. ACR is a regional service. Features Keep track of current valid container images. Registries (SKUs) are available in three tiers: Basic, Standard, and Premium. You can use the geo-replication feature of Premium registries [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components Storage Security Pricing Versions Validate Your Knowledge Azure Kubernetes Service Cheat Sheet An open-source tool for orchestrating and managing many container images and applications. Lets you deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure. Features Uses clusters and pods to scale and deploy applications. Kubernetes can deploy more images of containers as needed. It supports horizontal scaling, [...]

15Aug, 2020

Azure DDoS Protection

By |August 15, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure DDoS Protection Cheat Sheet Allows you to protect your Azure resources from denial of service (DoS) attacks. DDoS protection (layers 3 and 4) offers two service tiers: Basic and Standard. Features Basic Enabled by default (free). It mitigates common network attacks. Both basic and standard protects IPv4 and IPv6 public IP addresses. Standard It has advanced capabilities to protect you against network attacks such as logging, alerting, and [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Firewall

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Firewall Cheat Sheet A service that uses a static public IP address to protect your VNet resources. Azure Firewall is PCI, SOC, ISO, ICSA Labs, and HITRUST compliant. Features A stateful firewall service. You can enable forced tunneling to route Internet-bound traffic to an additional firewall or virtual network appliance. Limit outbound traffic to a given FQDN list, including wild cards. Filter any TCP/UDP protocol outbound traffic. To [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Key Vault

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Key Vault Cheat Sheet A service that allows you to store tokens, passwords, certificates, and other secrets. You can also create and manage the keys used to encrypt your data. Features Soft delete allows a deleted key vault and its objects to be retrieved during the retention time you designate. The retention period of a deleted vault is between 7 to 90 days. With soft-delete and purge protection [...]

14Aug, 2020

Microsoft Defender for Cloud

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Cheat Sheet Manages all the security features of Azure. Detect vulnerabilities, restrict your exposure to threats, and quickly detect and respond to attacks. Secure Score allows you to get continuous assessment and security recommendations. It helps you to detect unusual activities and prevent threats in your PaaS workloads. Protect your virtual machines with configuration and vulnerability management, workload hardening, and server EDR. It also supports [...]

14Aug, 2020

Microsoft Defender for Identity

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Microsoft Defender for Identity Cheat Sheet Enables you to identify, detect, and investigate advanced threats in your organization. Allows you to monitor user activities and information. Identify and investigate advanced threats throughout the entire cyber-attack kill chain: Reconnaissance - identify attempts by attackers to gain information. Compromised credentials - any attempts that compromise user credentials shall be detected. Lateral movements - attacks to gain access to sensitive accounts. Domain [...]

14Aug, 2020

Microsoft Entra ID

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Security Authentication Fundamentals: The Basics Validate Your Knowledge Microsoft Entra ID Cheat Sheet An identity and access management service that helps you access internal and external resources. Microsoft Entra  licenses: Free, Premium P1, Premium P2 and Pay as you go Microsoft Entra ID Free - user and group management in your on-premises directory Microsoft Entra ID [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Service Health

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Service Health Cheat Sheet Gives you a personalized view of the status of your Azure services and regions. Azure Service Health is composed of three services: Azure status - informs you of service outages in Azure. Service Health - helps you have a customized view of your services' health in a region. Resource Health - provides health information on your Azure resources. Active events in service health: Service [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Information Protection (AIP)

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Security Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Information Protection Cheat Sheet You can protect your documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied: Automatically - administrators Manually - users By combination - recommendations Allows you to track your shared data and revoke access if needed. Configure policies based on the sensitivity of your data. Sharing data with others will be safe, and you are in control of who can edit, view, and print. [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Blueprints

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Blueprints Cheat Sheet Creates templates for standard and repeatable Azure environments that comply with an organization’s compliance requirements and operational standards. It supports the following resources as artifacts: Role Assignments Policy Assignments Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates Resource Groups It provides resource locking to prevent unwanted changes. A Blueprint may have its own parameters, but these can only be created if a Blueprint is developed from the REST [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Advisor

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Advisor Cheat Sheet Advisor analyzes your configurations and offers personalized, actionable recommendations. It provides relevant best practices to help you improve: Cost Security Reliability Operational Excellence Performance Access recommendations are available at no additional cost. Want to learn more about Azure? Watch the official Microsoft Azure YouTube channel's video series called Azure Tips and Tricks. Azure Advisor Cheat Sheet References: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/advisor/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/advisor/advisor-overview [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Monitor

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Monitoring and Management|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Log Analytics Application Insights Pricing What is Azure Monitor? Validate Your Knowledge Azure Monitor Cheat Sheet Monitoring tool for your Azure resources and applications. A service to display the metrics of your resources. You can also configure alerts that send notifications when a threshold is breached. Features Metrics represents a time-ordered set of data points that are published [...]

14Aug, 2020

Azure Cloud Concepts

By |August 14, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks High Availability Fault Tolerance Disaster Recovery Scalability Elasticity Agility Validate Your Knowledge Azure Cloud Concepts Cheat Sheet Terminologies of the cloud: High Availability, Fault Tolerance, Disaster Recovery, Scalability, Elasticity, and Agility High Availability If hardware fails, you can get a new, exact copy of it in very little time Use clusters (a group of virtual machines) to ensure [...]

12Aug, 2020

AWS DataSync vs Storage Gateway

By |August 12, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Learn more about the use cases and differences between AWS Data Sync and Storage Gateway in this comparison table:   DataSync Storage Gateway Description AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates the process of copying large amounts of data to and from AWS storage services over the Internet or over AWS Direct Connect. AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that [...]

11Aug, 2020

AWS CloudFormation Deletion Policy

By |August 11, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools, BLOG, Management Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Deleting a stack on CloudFormation also removes all the provisioned resources in it. In some cases, you want some resources to be retained even after deleting its stack. The good thing is that you can do this by defining its DeletionPolicy.  This is pretty straightforward - you just need to define DeletionPolicy with Retain value and for the resources that support snapshot, (like RDS databases) you can set Snapshot [...]

11Aug, 2020

AWS CloudFormation StackSets and Nested Stacks

By |August 11, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools, BLOG, Management Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS CloudFormation lets you model and provision resources for your environment using programming language, leveraging the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). You don’t need to manually create all of your resources one by one, CloudFormation will do this for you. All resources are defined on the AWS CloudFormation template. This means that this AWS environment can be reliably and easily reproduced since everything is declared on a template. [...]

9Aug, 2020

Azure CapEx vs. OpEx

By |August 9, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Upfront cost on physical infrastructure You need to plan your expenses at the start of a project or budget period. CapEx computing costs: Server costs - server clustering, redundant power supplies, and uninterruptible power supplies. Storage costs - centralized storage and fault-tolerant storage for critical applications. Network costs - cabling, switches, access points, routers, wide area networks, and Internet connections. Backup and archive costs - backup [...]

9Aug, 2020

Azure App Service

By |August 9, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks App Services Types Deployment Monitoring Security VNet Integration Hybrid Connections Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure App Service Cheat Sheet A fully managed platform (PaaS) for building, deploying, and scaling your web apps. Different types of App Services: Web Apps, Web Apps for Containers, and API Apps Automatically patches and maintains the OS and language frameworks. App Service [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Virtual Machines

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features VM Status Disks Dedicated Host Pricing Backup and Recovery Concepts Scale Sets Monitoring Network Security Azure Scale Set vs Availability Set How to Create a Virtual Machine in Azure Validate Your Knowledge Azure Virtual Machines Cheat Sheet Linux-based and Windows-based virtual machines Features Server environments are called virtual machines. A [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Archive Storage

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Use Cases Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure Archive Storage Cheat Sheet Store rarely accessed data which are held for a period of 180 days. Snapshots are not applicable to archive storage. Features It supports 2 rehydrate priorities: High and Standard Standard (Default) - rehydration request may take up to 15 hours. High - rehydration request may finish in under 1 [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Table Storage

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Table Storage Cheat Sheet A NoSQL key-value store for large semi-structured datasets. Supports flexible data schema. Performs OData-based queries Features Allows you to store and query huge sets of structured, non-relational data. And as demand grows, your tables will scale-out. Scale-up without having to manually shard your dataset. The data is replicated three times within a region using geo-redundant storage. An entity has a limit of 1MB in [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Queue Storage

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Queue Storage Cheat Sheet Durable queues for large-volume cloud services. Store large numbers of messages. Queue messages may have a size of up to 64 KB. Features Asynchronous message queueing to communicate between components of the application. Built to be scalable and withstand the failure of individual components Monitor the length of the queue to add elasticity to your application, and hibernate or deploy additional nodes depending on [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Files

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Storage Tiers Supported Devices Encryption Networking Azure File Sync Validate Your Knowledge Azure Files Cheat Sheet Offers fully managed cloud-based file storage that can be accessed through the industry-standard server message block (SMB) protocol. Features Mount your Azure File share from Windows, Linux, or macOS. Azure File Sync enables you to access your data from SMB, REST, [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Disk Storage

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Disk Types Encryption Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure Disk Storage Cheat Sheet Block-level storage volumes for Azure Virtual Machines Disk Storage is a managed disk that is designed for 99.999% availability. You can create 50,000 VM disks for each region. Features Different types of storage options: Standard HDD, Standard SSD, Premium SSD, and Ultra Disk volumes up to 64 [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Blob Storage

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Blob Types Supported Access Tiers Features Security Validate Your Knowledge Azure Blob Storage Cheat Sheet Binary Large Object Object storage solution for the cloud Stores all types of files: image, video, audio, log files backups, etc. Objects in Blob Storage are accessible via Azure Storage REST API, Azure Powershell, and Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) Storage Account Unique namespace in Azure [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Storage Overview

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Types of Storage Accounts Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Azure Storage Overview Cheat Sheet An Azure storage account contains blobs, files, queues, tables, and disks. Types of Storage Accounts: General-purpose (v2 and v1), BlockBlobStorage, FileStorage, and BlobStorage All storage accounts are encrypted using Storage Service Encryption (SSE) for data at rest Storage accounts endpoints: Blob storage: https://tutorialsdojo.blob.core.windows.net Table storage: https://tutorialsdojo.table.core.windows.net Queue [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Global Infrastructure

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Global Infrastructure Cheat Sheet Regions Each region has more than one data center, which is a physical location. A group of data centers deployed in a latency-defined perimeter and connected through a dedicated regional low latency network. Criteria in choosing a Region: Location - a region closest to your users minimizes the latency Features - some features are not available in all regions Price - the price of [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure User Tools

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure User Tools Cheat Sheet Manage your Azure resources through; Portal, CLI, Powershell, and Cloudshell Azure Portal Create, manage, and monitor all resources in one console, from simple web applications to complex cloud applications. Portal Features: Personalize - create your own dashboards, layouts, workflows, and colors Access Control - fine-grained access control to all your resources Cost Management - keep track of current and projected costs Multi-Platform - available [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Cloud Architecture Models

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Azure Cloud Architecture Models Cheat Sheet Cloud computing is the delivery of services over the Internet that helps you reduce your operating costs, run your infrastructure efficiently, and scale as business requirements change. Benefits of cloud computing: Cost - eliminates capital expense. Global scale - ability to scale elastically. Performance - computing hardware is always upgraded to the latest generation. Security - data stored in the cloud has a [...]

8Aug, 2020

Azure Cloud Service Models

By |August 8, 2020|Categories: Azure, Azure Cheat Sheets, Azure Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Platform as a service (PaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) Serverless Computing Validate Your Knowledge Azure Cloud Service Models Cheat Sheet The three cloud computing service models are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. You can also use serverless computing to eliminate the need to manage infrastructure. The shared responsibility model determines the security tasks that are [...]

7Aug, 2020

Amazon Neptune

By |August 7, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How it Works Common Use Cases Performance Reliability Backup And Restore Security Pricing Monitoring Limitations Amazon Neptune Cheat Sheet Amazon Neptune is a fully managed graph database service used for building applications that work with highly connected datasets. Optimized for storing billions of relationships between pieces of information. Provide milliseconds latency when querying the graph. Neptune [...]

3Aug, 2020

Amazon S3 Access Points

By |August 3, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services, BLOG, Storage Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Managing access to your S3 buckets should be pretty easy using Amazon S3’s bucket policy. But as the number of your users and data grows, this easily becomes a complicated task. Provisioning access policies (who and where to access these objects) to these users could be a messy thing to do. AWS added this feature called Access Points on S3 to resolve this current problem. Access Points can simplify [...]

29Jul, 2020

Amazon S3 Event Notifications

By |July 29, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services, BLOG, Storage Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

With Amazon S3 being virtually unlimited in size, it's quite a challenge to keep everything monitored, especially when you are dealing with a large number of objects that scales up from time to time. With Amazon S3 Event Notifications, you’ll be able to immediately know when an object in your bucket was created, removed, or restored. This feature lets you get notifications whenever an event happens on your S3 [...]

21Jul, 2020

AWS Service Catalog

By |July 21, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Security Pricing AWS Service Catalog Cheat Sheet Allows you to create, manage, and distribute catalogs of approved products to end-users, who can then access the products they need in a personalized portal.  Administrators can control which users have access to each product to enforce compliance with organizational business policies. Administrators can also set up adopted roles so that end [...]

14Jul, 2020

Configuring Notifications for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks

By |July 14, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks In the previous post, we talked about Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks and how to configure it on your Auto Scaling group. You can view the article here. It’s better to read it first before proceeding with this section. In a nutshell, Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks allow you to put an instance in the “wait” state while the Auto Scaling group responds to a scale-out or [...]

8Jul, 2020

AWS Secrets Manager vs Systems Manager Parameter Store

By |July 8, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store AWS Secrets Manager Similarities and Differences Managing the security of your applications is an integral part of any organization especially for infrastructures deployed in the cloud. One aspect of application security is how the parameters such as environment variables, database passwords, API keys, product keys, etc. are stored and retrieved. As a best practice, secret information should [...]

4Jul, 2020

Global Secondary Index vs Local Secondary Index

By |July 4, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Database Services, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Global Secondary Index Local Secondary Index A secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support Query operations. An Amazon DynamoDB table can have multiple secondary indexes.   Global secondary index Local secondary index Definition An index with a partition key and a sort key that can be different from [...]

1Jul, 2020

MID-YEAR SALE – 20% OFF on All Practice Test Courses PLUS Bigger Bundle Discounts!

By |July 1, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|

MID-YEAR SALE - 20% OFF on All Practice Test Courses PLUS Bigger Bundle Discounts! We hope you are staying safe in these challenging times.  For seven days only, Tutorials Dojo is running a MID-YEAR SALE where all of our AWS practice exams and eBooks are offered at heavily discounted prices.    Promo period is from July 1 7PM (UTC+8) to July 8 7PM (UTC+8). How are the courses from the Tutorials Dojo portal different from those on other learning [...]

26Jun, 2020

Which AWS Certification Exam Is Right For Me? – Part 2

By |June 26, 2020|Categories: AWS, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Certified Security Specialty AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty In this section, we’ll discuss the three (3) AWS Specialty certifications that are currently offered by AWS to help you find out if these certifications are suitable for you. If you haven’t read the first of this 2-part article series yet, we encourage you to check it here: [...]

23Jun, 2020

Step Scaling vs Simple Scaling Policies vs Target Tracking Policies in Amazon EC2

By |June 23, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Simple Scaling  Target Tracking Step Scaling  Creating a Step Scaling Policy for an Auto Scaling Group Amazon’s EC2 Auto Scaling provides an effective way to ensure that your infrastructure is able to dynamically respond to changing user demands. For example, to accommodate a sudden traffic increase on your web application, you can set your Auto Scaling group to automatically add more [...]

18Jun, 2020

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks

By |June 18, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks Configure Lifecycle Hooks on your Auto Scaling Groups Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling allows you to scale-out or scale-in your EC2 instances automatically based on policies you configured in response to changing demand on your application. Auto Scaling Groups lets you set a minimum and maximum number of EC2 instances to automatically resize your cluster based on a defined schedule [...]

16Jun, 2020

AWS Global Accelerator vs Amazon CloudFront

By |June 16, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, BLOG, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this day and age, your site speed performance is an important factor when it comes to user experience. It is widely recommended for websites to have an average load time of 3 seconds as users tend to abandon the site if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. According to Amazon, just 100 milliseconds of extra load time cost them 1% in sales. Indeed, every second [...]

10Jun, 2020

AWS Support Plans

By |June 10, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks 5 AWS Support Plans Comparison of AWS Support Plans Technical Support Response Times AWS Support Plans Cheat Sheet With hundreds of services and features, AWS provides a combination of various tools, technologies, programs and human resources to proactively help their customers. AWS offers various support plans that customers can choose from based on their needs. 5 AWS Support Plans Basic Developer Business [...]

9Jun, 2020

AWS CodeCommit Repository

By |June 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools, BLOG, Developer Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Web Services, with its ever-growing breadth of services, offers a fully-managed version control system where developers can privately store their application source code like Github or Bitbucket. CodeCommit can be used as a staging ground coupled with CodeDeploy and CodePipeline to seamlessly deploy code to Amazon EC2 instances.  In this article, I will discuss how we can leverage Amazon SNS to send notifications whenever there are events in [...]

26May, 2020

Increasing MTU for Your EC2 Instance

By |May 26, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, BLOG, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is MTU? MTU (maximum transmission unit) is the maximum size of one packet of data that can be transferred in a network. The default MTU size for Ethernet devices is 1500 bytes. This packet size contains the actual payload data as well as network overhead information needed for communication within the network. All AWS EC2 instances support the default MTU size. But many current instance sizes support 9001 [...]

20May, 2020

Amazon Cognito User Pools vs Identity Pools

By |May 20, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Amazon Cognito User Pools Amazon Cognito Identity Pools With the proliferation of smartphones in our connected world, more and more developers are quickly deploying their applications on the cloud. One of the first challenges in developing applications is allowing users to log in and authenticate on your applications. There are multiple stages involved in user verification and most of these are not visible [...]

15May, 2020

AWS Transit Gateway

By |May 15, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Validate Your Knowledge AWS Transit Gateway Cheat Sheet A networking service that uses a hub and spoke model to enable customers to connect their on-premises data centers and their Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) to a single gateway. With this service, customers only have to create and manage a single connection from the central gateway into each on-premises data center, remote office, [...]

14May, 2020

Resolve Route 53 Private Hosted Zones from an On-premises Network

By |May 14, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, BLOG, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , |

Route 53 Private Hosted Zones Amazon Route 53 DNS service supports Public Hosted Zones and Private Hosted Zones. Private Hosted Zones are useful when you want to use your private domain and have Route 53 respond to queries on that domain from resources within your VPC.  For example, if you host a database on an EC2 instance on a private subnet, you can create a Route 53 record set [...]

6May, 2020

Locking your Glacier Vault using the Amazon S3 Glacier API

By |May 6, 2020|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

What is Amazon S3 Glacier Vault Lock A Glacier Vault can be described as a container for your archived objects in S3 Glacier. To begin using Amazon S3 Glacier, you need a vault. Creating and deleting vaults can be easily done in the AWS Management Console, but interacting with them requires you to use the APIs. For example, let’s say you want to upload images or log files to [...]

29Apr, 2020

AWS Certified Security – Specialty SCS-C02 Exam Guide Study Path

By |April 29, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Security Specialty, AWS Study Path, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks SCS-C02 Study Materials AWS Services to Focus On SCS-C02 Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge The AWS Specialty certification exams are intended for people who handle more specific responsibilities in AWS Cloud. Since these responsibilities demand a more advanced skill set with prior experience from a person, these AWS specialty exams are built so that they could reinforce and validate a [...]

28Apr, 2020

Amazon S3 Bucket Policies for VPC Endpoints

By |April 28, 2020|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon S3 and Amazon VPC Relationship Amazon S3 is a versatile object storage solution that boasts virtually unlimited storage capacity. You can expect that your files will be durably stored in S3 given that AWS provides an SLA for this service. When creating your S3 bucket, AWS provides you with a unique bucket URL that you can use to access your S3 bucket directly from the public internet, if [...]

24Apr, 2020

AWS Fargate

By |April 24, 2020|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works Use Case Network Compliance Pricing AWS Fargate Cheat Sheet A serverless compute engine for containers that works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). With Fargate, no manual provisioning, patching, cluster capacity management, or any infrastructure management required.   How It Works Use Case Launching containers without having to provision or [...]

22Apr, 2020

Which AWS Certification Exam Is Right For Me? – Part 1

By |April 22, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Which AWS Certification Exam is Right for Me? AWS FOUNDATIONS LEARNING PATH AWS SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT LEARNING PATH AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional Certification AWS CERTIFIED DEVELOPER LEARNING PATH AWS Certified Developer – Associate Certification OPERATIONS LEARNING PATHS AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate Certification AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate [...]

18Apr, 2020

Amazon Detective

By |April 18, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Limits Common Use Cases Amazon Detective Cheat Sheet The service automatically collects log data from your AWS resources and uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that enables you to easily conduct faster and more efficient security investigations.  Can be integrated with AWS security services like Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and AWS Security [...]

15Apr, 2020

AWS KMS Key Policy Management in AWS KMS

By |April 15, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

What is an AWS KMS key? In security, a KMS key is what you use to encrypt all other encryption keys in your system. KMS key is a logical representation of a cryptographic key. They are the primary resources in AWS KMS. The AWS KMS Key contains the key material used to encrypt and decrypt data. It also contains metadata such as the key ID, creation date, description, and [...]

14Apr, 2020

Working with AWS KMS key using the AWS KMS API

By |April 14, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What is AWS Key Management Service? AWS Key Management Service (or KMS for short) is the service you use to securely store your encryption keys in AWS. If you need data encryption on your AWS resources, such as EBS volumes or RDS databases, you can use AWS KMS to simplify the process for you. You start using the service by requesting the creation of a KMS key. By default, [...]

13Apr, 2020

How to Book and Take Your AWS Certification Exam Online

By |April 13, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Part 1 - How to Book Your AWS Online Exam Schedule with Pearson Vue Part 2 - How to Take Your Exam Online Important Notes Amazon now allows you to take your AWS Certification exams via online proctoring using its third-party test delivery provider: Pearson VUE. However, this option is not yet available with its other delivery provider (PSI). This means [...]

13Apr, 2020

AWS Resource Access Manager

By |April 13, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Resource Access Manager Cheat Sheet A service that enables you to easily and securely share AWS resources with any AWS account or, if you are part of AWS Organizations, with Organizational Units (OUs) or your entire Organization. If you share resources with accounts that are outside of your Organization, then those accounts will receive an invitation to the Resource Share and can start using the shared resources upon [...]

12Apr, 2020

AWS Certificate Manager

By |April 12, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Types of Certificates For Use With ACM ACM Private Certificate Authority Domain Verification for Certificates Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Certificate Manager Cheat Sheet A service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and [...]

11Apr, 2020

Using the Secure String Parameter in Systems Manager Parameter Store

By |April 11, 2020|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

What is AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store helps you securely store and share key-value pairs across your AWS environment. It is one of the packages under AWS Systems Manager that helps you design a more robust and abstract infrastructure. With Parameter Store, you don’t have to hard code parameters nor save them in config files for application use. You can easily reference them in [...]

9Apr, 2020

Amazon Cognito

By |April 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works User Pools Identity Pools Common Use Cases Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Cognito Cheat Sheet A user management and authentication service that can be integrated to your web or mobile applications. Amazon Cognito also enables you to authenticate users through an external identity provider and provides temporary security credentials to access your app’s backend resources in [...]

8Apr, 2020

Amazon Lightsail

By |April 8, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Pricing Limits Amazon Lightsail Cheat Sheet A cloud-based virtual private server (VPS) solution. Lightsail includes everything you need for your websites and web applications – a virtual machine (choose either Linux or Windows OS), SSD-based storage, data transfer, DNS management, and a static IP address. Features Lightsail Instances and Volumes Lightsail offers virtual servers (instances) where you can launch your website, [...]

5Apr, 2020

SAA-C02 New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam Materials 

By |April 5, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG, What's New|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

SAA-C02 New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Exam Materials  Are you planning to take your SAA-C02 (AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate) exam soon? In this article, we have compiled a list of helpful SAA-C02 exam prep materials that you can use to help you pass and even ace the exam. What’s this new SAA-C02 exam all about? The popular AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam SAA-C02 is intended [...]

30Mar, 2020

AWS DataSync

By |March 30, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works Concepts Features Use Cases Pricing Limits AWS DataSync Cheat Sheet An online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates copying large amounts of data to and from AWS storage services over the internet or AWS Direct Connect.  DataSync can copy data between: Network File System (NFS) or Server Message Block (SMB) file servers,  Amazon Simple [...]

24Mar, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: You can now take ALL AWS Certification Exams At Home!

By |March 24, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

BREAKING NEWS: You can now take ALL AWS Certification Exams At Home! The AWS Certification team is now offering extended support to IT Professionals who need additional time to reschedule their AWS exams. This is in response to recent wave of temporary testing center closures around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everyone can now take all AWS Certification exams at the comfort of their home or office [...]

19Mar, 2020

SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 Plus Developing Story: Expiry Date for SAA-C01 Extended to June 30, 2020

By |March 19, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|

SAA-C01 vs SAA-C02 Plus Expiry Date for SAA-C01 Extended to June 30, 2020 I took the BETA exam of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 last November and got the results 3 months after. Here’s my experience and I hope this may help you when you take the actual SAA-C02 exam soon. I would say that the new exam version SAA-C02 is at par with the SAA-C01 in terms of exam [...]

14Mar, 2020

AWS Secrets Manager

By |March 14, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features How Secret Rotation Works Security Compliance Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Secrets Manager Cheat Sheet A secret management service that enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle. Features AWS Secrets Manager encrypts secrets at rest using encryption keys that you own and store in AWS Key Management [...]

11Mar, 2020

The New Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is now LIVE!

By |March 11, 2020|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The New Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is now LIVE! For the past two years of offering practice test courses on Udemy, we have gathered tons of feedback on how to improve our students’ learning experience. One of the most commonly requested feature is the ability to view the answers as you go through each question. A lot of you are able to learn better with this mode vs. [...]

9Mar, 2020

AWS CodeStar

By |March 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS CodeStar Cheat Sheet A cloud‑based software development service that provides the tools you need to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. CodeStar is commonly used along with CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline for a robust CI/CD toolchain. Features Each AWS CodeStar project comes with a project management dashboard, including an integrated issue tracking capability that uses Atlassian JIRA Software. With the project management dashboard, you have [...]

9Mar, 2020

AWS CodeCommit

By |March 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Repository Features File Features Pull Requests Commit and Branch Features Migration from Git repositories to CodeCommit High Availability Security Monitoring Pricing Limits AWS CodeCommit Cheat Sheet  A fully-managed source control service that hosts secure Git-based repositories, similar to Github. You can create your own code repository and use Git commands to interact with [...]

6Mar, 2020

AWS ParallelCluster

By |March 6, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works Networking Storage Pricing Limitations AWS ParallelCluster Cheat Sheet An AWS-supported open source cluster management tool for deploying and managing High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters on AWS. ParallelCluster uses a simple text file to model and provision all the resources needed for your HPC applications in an automated and secure manner. AWS ParallelCluster provisions a master instance for [...]

4Mar, 2020

AWS Security Hub

By |March 4, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features How It Works Concepts Pricing AWS Security Hub Cheat Sheet AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS and your compliance with security industry standards and best practices. Features You now have a single place that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or findings, across multiple accounts, AWS partner tools, and AWS services such [...]

27Feb, 2020

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)

By |February 27, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Limitations Pricing Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) Cheat Sheet An Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is a network device that you can attach to your Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) and machine learning applications. An EFA is an Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) with an additional OS-bypass functionality.  How It Works EFA integrates with  Libfabric 1.9.0 and it supports Open MPI 4.0.2 [...]

16Feb, 2020

Amazon GuardDuty

By |February 16, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How It Works GuardDuty Findings Trusted IP Lists and Threat Lists Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon GuardDuty Cheat Sheet An intelligent threat detection service. It analyzes billions of events across your AWS accounts from AWS CloudTrail (AWS user and API activity in your accounts), Amazon VPC Flow Logs (network traffic data), and DNS Logs (name query patterns). How It Works [...]

11Feb, 2020

Amazon FSx

By |February 11, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Common Use Cases Storage Migration Limits Security Pricing Amazon FSx Cheat Sheet Amazon FSx is a fully managed third-party file system solution. It uses SSD storage to provide fast performance with low latency. There are four available FSx solutions available in AWS: Amazon FSx for Windows File Server A fully managed native Microsoft Windows file system with full support [...]

9Feb, 2020

AWS Global Accelerator

By |February 9, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Global Accelerator Cheat Sheet A service that uses the AWS Global Network to improve the availability and performance of your applications to your local and global users.  It provides static IP addresses that act as a fixed entry point to your application endpoints in a single or multiple AWS Regions, such as your Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers or Amazon EC2 instances. AWS Global Accelerator continually monitors [...]

4Feb, 2020

AWS Artifact

By |February 4, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Artifact Cheat Sheet A self-service central repository of AWS’ security and compliance reports and select online agreements. An audit artifact is a piece of evidence that demonstrates that an organization is following a documented process or meeting a specific requirement (business compliant).  AWS Artifact Reports include the following: ISO, Service Organization Control (SOC) reports,  Payment Card Industry (PCI) reports,  and certifications that validate the implementation and operating effectiveness [...]

29Jan, 2020

Amazon Macie

By |January 29, 2020|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Pricing Amazon Macie Cheat Sheet A security service that uses machine learning to automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data in AWS. Macie recognizes sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII) or intellectual property. Amazon Macie allows you to achieve the following: Identify and protect various data types, including PII, PHI, regulatory documents, API keys, and secret keys Verify compliance with [...]

18Dec, 2019

Released – AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams PLUS the Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is Coming Soon!

By |December 18, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Released - AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams PLUS the Tutorials Dojo Practice Test Portal is Coming Soon! We are happy to announce the release of our 6th AWS practice test course - the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams. It contains a total of 150 high-quality questions with complete explanations on correct and incorrect answers, visual images and diagrams, YouTube videos as needed, and also contains [...]

4Dec, 2019

Top 5 AWS Study Tips for Busy Professionals

By |December 4, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , |

Top 5 AWS Study Tips for Busy Professionals In this fast-paced world, there are a lot of things in our TO DO list that needs to be accomplished in such a short period of time. We wake up, prepare for work, rush to the office, attend our daily stand-up scrum meeting, do our Jira tickets for the current sprint, attend a yet-another-meeting at work, take care of the kids, [...]

25Nov, 2019

BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Get a Chance to WIN Any of our AWS Practice Tests for FREE

By |November 25, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Get a Chance to WIN Any of our AWS Practice Tests for FREE It's the biggest SALE of the year once again! And if rock bottom prices are not enough then we have something even more enticing for you. For five days only, if you get any 1 of our AWS practice test courses on Udemy using coupon code: TUTORIALSDOJO-2019 then you'll have a chance to be [...]

24Nov, 2019

Our Thoughts on the Beta Exam for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02)

By |November 24, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

Our Thoughts on the Beta Exam for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) Mark your calendars! March 2020 is the expected standard exam availability of the new version for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02). I took the beta exam this November in order to take a peek on the new technologies and scenarios that Amazon will probably add to the new exam version which they will release early [...]

20Nov, 2019

IP Blocking: Use AWS WAF or NACL?

By |November 20, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services, BLOG, Security Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What should you do if you identified a series of malicious attacks on your application coming from a specific IP address? Will you use AWS WAF to block that IP address or create a rule in your Network Access Control List to deny traffic from that IP? It is true that AWS WAF can filter web requests based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or URI strings, to [...]

13Nov, 2019

PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE – All of our AWS Practice Tests at Rock Bottom Prices!

By |November 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|Tags: , , , |

PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE: All of our AWS Practice Tests at Rock Bottom Prices! As you may already be aware, the biggest sale of the year is coming in a few weeks. Udemy's annual Black Friday sale will showcase all of the courses listed on their site at heavily discounted prices, including our AWS practice test courses.  If you can't wait until the Black Friday sale happening on the week [...]

30Oct, 2019

Released – AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams

By |October 30, 2019|Categories: AWS, BLOG|

Released - AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams It is with absolute delight that we announce the release of our newest course - the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams. And for the first time ever, this course was 50% co-authored by one of our valued team members, Adrian Formaran, who has recently passed both the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and Solutions Architect Associate exams. x     x [...]

24Oct, 2019

Longest Prefix Match: Understanding Advanced Concepts in VPC Peering

By |October 24, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, BLOG, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , |

VPC Peering Basics In AWS, a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connection is a networking connection between two VPCs which allows you to route specific traffic between them using either private IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses. A VPC peering connection can be created between your own VPCs, or alternatively, a VPC in another AWS account. You can also create an inter-region VPC peering connection where the VPCs are located [...]

14Oct, 2019

How to invalidate API Gateway Cache

By |October 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, BLOG, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , |

To invalidate an existing cache entry of a request and retrieve the latest data from the integration endpoint, one must send the request together with the Cache-Control: max-age=0 header. If the recipient is authorized to communicate directly to the integration endpoint, then the integration endpoint will respond with the latest data for the request. This also replaces the existing cache entry with the new response. The IAM Policy that [...]

8Oct, 2019

Top 5 Free AWS Review Materials

By |October 8, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path, BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

Currently, the cost of an AWS Certification exam starts from 150 USD for associate-level exams and up to a whopping 300 USD for professional-level and specialty-type exams. For some, this amount is negligible but to many IT professionals around the world, this amount is relatively expensive. The official AWS Practice Exam ranges from 20 to 40 USD, which you can only take once (unless you shell out another $20 or $40 again in [...]

23Aug, 2019

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam Guide Study Path DOP-C02

By , |August 23, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Study Materials AWS Services to Focus On Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge This certification is the pinnacle of your DevOps career in AWS. The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional (or AWS DevOps Pro) is the advanced certification of both AWS SysOps Administrator Associate and AWS Developer Associate. This is similar to how the AWS Solutions Architect Professional role is a [...]

23Aug, 2019

AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam Guide Study Path DVA-C02

By |August 23, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Certified Developer Study Materials AWS Services to Focus On Common Exam Scenarios AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Video Course Validate Your Knowledge The AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 certification is for those who are interested in handling cloud-based applications and services. Typically, applications developed in AWS are sold as products in the AWS Marketplace. This allows other customers to use [...]

23Aug, 2019

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam Guide Study Path SOA-C02

By |August 23, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Study Path|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks SOA-C02 Study Materials AWS Services to Focus On Additional Services To Review Exam Labs Common Exam Scenarios Validate Your Knowledge If you are a Systems Administrator or a DevOps Engineer, then this certification will test your knowledge on various technical concepts in AWS relating to Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Automation, Monitoring, and many more. Your experience in these fields [...]

20Aug, 2019

Instrumenting your Application with AWS X-Ray

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools, BLOG, Developer Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Instrumenting your Node.js application Instrumenting your Java application Instrumenting your C# .Net application Instrumenting your Python application Instrumenting your Go application Instrumenting your Node.js application The AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js provides middleware that you can use to instrument incoming HTTP requests. You need to add the SDK to your application’s dependencies, usually via package.json. Initialize the SDK client and [...]

20Aug, 2019

Calculating the Required Read and Write Capacity Unit for your DynamoDB Table

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , |

Read Capacity Unit On-Demand Mode When you choose on-demand mode, DynamoDB instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down to any previously reached traffic level. If a workload’s traffic level hits a new peak, DynamoDB adapts rapidly to accommodate the workload. The request rate is only limited by the DynamoDB throughput default table limits, but it can be raised upon request. For on-demand mode tables, you don't [...]

20Aug, 2019

AWS Lambda Integration with Amazon DynamoDB Streams

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , |

Amazon DynamoDB is integrated with AWS Lambda so that you can create triggers, which are pieces of code that automatically respond to events in DynamoDB Streams. With triggers, you can build applications that react to data modifications in DynamoDB tables. After you enable DynamoDB Streams on a table, associate the DynamoDB table with a Lambda function. AWS Lambda polls the stream and invokes your Lambda function synchronously when it [...]

20Aug, 2019

Kinesis Scaling, Resharding and Parallel Processing

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: Analytics Related Notes, AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets, BLOG|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Kinesis Resharding enables you to increase or decrease the number of shards in a stream in order to adapt to changes in the rate of data flowing through the stream. Resharding is always pairwise. You cannot split into more than two shards in a single operation, and you cannot merge more than two shards in a single operation. The Kinesis Client Library (KCL) tracks the shards in the stream [...]

20Aug, 2019

DynamoDB Scan vs Query

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services, BLOG, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Scan The Scan operation returns one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table or a secondary index. The total number of scanned items has a maximum size limit of 1 MB. Scan operations proceed sequentially; however, for faster performance on a large table or secondary index, applications can request a parallel Scan operation. Scan uses eventually consistent reads when accessing the data in [...]

20Aug, 2019

ECS Task Placement Strategies

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, BLOG, Compute Related Notes|Tags: , , , , |

A task placement strategy is an algorithm for selecting instances for task placement or tasks for termination. When a task that uses the EC2 launch type is launched, Amazon ECS must determine where to place the task based on the requirements specified in the task definition, such as CPU and memory. Similarly, when you scale down the task count, Amazon ECS must determine which tasks to terminate.  A task [...]

20Aug, 2019

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)

By |August 20, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) Cheat Sheet An open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings.  You create a JSON or YAML configuration template to model your applications.  During deployment, SAM transforms and expands the SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax. Any resource that you can declare in an AWS CloudFormation template you can also declare in an [...]

26May, 2019

Amazon MQ

By |May 26, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Other AWS Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Brokers Configuration Security and Monitoring Pricing Amazon MQ Cheat Sheet AWS offering for a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ. Message brokers allow different software systems–often using different programming languages, and on different platforms–to communicate and exchange information. Amazon MQ also supports RabbitMQ, a popular open-source message broker. Migrate your existing RabbitMQ message brokers to AWS without having [...]

14May, 2019

AWS Directory Service

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Active Directory Schema Features Security and Monitoring Pricing Active Directory Connector Simple AD Amazon Cloud Directory AWS Directory Service Cheat Sheet For Microsoft Active Directory Also known as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, the service enables your directory-aware workloads and AWS resources to use managed Active Directory in the AWS Cloud. The service is built on actual [...]

14May, 2019

AWS Migration Strategies – The 7 R’s

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Seven Common Migration Strategies (7 R’s) Rehost (“lift and shift”) Move applications to AWS without changes. In large-scale, legacy migrations, organizations are looking to move quickly to meet business objectives. Applications may become easier to re-architect once they are already running in the cloud. This happens because the hard part, which is migrating the application, data, and traffic, has already been accomplished. Replatform (“lift, tinker and shift”) You [...]

14May, 2019


By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Features How X-Ray Works Pricing AWS X-Ray-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS X-Ray Cheat Sheet AWS X-Ray analyzes and debugs production, distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can identify performance bottlenecks, edge case errors, and other hard to detect issues. Concepts A segment provides the name of the compute resources [...]

14May, 2019

AWS Step Functions

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Features Standard vs. Express Workflow How Step Functions Work Common Use Cases AWS Step Functions Cheat Sheet AWS Step Functions is a web service that provides serverless orchestration for modern applications. It enables you to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. Concepts Step Functions are based on the concepts of tasks and state machines. [...]

14May, 2019

VPC Peering

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery, Networking Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

VPC Peering Cheat Sheet A networking connection between two VPCs that enables you to route traffic between them privately using private IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses. Instances in either VPC can communicate with each other as if they are within the same network. You can create a VPC peering connection between your own VPCs, with a VPC in another AWS account, or with a VPC in a different AWS [...]

14May, 2019

AWS CodeBuild

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Features Monitoring and Security Pricing Additional Training Materials: AWS CodeBuild Video Courses on Udemy AWS CodeBuild Cheat Sheet A fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. Concepts A build project defines how CodeBuild will run a build. It includes information such as where to get the [...]

14May, 2019

AWS CodePipeline

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Features Limits Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS CodePipeline Cheat Sheet A fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for application and infrastructure updates. You can easily integrate AWS CodePipeline with third-party services such as GitHub or with your own custom plugin. Concepts A pipeline defines your release process workflow, and describes how a new [...]

14May, 2019

AWS CodeDeploy

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Developer Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts Features Monitoring Pricing AWS CodeDeploy-related Cheat Sheets: Validate Your Knowledge AWS CodeDeploy Cheat Sheet A fully managed deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and your on-premises servers. Concepts An Application is a name that uniquely identifies the application you want to deploy. CodeDeploy uses [...]

14May, 2019

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS)

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Please note that AWS has discontinued the AWS Server Migration Service (AWS SMS). AWS now recommends the AWS Application Migration Service as the primary migration service. Check out this AWS Application Migration Service Cheat Sheet. AWS Server Migration Service Cheat Sheet An agentless service for migrating thousands of on-premises workloads to AWS. This is the enhanced replacement of Amazon EC2 VM Import service. SMS orchestrates server migrations by: automating [...]

14May, 2019

AWS Database Migration Service

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) Basic Schema Copy Pricing AWS Database Migration Service Cheat Sheet AWS Database Migration Service supports homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, as well as heterogeneous migrations between different database platforms, such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora. You can use Database Migration Service for one-time data migration into RDS and EC2-based databases. You [...]

14May, 2019

Amazon Rekognition

By |May 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Machine Learning & AI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Rekognition Cheat Sheet A service that makes it easy to add powerful visual analysis to your applications. There are two services under Amazon Rekognition: Rekognition Image lets you easily build powerful applications to search, verify, and organize millions of images. Rekognition Video lets you extract motion-based context from stored or live stream videos and helps you analyze them. Rekognition Image An image recognition service that detects objects, scenes, [...]

13May, 2019

Amazon QuickSight

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features SPICE Concepts Validate Your Knowledge Amazon QuickSight Cheat Sheet  Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-powered business analytics service that makes it easy to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, and quickly get business insights from their data, anytime, on any device. Features Provides ML Insights for discovering hidden trends and outliers, identify key business drivers, and perform powerful what-if analysis and forecasting. [...]

13May, 2019

Amazon OpenSearch Service (formerly Amazon ElasticSearch)

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon OpenSearch Service Cheat Sheet Amazon OpenSearch lets you search, analyze, and visualize your data in real-time. This service manages the capacity, scaling, patching, and administration of your Elasticsearch clusters for you, while still giving you direct access to the Elasticsearch APIs. The service offers open-source Elasticsearch APIs, managed Kibana, and integrations with Logstash and other AWS Services. This combination is often coined as the ELK Stack. Amazon OpenSearch [...]

13May, 2019

Amazon Mechanical Turk

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, Other AWS Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Mechanical Turk Cheat Sheet A forum where Requesters post work as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs). Workers complete HITs in exchange for a reward. Essentially crowdsourcing. You write, test, and publish your HIT using the Mechanical Turk developer sandbox, Amazon Mechanical Turk APIs, and AWS SDKs. Benefits Optimize efficiency since MTurk is well-suited to take on simple and repetitive tasks in your workflows which need to be handled manually. [...]

13May, 2019

Redis (cluster mode enabled vs disabled) vs Memcached

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Database Services, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Redis (cluster mode enabled) Redis (cluster mode disabled) Memcached Data Types string, sets, sorted sets, lists, hashes, bitmaps, hyperloglog, geospatial indexes string, sets, sorted sets, lists, hashes, bitmaps, hyperloglog, geospatial indexes string, objects (like databases) Data Partitioning (distribute your data among multiple nodes) Supported Unsupported Supported Modifiable cluster Only versions 3.2.10 and later  Yes Yes Online resharding Only versions 3.2.10 and later  No No Encryption 3.2.6, 4.0.10 and [...]

13May, 2019

Latency Routing vs Geoproximity Routing vs Geolocation Routing

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  Latency Routing Geoproximity Routing Geolocation Routing Definition Lets Route 53 serve user requests from the AWS Region that provides the lowest latency. It does not, however, guarantee that users in the same geographic region will be served from the same location. Latency-based routing is based on latency measurements performed over a period of time, and the measurements reflect changes in network connectivity and routing. Lets Amazon Route 53 [...]

13May, 2019

Backup and Restore vs Pilot Light vs Warm Standby vs Multi-site

By |May 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

You should select the most appropriate DR plan to meet your company RTO and RPO. Consider also your budget and which system elements are most critical for your business. Backup and Restore Pilot Light This DR plan provides the slowest system restoration after a DR event. You take frequent snapshots of your data such as those in Amazon EBS Volumes and Amazon RDS databases, and you store them in [...]

8May, 2019

EC2 Instance Health Check vs ELB Health Check vs Auto Scaling and Custom Health Check

By |May 8, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

EC2 instance health check Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) health check Auto Scaling and Custom health checks Amazon EC2 performs automated checks on every running EC2 instance to identify hardware and software issues. Status checks are performed every minute and each returns a pass or a fail status.  If all checks pass, the overall status of the instance is OK.  If one or more checks fail, the overall status is [...]

1May, 2019

SNI Custom SSL vs Dedicated IP Custom SSL

By |May 1, 2019|Categories: AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Server Name Indication (SNI) Custom SSL Dedicated IP Custom SSL Relies on the SNI extension of the TLS protocol, which allows multiple domains to serve SSL traffic over the same IP address. Offers the same level of security when using Dedicated IP Custom SSL. If you configure CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests using SNI, CloudFront associates your alternate domain name with an IP address for each edge location. The [...]

1May, 2019

Redis Append-Only Files vs Redis Replication

By |May 1, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services, AWS Database Services, Database Related Notes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Redis Append-Only Files (AOF) Redis Replication You can enable the Redis append-only file feature (AOF) for data durability. It is similar to creating manual backups. When enabled, the node writes all of the commands that change cache data to an append-only file.  When a node is rebooted and the cache engine starts, Redis goes through an AOF to replay the actions that were performed before the crash; the result [...]

1May, 2019

Elastic Container Service (ECS) vs Lambda

By |May 1, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) AWS Lambda Amazon ECS is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. ECS eliminates the need for you to install, operate, and scale your own cluster management infrastructure. With ECS, deploying containerized applications is easily accomplished. This service fits well in running batch jobs [...]

1May, 2019

Service Control Policies (SCP) vs IAM Policies

By |May 1, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Service Control Policies (SCP) IAM Policies SCPs are mainly used along with AWS Organizations organizational units (OUs). SCPs do not replace IAM Policies such that they do not provide actual permissions. To perform an action, you would still need to grant appropriate IAM Policy permissions. Even if a Principal is allowed to perform a certain action (granted through IAM Policies), an attached SCP will override that capability if it [...]

30Apr, 2019

S3 Transfer Acceleration vs Direct Connect vs VPN vs Snowball Edge vs Snowmobile

By |April 30, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

S3 Transfer Acceleration (TA) AWS Direct Connect AWS VPN Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration makes public Internet transfers to S3 faster, as it leverages Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed AWS Edge Locations. There is no guarantee that you will experience increased transfer speeds. If S3 Transfer Acceleration is not likely to be faster than a regular S3 transfer of the same object to the same destination AWS Region, AWS will not [...]

30Apr, 2019

Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer vs Gateway Load Balancer

By |April 30, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer vs Gateway Load Balancer Feature Application Load Balancer Network Load Balancer Gateway Load Balancer Protocols HTTP, HTTPS, gRPC TCP, UDP, TLS IP Platforms VPC VPC VPC Health checks HTTP, HTTPS, gRPC TCP, HTTP, HTTPS TCP, HTTP, HTTPS Cloudwatch Metrics Yes Yes Yes Logging Yes Yes Yes Zonal Failover Yes Yes Yes Connection Draining (deregistration delay) Yes Yes Yes Load Balancing to multiple [...]

29Apr, 2019

Elastic Beanstalk vs CloudFormation vs OpsWorks vs CodeDeploy

By |April 29, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS CloudFormation AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it even easier for developers to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud. Developers simply upload their application, and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring. This platform-as-a-service solution is typically for those who want to deploy and manage their applications within minutes in the AWS Cloud without [...]

29Apr, 2019

Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) vs AWS Step Functions vs Amazon SQS

By |April 29, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) A web service that makes it easy to coordinate work across distributed application components. In Amazon SWF, tasks represent invocations of logical steps in applications. Tasks are processed by workers which are programs that interact with Amazon SWF to get tasks, process them, and return their results. The coordination of tasks involves managing execution dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of [...]

29Apr, 2019

CloudWatch Agent vs SSM Agent vs Custom Daemon Scripts

By |April 29, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

CloudWatch Agent SSM Agent (AWS Systems Manager) Custom Daemon Scripts CloudWatch agent allows you to collect more system-level metrics from your EC2 and on-premises servers than just the standard CloudWatch metrics. It also enables you to retrieve custom metrics from your applications or services using the StatsD and collectd protocols. StatsD is supported on both Linux servers and servers running Windows Server. collectd is supported only on Linux servers. [...]

28Apr, 2019

S3 Pre-signed URLs vs CloudFront Signed URLs vs Origin Access Identity (OAI) vs Origin Access Control (OAC)

By |April 28, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  S3 Pre-signed URLs CloudFront Signed URLs Origin Access Identity (OAI) Origin Access Control (OAC) All S3 buckets and objects by default are private. Only the object owner has permission to access these objects. Pre-signed URLs use the owner’s security credentials to grant others time-limited permission to download or upload objects. When creating a pre-signed URL, you (as the owner) need to provide the following: Your security credentials An S3 [...]

1Mar, 2019

Buy 1 Get 1 FREE AWS Practice Test Anniversary Sale!

By |March 1, 2019|Categories: Others|

Buy 1 Get 1 FREE AWS Practice Test Anniversary Sale! This month marks the 1st year anniversary of our top-notch AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam course on Udemy. It has truly been an amazing journey for Tutorials Dojo, shifting from JavaScript to Cloud Computing, and eventually gaining close to 50,000 students on all of our practice test courses for the past 12 months.   And what better [...]

24Feb, 2019

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Tips for Udemy Students

By |February 24, 2019|Categories: Others|

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Tips Hey Fellow Architects - we would like to take this opportunity to share with you some very helpful exam tips shared by our students who have successfully achieved their AWS Associate certification. We found these buried in the Q&A section of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test course and we thought they were just too handy not to share with everyone. [...]

22Jan, 2019


By |January 22, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

On a given volume configuration, certain I/O characteristics drive the performance behavior for your EBS volumes. SSD-backed volumes, such as General Purpose SSD (gp2) and Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1,io2), deliver consistent performance whether an I/O operation is random or sequential. HDD-backed volumes like Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1) deliver optimal performance only when I/O operations are large and sequential. In the exam, always consider the difference [...]

14Jan, 2019

Security Group vs NACL

By |January 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Security Group Network Access Control List Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances. Acts as a firewall for associated subnets. Controls both inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level. Controls both inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level. You can secure your VPC instances using only security groups. Network ACLs are an additional layer of defense. Supports allow rules only. Supports allow rules and deny [...]

14Jan, 2019

AWS CloudTrail vs Amazon CloudWatch

By |January 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS CloudTrail vs Amazon CloudWatch Cheat Sheet CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS resources and applications. CloudTrail is a web service that records API activity in your AWS account. They are both useful monitoring tools in AWS. By default, CloudWatch offers free basic monitoring for your resources, such as EC2 instances, EBS volumes, and RDS DB instances. CloudTrail is also enabled by default when you create your AWS [...]

14Jan, 2019

S3 Standard vs S3 Standard-IA vs S3 One Zone-IA vs S3 Intelligent Tiering vs S3 Express One Zone

By |January 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  S3 Standard S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (IA) S3  One Zone - Infrequent Access (IA) S3 Intelligent Tiering S3 Express One Zone Features General-purpose storage of frequently accessed data. For long-lived, rapid but less frequently accessed data; data is stored redundantly in multiple AZs. For long-lived, rapid but less frequently accessed data; data is stored redundantly in only one AZ of your choice. For long-lived data that have unpredictable access [...]

14Jan, 2019

Amazon S3 vs Glacier

By |January 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Amazon S3 is a durable, secure, simple, and fast storage service, while Amazon S3 Glacier is used for archiving solutions. Use S3 if you need low latency or frequent access to your data. Use S3 Glacier for low storage cost, and you do not require millisecond access to your data. You have three retrieval options when it comes to Glacier, each varying in the cost and speed it retrieves [...]

14Jan, 2019

Amazon RDS vs DynamoDB

By |January 14, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  RDS DynamoDB Type of database Managed relational (SQL) database Fully managed key-value and document (NoSQL) database Features Has several database instance types for different kinds of workloads and supports six database engines - Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, and SQL Server. Delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. Storage Size -128 TB for Aurora engine. -64 TB for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and PostgreSQL engines. -16 TB for SQL Server engine. [...]

13Jan, 2019

Amazon S3 vs EBS vs EFS

By |January 13, 2019|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Comparison of Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  S3 EBS EFS Type of storage Object storage. You can store virtually any kind of data in any format. Persistent block level storage for EC2 instances. POSIX-compliant file storage for EC2 instances. Features Accessible to anyone or any service with the right permissions Deliver performance for workloads that require the lowest-latency access to data from a single EC2 instance Has a file system interface, file system access semantics [...]

20Dec, 2018

AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks General Features Types of Load Balancers Security Authentication and Access Control Summary of Features Pricing AWS Elastic Load Balancing-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS Elastic Load Balancing Cheat Sheet Distributes incoming application or network traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers (ECS), Lambda functions, and IP addresses, in multiple Availability Zones. When you create a [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon WorkSpaces

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Desktop and App Streaming|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Pricing Amazon WorkSpaces Cheat Sheet A fully-managed, secure cloud desktop service. Features You can create a standalone, managed directory for users, or you can integrate it with your existing Active Directory environment so that your users can use their current credentials to obtain seamless access to corporate resources. WorkSpaces provides a persistent desktop. Offers a range of bundles that provide different hardware [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon Simple WorkFlow (Amazon SWF)

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Workflow Execution Endpoints AWS Flow Framework Pricing SQS vs SWF Limits Amazon Simple WorkFlow Cheat Sheet A fully-managed state tracker and task coordinator in the Cloud. You create desired workflows with their associated tasks and any conditional logic you wish to apply and store them with SWF. Features SWF promotes a separation between the control [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon SNS

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Publishers and Subscribers SNS Topics Message Attributes Message Filtering Raw Message Delivery System to System Messaging User Notifications SNS Delivery Retries Monitoring Security Pricing Limits Amazon SNS Cheat Sheet A web service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and send notifications from the cloud. SNS follows the “publish-subscribe” (pub-sub) [...]

20Dec, 2018

AWS Billing and Cost Management

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Billing, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS CSA FAQ|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks AWS Free Tier AWS Cost Anomaly Detection AWS Billing Conductor AWS Cost and Usage Reports AWS Cost Explorer AWS Budgets AWS Billing and Cost Management Cheat Sheet Cost Explorer tracks and analyzes your AWS usage. It is free for all accounts. Use Budgets to manage budgets for your account. Use Bills to see details about your current charges. Use [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon Inspector

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Rules Packages and Rules Assessment Reports Pricing Amazon Inspector Cheat Sheet An automated security assessment service that helps you test the network accessibility of your EC2 instances and the security state of your applications running on the instances. Inspector uses IAM service-linked roles. Features Inspector provides an engine that analyzes system and resource configuration and monitors activity to [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon Kinesis

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Kinesis Video Streams Kinesis Data Stream Data Firehose Kinesis Data Analytics Amazon Kinesis-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Kinesis Cheat Sheet Makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data. Kinesis can ingest real-time data such as video, audio, application logs, website clickstreams, and IoT telemetry data for machine learning, analytics, and other applications. Kinesis Video [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon EMR

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components EMR Architecture Data Processing Scaling Deployment EMR Notebooks Managing Clusters High Availability Monitoring Security Pricing Amazon EMR Cheat Sheet A managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, on AWS to process and analyze vast amounts of data. You can process data for [...]

20Dec, 2018

AWS Data Pipeline

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components Pipeline Definition Task Runners AWS Data Pipeline vs Amazon Simple WorkFlow Pricing AWS Data Pipeline Cheat Sheet A web service for scheduling regular data movement and data processing activities in the AWS cloud. Data Pipeline integrates with on-premise and cloud-based storage systems. A managed ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) service. Native integration with S3, DynamoDB, RDS, EMR, EC2, and Redshift. [...]

20Dec, 2018

Amazon CloudSearch

By |December 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Scaling Fault Tolerance Monitoring Pricing Amazon CloudSearch Cheat Sheet A fully-managed service in the AWS Cloud that makes it easy to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your website or application. Features You can use CloudSearch to index and search both structured data and plain text. Full text search with language-specific text processing Boolean search Prefix [...]

19Dec, 2018

Amazon Athena

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Queries Athena Federated Queries Optimizing Query Performance Cost Controls Partition projection with Amazon Athena Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Athena Cheat Sheet An interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 and other data sources using SQL. Features Athena is serverless. Has a built-in query editor. Uses Presto, [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS Trusted Advisor

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Trusted Advisor Cheat Sheet Trusted Advisor analyzes your AWS environment and provides best practice recommendations in five categories: Cost Optimization Performance Security Fault Tolerance Service Limits Access to the full set of Trusted Advisor checks is available to Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, and Enterprise Support plans.   Concepts The AWS Support API gives you access to some of the AWS Support Center's features and provides two different groups of [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS Systems Manager

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Capabilities Monitoring Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Systems Manager Cheat Sheet Allows you to centralize operational data from multiple AWS services and automate tasks across your AWS resources. Features Create logical groups of resources such as applications, different layers of an application stack, or production versus development environments. You can select a resource group and view its [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS OpsWorks

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise OpsWorks for Chef Automate OpsWorks Stacks AWS OpsWorks-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS OpsWorks Cheat Sheet A configuration management service that helps you configure and operate applications in a cloud enterprise by using Puppet or Chef. AWS OpsWorks Stacks and AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate (1 and 2) let you use Chef cookbooks and solutions [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS Management Console

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Management Console Cheat Sheet Resource Groups A collection of AWS resources that are all in the same AWS region, and that match criteria provided in a query. Resource groups make it easier to manage and automate tasks on large numbers of resources at one time. Two types of queries on which you can build a group: Tag-based AWS CloudFormation stack-based Tag Editor Tags are words or phrases that [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS Health

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Health Cheat Sheet Provides ongoing visibility into the state of your AWS resources, services, and accounts. The service delivers alerts and notifications triggered by changes in the health of AWS resources. The AWS Health Dashboard, powered by the AWS Health API, is available to all customers. The dashboard requires no setup, and it is ready to use for authenticated AWS users. The AWS Health Dashboard organizes issues in [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS Config

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Monitoring Security Compliances Pricing AWS Config Cheat Sheet A fully managed service that provides you with an AWS resource inventory, configuration history, and configuration change notifications to enable security and governance. Features Multi-account, multi-region data aggregation gives you an enterprise-wide view of your Config rule compliance status, and you can associate your AWS organization to quickly add [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS CloudFormation

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features CloudFormation vs Elastic Beanstalk Concepts Stacks Templates StackSets Monitoring Security Pricing AWS CloudFormation-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS CloudFormation Cheat Sheet A service that gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion. Features CloudFormation allows you [...]

19Dec, 2018

Amazon SQS

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Application Services, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Benefits Basic SQS Architecture Dead-Letter Queues Best Practices Monitoring, Logging, and Automating Security Pricing Limits Amazon SQS-Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon SQS Cheat Sheet A hosted queue that lets you integrate and decouple distributed software systems and components. SQS supports both standard and FIFO queues. SQS uses pull based (polling) not push based [...]

19Dec, 2018

Amazon CloudWatch

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks CloudWatch Concepts CloudWatch Dashboard CloudWatch Events CloudWatch Logs CloudWatch Agent CloudWatch Metric Streams Authentication and Access Control Pricing Amazon CloudWatch-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon CloudWatch Cheat Sheet Monitoring tool for your AWS resources and applications. Display metrics and create alarms that watch the metrics and send notifications or automatically make changes to the [...]

19Dec, 2018

AWS CloudTrail

By |December 19, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Trails Events Monitoring Price Limits AWS CloudTrail-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS CloudTrail Cheat Sheet Actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, and AWS SDKs and APIs are recorded as events. CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create it. CloudTrail focuses on [...]

17Dec, 2018

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)

By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Concepts Importing Keys Deleting Keys Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS KMS Cheat Sheet A managed service that enables you to easily encrypt your data. KMS provides a highly available key storage, management, and auditing solution for you to encrypt data within your own applications and control the encryption of stored data across AWS services. Features AWS KMS is [...]

17Dec, 2018

AWS Organizations

By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Administrative Actions in Organization Concepts Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Organizations Cheat Sheet It offers policy-based management for multiple AWS accounts. Features With Organizations, you can create groups of accounts and then apply policies to those groups. Organizations provides you a policy framework for multiple AWS accounts. You can apply policies to a group of accounts or all the [...]

17Dec, 2018


By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS WAF Cheat Sheet A web application firewall that helps protect web applications from attacks by allowing you to configure rules that allow, block, or monitor (count) web requests based on conditions that you define. These conditions include: IP addresses HTTP headers HTTP body URI strings SQL injection cross-site scripting. Features WAF lets you create rules to filter web traffic based on conditions that include IP addresses, HTTP headers [...]

17Dec, 2018

AWS Shield

By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Shield Cheat Sheet A managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service that safeguards applications running on AWS. Shield Tiers and Features Standard All AWS customers benefit from the automatic protections of Shield Standard. Shield Standard provides always-on network flow monitoring which inspects incoming traffic to AWS and detect malicious traffic in real-time. Uses several techniques like deterministic packet filtering, and priority based traffic shaping to automatically mitigate [...]

17Dec, 2018

AWS Firewall Manager

By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Firewall Manager Cheat Sheet Simplifies your AWS WAF administration and maintenance tasks across multiple accounts and resources. You set up your firewall rules just once, and the service automatically applies your rules across your accounts and resources. Features Firewall Manager allows you to apply WAF rules, as well as Managed Rules for AWS WAF, on a group of resources. Firewall Manager is integrated with AWS Organizations, so you [...]

17Dec, 2018

AWS Identity and Access Management ( IAM )

By |December 17, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Security & Identity Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Infrastructure Elements Users Policies AWS Security Token Service (STS) Assume Role Options STS Get Tokens IAM Access Analyzer IAM Identity Center Best Practices AWS IAM-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS Identity and Access Management Cheat Sheet Control who is authenticated (signed in) and authorized (has permissions) to use resources. AWS account [...]

13Dec, 2018

AWS Auto Scaling

By |December 13, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Management Tools|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Application Auto Scaling Monitoring Security AWS Auto Scaling-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS Auto Scaling Cheat Sheet Configure automatic scaling for the AWS resources quickly through a scaling plan that uses dynamic scaling and predictive scaling. Optimize for availability, for cost, or a balance of both. Scaling in means decreasing the size [...]

13Dec, 2018

AWS Direct Connect

By |December 13, 2018|Categories: Angular, AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Beneficial Use Cases Setting Up Methods Components Cross Connects Virtual Interfaces Link Aggregation Groups (LAG) Direct Connect Gateways SiteLink Security Monitoring Pricing AWS Direct Connect-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS Direct Connect Cheat Sheet Using Direct Connect, data can now be delivered through a private network connection between AWS and your [...]

13Dec, 2018

Amazon CloudFront

By |December 13, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks How Cloudfront Delivers Content Cache Behavior Settings Price Class Performance and Availability Using HTTPS with Cloudfront Monitoring Security Pricing Amazon Cloudfront-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon CloudFront Cheat Sheet A web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content to your users. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. It delivers [...]

12Dec, 2018

AWS Snowmobile

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Snowmobile Cheat Sheet An exabyte-scale data transfer service used to move extremely large amounts of data to AWS. You can transfer up to 100PB per Snowmobile. Snowmobile will be returned to your designated AWS region where your data will be uploaded into the AWS storage services you have selected, such as S3 or Glacier. Snowmobile uses multiple layers of security to help protect your data including dedicated security [...]

12Dec, 2018

Amazon API Gateway

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Concepts API Endpoint Types Features Monitoring Security Pricing Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon API Gateway Cheat Sheet Enables developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. This is a HIPAA eligible service. Allows creating, deploying, and managing a RESTful API to expose backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. [...]

12Dec, 2018

AWS Snowball Edge

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Migration Services, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Snowball vs Snowball Edge Job Types Recommendations Security Pricing Limits AWS Snowball Edge Cheat Sheet A type of Snowball device with on-board storage and compute power for select AWS capabilities. It can undertake local processing and edge-computing workloads in addition to transferring data between your local environment and the AWS Cloud. Has on-board S3-compatible storage and compute [...]

12Dec, 2018

AWS Snowball

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Snowball Accelerates transferring large amounts of data into and out of AWS using physical storage devices, bypassing the Internet. In the US regions, Snowballs come in two sizes: 50 TB and 80 TB. All other regions have 80 TB Snowballs only. You possess the machine for 10 days for free to perform your data transfer.  Features Import and export data between your on-premises data storage locations and S3. [...]

12Dec, 2018

Amazon Redshift

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Analytics Services, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Components Database Querying Options Enhanced VPC Routing Redshift Spectrum RedShift Streaming Ingestion Redshift ML Redshift Data Sharing Redshift Cross-Database Query Cluster Snaphots Monitoring Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Redshift Cheat Sheet A fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service. Redshift extends data warehouse queries to your data lake. You can run analytic [...]

12Dec, 2018

Amazon ElastiCache

By |December 12, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Components ElastiCache Memchached Caching Strategies Scaling ElastiCache for Memcached Clusters Monitoring Redis vs Memcached Pricing Amazon ElastiCache-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon ElastiCache Cheat Sheet ElastiCache is a distributed in-memory cache environment in the AWS Cloud. ElastiCache works with both the Redis and Memcached engines. Components ElastiCache Nodes A node is a fixed-size chunk of secure, [...]

11Dec, 2018

Amazon Aurora

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks DB Clusters Aurora Endpoints Storage and Reliability High Availability Fault Tolerance Aurora Global Database DB Cluster Configurations Tags Monitoring Security Pricing Deep Drive on Amazon Aurora Validate Your Knowledge Amazon Aurora Cheat Sheet A fully managed relational database engine that's compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. With some workloads, Aurora can deliver up to [...]

11Dec, 2018

AWS Storage Gateway

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Storage Solutions Security Compliance Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Storage Gateway Cheat Sheet The service enables hybrid storage between on-premises environments and the AWS Cloud. It integrates on-premises enterprise applications and workflows with Amazon’s block and object cloud storage services through industry standard storage protocols. The service stores files as native S3 objects, archives virtual tapes in Amazon Glacier, and [...]

11Dec, 2018

Amazon VPC

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Concepts EC2-VPC vs EC2-Classic Default vs Non-default VPC Accessing a Corporate or Home Network VPC Use Case Scenarios Subnets Subnet Routing Subnet Security VPC Networking Components VPN Connections VPC Traffic Mirroring Pricing Amazon VPC-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon VPC Cheat Sheet Create a virtual network in the cloud [...]

11Dec, 2018

Amazon Route 53

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Networking & Content Delivery|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Key Features Domain Registration Routing Internet Traffic to your Website or Web Application Route 53 Health Checks Know the Following Concepts Routing Policies Hosted Zones Records Supported DNS Record Types DNS Domain Name Format Using Traffic Flow to Route DNS Traffic Route 53 Resolvers Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover Authentication and Access [...]

11Dec, 2018

Amazon S3 Glacier

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Data Model Glacier Operations Vaults Archives Glacier Select Glacier Data Retrival Policies Security Pricing Limits Other Amazon Glacier Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon S3 Glacier Cheat Sheet Long-term archival solution optimized for infrequently used data, or "cold data." Glacier is a REST-based web service. You can store an unlimited number of archives [...]

11Dec, 2018

Amazon EFS

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Performance Modes Throughput Modes Mount Targets Access Points Components of a File System Data Consistency in EFS Managing File Systems Mounting File Systems Lifecycle Management Monitoring File Systems Security Pricing EFS vs EBS vs S3 Other Amazon EFS-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon EFS Cheat Sheet  A [...]

11Dec, 2018

AWS Lambda

By |December 11, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Introduction to AWS Lambda Components of a Lambda Application Lambda Functions Invoking Functions Event Source Mapping Deploying Codes with External Dependencies Concurrency Management Lambda Function URL Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in a VPC Lambda@Edge AWS Lambda SnapStart Pricing AWS Lambda-Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge AWS Lambda Cheat [...]

10Dec, 2018

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Environment Pages Elastic Beanstalk Concepts Environment Types Environment Configurations Monitoring Security Pricing Validate Your Knowledge AWS Elastic Beanstalk Cheat Sheet Allows you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without worrying about the infrastructure that runs those applications. Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring [...]

10Dec, 2018

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components Security Pricing Amazon Elastic Container Registry Cheat Sheet A managed AWS Docker registry service. Amazon ECR is a regional service. Features ECR supports Docker Registry HTTP API V2 allowing you to use Docker CLI commands or your preferred Docker tools in maintaining your existing development workflow. ECR stores both the containers you create and any container software you buy [...]

10Dec, 2018

AWS Batch

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components Jobs Job Definitions Job Queues Compute Environment Security Monitoring Pricing AWS Batch Cheat Sheet Enables you to run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud. It is a regional service that simplifies running batch jobs across multiple AZs within a region. Features Batch manages compute environments and job queues, allowing you to easily run [...]

10Dec, 2018

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Compute Services, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Components AWS Fargate Task Definitions for Fargate Launch Task Definitions for EC2 Launch Type Monitoring Tagging Pricing Amazon Elastic Container Service Cheat Sheet A container management service to run, stop and manage Docker containers on a cluster. ECS can be used to create a consistent deployment and build experience, manage, and scale batch and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) [...]

5Dec, 2018

Amazon Relational Database Service ( Amazon RDS )

By |December 5, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks DB Engines DB Instance RDS Storage Auto Scaling Security Tagging High Availability Using Multi-AZ Read Replicas Backups and Restores Monitoring RDS Proxy Pricing Best Practices Amazon RDS-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon RDS Cheat Sheet Industry-standard relational database RDS manages backups, software patching, automatic failure detection, and recovery. You can [...]

4Dec, 2018

Amazon DynamoDB

By |December 4, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Database Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Core Components Data Types For Attributes Other Notes Throughout Management Capacity Unit Consumption DynamoDB Auto Scaling DynamoDB Items Tagging DynamoDB Queries DynamoDB Scans On Demand Backup and Restore DynamoDB Transactions Global Tables Security Monitoring DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Best Practices Pricing DynamoDB-Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge [...]

4Dec, 2018

Amazon EBS

By |December 4, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Types of EBS Volumes Encryption Monitoring Modifying the Size EBS Snapshots Amazon EBS Optimized Instances Pricing Improving Performance Free Amazon EBS Tutorials on YouTube Other Amazon EBS-related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon EBS Cheat Sheet Block level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances. Well-suited for use as the primary storage [...]

4Dec, 2018

Amazon S3

By |December 4, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Storage Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Buckets Data Consistency Model Storage Classes S3 API Bucket Configurations Objects Pricing Networking Security Encryption Monitoring S3 Events Notification Amazon S3 Best Practices from AWS re:Invent Amazon S3 Related Cheat Sheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon S3 Cheat Sheet S3 stores data as objects within buckets. An object consists of a [...]

3Dec, 2018

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud – Amazon EC2 Cheat Sheet

By |December 3, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Compute Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Features Instance States Root Device Volumes AMI EC2 Image Builder Pricing Security Networking Monitoring Instance Metadata and User Data Placement Groups Rules Storage Amazon EC2 Related Cheatsheets Validate Your Knowledge Amazon EC2 Cheat Sheet A Linux-based/Windows-based/Mac-based virtual server that you can provision. You are limited to running On-Demand Instances per [...]

1Dec, 2018

AWS Well-Architected Framework – Disaster Recovery

By |December 1, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Backup and Restore Pilot Light Warm Standby Multi-Site Services AWS Disaster Recovery Cheat Sheet RTO is the time it takes after a disruption to restore a business process to its service level. RPO is the acceptable amount of data loss measured in time before the disaster occurs. Disaster Recovery With AWS Backup and Restore - storing backup data on S3 [...]

1Dec, 2018

AWS Well-Architected Framework – Design Principles

By |December 1, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Scalability Disposable Resources Instead of Fixed Servers Automation Loose Coupling Services Not Servers Databases Managing Increasing Volumes of Data Removing Single Points of Failure Optimize for Cost Caching Security Cloud Architecture Best Practices AWS Design Principles Cheat Sheet 1. Scalability Scaling Horizontally - an increase in the number of resources Scaling Vertically - [...]

1Dec, 2018

AWS Well-Architected Framework – Six Pillars

By |December 1, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bookmarks Operational Excellence Security Reliability Performance Efficiency Cost Optimization Sustainability What is the AWS Well-Architected Framework? The AWS Well-Architected Framework is basically a body of knowledge that describes the various design principles, key concepts, design and architectural best practices that can help companies design and run highly efficient workloads in the AWS platform. This framework ensures [...]

1Dec, 2018

AWS Pricing

By |December 1, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview, Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Pricing Cheat Sheet There are three fundamental drivers of cost with AWS: Compute Storage Outbound data transfer. AWS offers pay-as-you-go pricing. For certain services like Amazon EC2, Amazon EMR, and Amazon RDS, you can invest in reserved capacity. With Reserved Instances, you can save up to 75% over equivalent on-demand capacity. When you buy Reserved Instances, the larger the upfront payment, the greater the discount. With the All [...]

1Dec, 2018

AWS Global Infrastructure

By |December 1, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS Cheat Sheets, AWS Overview|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

AWS Global Infrastructure Cheat Sheet Amazon Web Services provides the most extensive global footprint compared to any other cloud provider in the market, and it opens up new regions faster than others.  AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure AWS provides the most extensive global footprint compared to any other cloud providers in the market, and it opens up new regions faster than others/. AWS maintains numerous geographic regions around the globe, [...]

14Aug, 2018

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Tips

By |August 14, 2018|Categories: Others|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Tips Hey Fellow Architects - we would like to take this opportunity to share with you some very helpful exam tips shared by our students who have successfully achieved their AWS Associate certification. We found these buried in the Q&A section of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test course and we thought they were just too handy not to share with everyone. [...]

20Jul, 2018

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Questions with Explanations Part 1

By |July 20, 2018|Categories: AWS, AWS CSA FAQ|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Questions with Explanations Part 1 AWS Solutions Architect is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share. But before you become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, you have to pass the Associate exam first and this is where AWS practice tests come in. It is possible that you have read [...]